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    Cultural Dimensions of Hofstede

    University: University of Suffolk

    • Unit No: 3
    • Level: Undergraduate/College
    • Pages: 4 / Words 1106
    • Paper Type: Assignment
    • Course Code: MGMT2102
    • Downloads: 573
    Question :

    This assessment will cover following questions :

    • Implement techniques in evaluating and interpreting information.
    • Make application of critical thinking skills on comprehension.
    • Critically explain the suggestions made in the article on Hofstede’s cultural dimensions.
    Answer :


    Study skills for higher education refers to abilities and knowledge level which is necessary to understand the relevant concepts. It includes various skills such as art of note making, use mind maps, teach others, time management skills and many more (Jackson, 2015). However, it consist the to have essential academic skills including academic discourse, text strategies, composition, comprehension and strategies. In respect of this report, it is based on the selected article related to culture including cultural dimensions of Hofstede. This assignment will focus on evaluation of suggestions and justification of the dimensions by agree or disagree with them. It will also include other suggestions regarding the culture to make it better.


    Critically evaluate the suggestions made in the article on Hofstede’s cultural dimensions

    Considering the given article, it has been analysed that employees working in an organisation belongs to different cultures, religions and communities having their own values & thoughts which are different to each other. The various operational practices, beliefs and ideas of staff followed at work place to complete their tasks is combine known as an organisational culture. However, it is well known that every organisation has its own cultures and norms which are required to be considered by every individual working there while completing their duties. It is very important for management team of a company to make sure that every individual properly follow the desired rules and regulations or not (Roth, Ogrin and Schmitz, 2016). Meanwhile, the opinion of Geert Hofstede is that the four dimensions are responsible for influencing the cultures of a business organisation. It is necessary for management to conduct equal distribution of power among superiors and ensure that task for lower managers & colleagues should be allocated according to their field of expertise. It will facilitate to encourage them and increase regular productivity which helps to gain set targets and goals of business successfully. However, it is essential to provide equal right and benefits to staff members which is favourable in terms of enhancing their level of working.

    On the other hand, the dimension of Masculinity Vs Femininity suggest that organisational management is required to establish specific rules for their female employees in order to make working environment comfortable for them. It includes the purpose of dominating condition in companies among male and female employees. However, it is observed that male staff is responsible for taking decisions in anger which is favourable for business growth and success. Managers decide to involve female employees in regards to decision making for avoiding negative working conditions of anger. In addition to this, it is recommended that work should be allotted as per individual skills and get desired rewards for their excellent performance accordingly. It has been evaluated that regular overall outcome of a business concern can be increased by providing freedom to employees for sharing their ideas and perform collaboratively with team.

    It has been suggested to managers of organisation to utilise the dimension of uncertainty avoidance index while dealing in conflict situation to analyse behaviour of people. It is necessary for employer to make staff members respond in conflicting circumstances in proper manner. However, it is beneficial when people respond properly in problematic condition which is helpful to sort out it easily (Assiter, 2017). It is also supportive for avoiding negative impact of such issues of performance. In addition to this, it is suggested that effective learning and training sessions should be organised by management of company to make people more capable to improve their skills and performance along with managing conflicts in appropriate way.

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    Which do you agree with and which do you disagree with? Justify your position

    The four dimensions of Hofsted model are suggested in regard to culture which is helpful to gain basic understanding cultural differences among staff members that are responsible for influencing their way of performing tasks. The writer is agree with the suggestion of equal power distribution because it is favourable for avoiding conflicts and misuse of authority by superiors which motivates employees for work with more dedication. It will facilitate to achieve set targets and goals of business successfully along with reducing employees turnover. 

    On the other hand, the statement of establishing special regulations of female employees is disagreed because it can be consider as partial behaviour of management. It includes the fact of implementing equal policies and rules which are mandatory for both male and female employees while working (Entwistle and Ramsden, 2015). Meanwhile, it is very important to create environment of equality for both male and female employees by making effective policies so that conflicts can be avoided in organisation. 

    Are there any other suggestions you would like to make?

    Considering the given four dimensions of Hofstede's cultural study model, it has been suggested that factor of individuality is not applicable because teamwork is must in a company. It is necessary for management to consider team work approaches as it is favourable for attaining desired business objectives successfully. However, it is also analysed that teamwork is suitable for making more effective as well as efficient decision making by sharing ideas of staff. In addition to this, it has been recommended that management should provide freedom to staff for sharing their ideas and thoughts in regards to working techniques. It is favourable for motivating people and make them feel important in company that impact positively on their regular productivity. It is suggested that training and learning programmes should be organised for increasing knowledge level and capabilities of staff which facilitate to boost up overall productivity as well as profitability of an organisation.


    From the above report, it has been concluded that study skills consist the essential academic abilities which are required for higher education. It includes art of note making, time management, knowledge and many more. However, it involves number of cultural dimensions, like individualism/collectivism, power distance, uncertainty avoidance and masculinity/femininity in which suitable factors can be applied in organisation. Moreover, it is necessary for management of company top use such components for providing comfortable working environment for employees which helps to achieve desired goals successfully. 

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