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    Performance Appraisal In Hilton Hotel

    University: UK College of Business and Computing

    • Unit No: 5
    • Level: Undergraduate/College
    • Pages: 14 / Words 3566
    • Paper Type: Assignment
    • Course Code: R/508/0486
    • Downloads: 1418


    Performance appraisal is defined as the procedure which includes the review of the work done by employees. It is considered to be an important process that assists managers or leaders in making quick decisions related to the hiring or firing of workers. Performance management or appraisal is considered to be an important function to be performed by management, as the success and growth of the company is totally dependent on workers' performance. The performance appraisal process is very much beneficial, as it helps management in identifying talented as well as highly skilled workers.

    The purpose of the Report is to develop an understanding of the effect of performance appraisal techniques used by managers on employees' behaviour as well as performance in the context of Hilton Hotel.


    1.1 Project specification

    Background :

    Earlier, traditional techniques such as personal observation techniques has been used by manager or leader in an enterprise for measuring the performance of workers. Manager or leader in an organisation used to work with employees, with the purpose of analysing their behaviour during the task. All traditional techniques as well as performance appraisal procedures was time consuming. But with the passage of time and advance in technology many new techniques have been evolved which now can be utilised by human resource manager for measuring employees performance.

    Research problem : There has been the conflict and high level of dissatisfaction in workers due to inconsistent as well as ineffective techniques used for performance appraisal.

    Research question :

    • What impact performance appraisal techniques have on the performance as well as behaviour of workers ?
    • What are the consequences of if manager uses the inconsistent as well as ineffective performance appraisal technique ?

    Aims :TO analyse the impact of performance appraisal system on workers' behaviour and performance.

    Objectives :

    • To develop the understanding about the performance appraisal system and its importance in an organisation.
    • To assess the performance appraisal system in Hospitality sector.
    • To identify new techniques of conducting performance appraisal.
    • To bring improvement in performance appraisal or measurement system.
    • To suggest the strategies which can be utilised for improving the performance appraisal procedure.

    Scope : in present investigation, scholar aim is to analyse the impact of performance appraisal system on employees, investigator will conduct only few activities during the investigation process (Kumar, 2014). Therefore, study has limited scope.

    1.2 Rationale for selection of topic related to the investigation

    Research topic analysing the impact of digital technology on the employees' behaviour as well as performance within an organisation has been selected. This specific topic has been selected for the research as many of the companies in hospitality sector is facing the issue related to the high employee turnover. Investigator perceives that reason for specific issue is ineffective performance evaluation system. Researcher has selected this topic for research in order to judge whether an individual determination is right or wrong.

    1.4 Project specification

    Research design- There are varieties of research design such as exploratory, descriptive, explanatory, experimental etc. It is very much important for investigator to select the suitable research design, as this factor has direct as well as significant impact on quality of work. In present investigation, investigator will utilise explanatory design for investigation process (Zumitzavan and Michie,2015). This specific design has been selected with the purpose of getting the depth knowledge about field.

    Research approach –It includes mainly two forms of approaches such as inductive as well as deductive (Miller and et. al., 2012). In present investigation , scholar have utilised inductive approach for facilitating investigation.

    Data collection Methodologies – Both primary and secondary sources have been utilised by investigator in present study for accumulating facts relevant to research topic. In addition to this, questionnaire and personal interview has been selected as the technique for collecting the information (Mackey and Gass, 2015). Questionnaire consist of question related to the topic of investigation. Email has been selected as the medium or tool for circulating the questionnaire.

    Sampling –In present investigation process, random sampling technique has been used by the scholar for selecting few respondents from large population.

    Data analysis- Qualitative as well as quantitative are the two types of techniques which can be utilised by scholar during investigation (Prescott,Gray and McDonagh,2015). Data analysis has been done by researcher in order to ensure the reliability as well as accuracy of information which has been gathered during survey.

    Research philosophy- It is the set of assumption or belief on the basis of which various activities are executed by researcher during investigation. Research philosophy is analysed by researcher when accumulating the facts relevant to the topic of investigation (Mukhopadhyay, and Gupta,2014). Two main research philosophy are Interpretive and positivism. In present investigation , Scholar have used the positivism research philosophy.

    1.5 Project management plan


    Preparationn of Content for research

    Setting of Aim And Objectives

    Background Study

    Selection of Methodologies of investigation

    Data collection.

    Analysis of information

    Presentation of data

    Conclusion And Recommendations

    Submission Of Draft Report

    Modifications according to the Comments

    Final Submission 

    Chapter 2

    1.3 Critical Review

    According to Rosen and et. al., (2017) Performance Appraisal in an important aspect of every organisation which leads to motivate every worker for contributing more which leads to increase their productivity in an efficient manner and also leads to provide recognition to their work which makes them more positive. It is regarded as a tool for developing the career of manager as well as employee. Performance appraisals has a numerous varieties of effects on each worker which every manager should understand and even identify. This is known to be an aspect for increasing the efficiency of worker along with their development.

