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    Importance of Group and Individual Presentation Assignment

    University: The University of Newcastle

    • Unit No: 10
    • Level: Post Graduate/University
    • Pages: 4 / Words 963
    • Paper Type: Assignment
    • Course Code:
    • Downloads: 918

    Reflection on group presentation

    I found that making academic presentation was a very challenging experience, it is difficult to work with a group of individual which are unfamiliar. The task was challenging but there were many benefits of this group activity. I need to study and analyze various areas which are not familiar to me. Such as presentation format, collection of data from different resources like books, journals, articles and so on. The group presentation requires specific knowledge with regards to collecting information, interpreting, analyzing and framing it within presentation slides effectively to make it easy to understand. There were many things which I need to consider while working in the group assignment. The various obligations such as collecting information form other sources should not be copied without permission or it can be a crime(Landale and Douglas, 2017).It was also necessary to use various theories in order to explain the data we collected, I was responsible for ensuring that the data collected is appropriate for the presentation. Each of the group member was provided specific roles and responsibility so that work can be divided and to avoid any kind of confusion among ourselves. The distribution of work was on the basis of personal skills and knowledge of every group member. It was clearly guided by our teacher that there should be no conflict among the group with respect to the presentation, The group may fail the assignment if any conflict arises among members of the group. The group presentation also required good knowledge with respect to Microsoft PowerPoint which is used for making presentation. During this group presentation I observed that it is important to identify purpose of the presentation and how to create it.

    In this presentation I used three main theories in order to explain the topic of the presentation, the three theories were zones of transition theory, classicist approach of rational decision and relative deprivation theory. All these theories were taught in the class lectures, I observed that my own learning, internet research and personal reading helped me to understand these theories easily and make appropriate use of the same in my presentation work. There were certain issue raised during the presentation work, such as some group members were not completing their tasks and duties that were allotted to them. Due to some member's irresponsibility entire group faced problems(Poonpon, 2017).Time wastage was a major issue that was faced by our group. In order to overcome these issue we conducted different group meetings in specific intervals, meetings helped group member to understand each other and implement various changes in different areas. The meetings supported to identify strengths and weaknesses of every single individual within the group. It was also determined from the group meetings that group members were not provided duties with respect to their learning, skills and knowledge which was a major issue for failure of task allotted to them. The group members decided to re-distribute activities and roles to each member with respect to their capabilities and knowledge. The group was divided in to various parts with regards to different roles and responsibilities. One team of the group started working on collection of information, second team was responsible for interpreting & analyzing the information and the last team was allotted responsibility of framing appropriate information into Microsoft PowerPoint and giving presentation in front of the class. The presentation was prepared in a week, that was including good information collected via books, internet, articles and self reading. The presentation was build with 12 slides and its duration was 15 mins. It was presented into the class with dictation, it was observed that presentation was easy to understand and consist simple language with effective information related to the topic. The lecturer appreciated our hard work and we got pass in our assignment (Jolles, 2017).

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    I think this presentation assisted me to overcome my weaknesses such as working in a group, time management skills, presentation skills etc. The research or collection of information helped me to identify different areas and resources which can be useful for collecting relevant data or information for a particular topic. I also learned to work PowerPoint presentation which was a little confusing for me earlier. The presentation also supported me develop confidence in myself which may be helpful for me in the future. Altogether it was a great experience and added value to my learning and knowledge.

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    • Jolles, R.L., 2017.How to Run Seminars and Workshops: Presentation Skills for Consultants, Trainers, Teachers, and Salespeople. John Wiley & Sons.
    • Poonpon, K., 2017. Enhancing English skills through project-based learning.The English Teacher, p.10.
    • Landale, A. and Douglas, M., 2017.The Fast Facilitator: 76 Facilitator Activities and Interventions Covering Essential Skills, Group Processes and Creative Techniques. Routledge.

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