    Certo, (2018) asserted that it is an motivational source and is used for improving the productivity of a company. When a worker sights his goal in a clear and defined manner and his challenges in the performance are identified which results in providing the solution for career development that leads to facilitate in advancing his career. The major goal is to influence every employee to give his best performance by pushing beyond the limit. This is all achieved by creation of a comprehensive plan for developing employee and giving achievements for striving that will lead to inspire a greater level of efficiency in work aspect.

    Every worker performs his best for giving out an effective result which is base on the correct guidance from respective management. A part of this concept includes the review of manager regarding the description of job and comparing the performance of an employee with the expectation that is regarded as a standard for the efficiency. This leads to provide them a sense of being clear and understanding which helps the employee to perform his duties in a better way which was asserted by DeNisi and Smith, ( 2014)

    According to Bernardin and Wiatrowski, (2013), Effective recruitment and selection helps organisation in different ways such as increasing employee enagagement, sustained job performance, employee retention and low turnover. Selection interviews helps manager for screening of applicants on the basis mental ability, thinking, behavior and knowledege. Performance management or appraisal is considered to be as the important function to be performed by management,as the success and growth of company is totally dependent on workers' performance. It is also considered as useful for organisation to attain the qualified employee at work place that helps in attaining business objectives. Company also provided their contribution on development of various important business activities that helps in attaining business objectives. It is also considered as important for business enterprise to attain specific competencies to attain growth in market. 360 Degree appraisal method is most appropriate method which can be utilized by manager to analyse the performance of employee at workplace.

    It is method in which manager review of every manager in organisation at different for attaining business objectives. High employee enagagement has enabled enterprise to attain specific objectives at workplace. It is also helpful in attaining business objectives and accomplishment of stated objectives. There are various important business perspective are required to be analysed by manager so that they will be able to attain high performance of employees at workplace. According to Gupta and Kumar, (2012). Ranking method is also suitable for management to analyse the performance of employees. In this, ranks are provided to employee on the basis of their performance at workplace. High performance in the organisation will be provided appropriate rewards and recognition. This aids the management to raise the effeciency and motivation of employees at workplace. This method of employee performance appraisals helps in getting employee effeciency and increasing their performance to achive the organisational objectives.

    Tziner and Rabenu, (2018) stated that while preparation of annual review , a manager must keep all the notes regarding the accomplishment of employee and related challenges which were faced within a year. When all these data are presented to the particular worker during the time of appraisal, it leads to give all employees an opportunity for getting benefit from those achievements and acceptance of responsibilities for performing various challenges. By letting the claiming of ownership for the issues related to performance, this makes the career development process as a personal commitment that would lead to provide him numerous chances of getting acknowledged that would lead to make his performance more better and efficient which would be fruitful for him.


    2.1 Matching resources effectively

    Mixed research approaches has been utilised by scholar in present investigation.


    Age :________

    Position :________

    Ques 1. What methods is presently utilised by manager in Hilton hotel for measuring the performance of workers?

    • 360 degree feedback
    • Ranking method
    • checklist method
    • Force distribution method

    Ques 2. What factors considered by manager when measuring the performance of worker?

    • Personality
    • Nature of Task
    • Quality of work
    • Behaviour

    Ques 3. How much satisfied your are with the performance appraisal technique utilised by human resource management?

    • Highly and completely satisfied
    • Little satisfied
    • Not all satisfied

    Ques 4. Does your organisation conduct Psychological appraisal for assessing the potential of employee?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Don't know

    Ques 5. How much aware you are about Psychological appraisal ?

    • Limited knowledge
    • Depth knowledge
    • No knowledge

    Ques 6. What are improvement which an organisation should make in performance appraisal system?

    • Parameters on the basis of which performance is measured should be reduced.
    • Changes are needed to be made in performance appraisal form.
    • Self appraisal system should be introduced.
    • Proper communication is required.

    Ques 7. How much important performance appraisal system within a company?

    • Highly important
    • not at all important
    • Somewhat important

    2.2 undertaking Proposed investigation

    In the present investigation, the qualitative data analysis method has been used for conducting the investigation on topic analysing the impact of performance evaluation system on employees. The qualitative data analysis technique has been utilised by scholar considering the nature of problem (Monsen and Horn,2007). This specific information analysis technique has assisted researcher in reaching to the conclusion and helped investigator in making appropriate decision (Johnson and Christensen, 2010). On addition to this thematic analysis has been utilised with mixed research approach for collecting , analysing, interrelating information in appropriate format.


    2.3 Recording and collating relevant information

    Ques 1. What methods is presently utilised by manager in Hilton hotel for measuring the performance of workers?


    360 degree feedback


    Ranking method


    checklist method


    Force distribution method




    What factors considered by manager when measuring the performance of worker?




    Nature of Task


    Quality of work






    How much satisfied your are with the performance appraisal technique utilised by human resource management?


    Highly and completely satisfied


    Little satisfied


    Not all satisfied




    Does your organisation conduct Psychological appraisal for assessing the potential of employee?






    Don't know




    How much aware you are about Psychological appraisal ?


    Limited knowledge


    Depth knowledge


    No knowledge




    Ques 6. What are improvement which an organisation should make in performance appraisal system?


    Parameters on the basis of which performance is measured should be reduced.


    Changes are needed to be made in performance appraisal form.


    Self appraisal system should be introduced.


    Proper communication is required.




    How much important performance appraisal system to be implemented within a company?


    Highly important


    not at all important


    Somewhat important




    3.1 Utilising suitable research evaluation technique

    Quantitative : It is considered to be as a suitable research evaluation technique which is utilised collecting the information in order to reach conclusion (Taylor, Bogdan and DeVault, 2015). Several tools in quantitative method will be utilized such as arithmetic mean, standard deviation mediation , etc. which are not required to be included in present study.

    Qualitative: The know-how of evaluation in which all the tools related to the explanation part are included like thematic etc. (Rose, 2016). This specific analysis technique is used by researcher for the executing the investigation on topic which are theoretical in nature.

    3.2 Interpretation as well as analysing the result

    Theme 1. Checklist method, is presently utilised by manager in Hilton hotel for measuring the performance of workers.

    Finding and analysis :It has been analysed during the investigation process that Hilton hotel organisation is presently utilising the Checklist method , this information has been provided by majority of respondent. Out of 20 people have stated that ranking method has been utilised by manager for measuring performance.

    Theme 2.Nature of Task, is the factor considered by manager when measuring the performance of worker.

    Finding and analysis : Out of 20 respondents, 6 people has stated as nature of task is the parameter used by the management system for reviewing the performance. Few respondent believes that company utilises the quality parameters for measuring the performance.

    Theme 3. Respondents have stated that they are Little satisfied, with the performance appraisal technique utilised by human resource management.

    Finding and analysis : It has been found during investigation that out of 20, 10 of respondents has stated that they are little satisfied with the performance appraisal system used by manager in an organisation. In addition to this there are 5 respondents who those are not at also satisfied by the performance appraisal system.

    Theme 4.Yes, organisation conduct Psychological appraisal for assessing the potential of employee.

    Finding and analysis : It has been analysed from above information that manager in Hilton hotel execute Psychological appraisal for assessing the potential of employee which is very good in terms of improving business.

    Theme 5. Respondent does not have knowledge about Psychological appraisal. i

    Finding and analysis :It has been analysed from the above information that majority of respondents does not have knowledge about Psychological appraisal technique, as this is Morden method used for measuring the performance.

    Theme 6 .Self appraisal system should be introduced, is the improvement which an organisation should make in performance appraisal system.

    Finding and analysis : Out of 20 people, 10 respondent have suggested that self appraisal system should be introduced by management. There are few participants who have stated that parameters on the basis of which performance has to measured should be reduced.

    Theme 7. Highly important, performance appraisal system to be implemented within a company.

    Finding and analysis : It has been analysed from the above information that majority of respondents perceives that the performance appraisal process has great importance in an organisation.


    3.3 Recommendations

    It has been concluded from the report that performance appraisal is a very important process. This activity assists an organisation in improving business performance. Scholar has suggested manager in an organisation to bring consistency in a performance evaluation or appraisal system. It has been concluded from the research that, the performance appraisal technique has direct influence on employee behaviour as well as performance. Therefore, the human manager in Hilton hotel has been suggested to select the appropriate technique for performance appraisal. It has been advice to manager in Hilton Hotel to use technology for reviewing the performance of workers. As this strategy will assist management in eliminating biasses.

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    4.1 utilising appropriate media for presenting the result

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    • Aaker, D., 2011. Marketing Research.John Wiley and Sons.
    • Bernardin, H.J. and Wiatrowski, M., 2013. Performance appraisal. Psychology and Policing, 257.
    • Certo, S. C., 2018. Supervision: Concepts and skill-building. McGraw-Hill Education.
    • DeNisi, A. and Smith, C. E., 2014. Performance appraisal, performance management, and firm-level performance: A review, a proposed model, and new directions for future research.The Academy of Management Annals.8(1).pp.127-179.
    • Gupta, V. and Kumar, S., 2012. Impact of performance appraisal justice on employee engagement: a study of Indian professionals. Employee Relations, 35(1), pp.61-78.
    • Johnson, B. and Christensen, L., 2010. Educational Research: Quantitative, Qualitative, and Mixed Approaches.UK: SAGE.

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