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    BUSI 600 Importance of the Literature Review

    Question :

    This assessment will cover the following questions:

    • Explain the term literature review and how to achieve it.
    • Write a literature review on the topic of “Corporate social responsibility”.
    • Explain the ability to gather information and the ideas that can guide in research.
    Answer :


    Literature review is considered as a comprehensive summery of previous research papers on certain topic. These literature reviews are generally known as survey of different secondary information sources that includes- Articles, Books and Journals (Conoscenti, Vetro and De Martin, 2016). There are different characteristics of literature which make it more relevant and accurate to get better review of certain data source. Literature review provides brief summery of particular sources in simple projection of different authors. This report is providing brief introduction of Literature review and how it cam helpful to get effective information on certain topic. Brief summery of topic “Corporate Social Responsibility” will be performed through Literature Review.


    Literature Review-540

    Literature review provides the survey of different articles, books, journals and other secondary information that consists of relevant topic and suitable for particular area of research , issue and provides brief discussion in the particular topic (Armour, Műllerová and Elhai, 2016). Literature reviews ca be used to get better information on certain topic with summary that is based on the critical evaluation of particular data or information source. There are different type of information sources are used to evaluate the information and data on a particular topic in order to develop basic understanding. Literature review can help the individual person in different ways. The most important thing about the literature review is its structure and how it is consisted the information that is provided by different authors. The general structure that literature review follows start with brief information of the topic and after these reasons are provided that why this literature review will help the reader to get better information on the topic Wee and Banister, (2016). The most important thing in literature review is that- it is completely evidence based. In the literature review, critical analysis and information is provided as per own understanding that is based on data provided in the research paper or particular source that is evaluated in the process.

    Literature review can help the researcher and reader to get better explanation and understanding for particular topic. Some of the main advantages of conducting literature review. It can help the individual person to complete different objectives that are related to their research works.

    Provide Current State of Particular Topic

    This is one of objective of the research to get knowledge and information on particular topic that is based on the recent analysis or research work. Main purpose of reader is to evaluate current state of the topic to stay updated with information. By this process researcher can provide recent and relevant information to the people by their report. It helps readers to believe in content that is prepared by researcher through analysing the work of different authors on specific topic. With the time there are certain changes occurred in particular scenario that are related to selected topic. By analyse recent articles, books and journals individual researcher can maintain currency in their research work. This currency also can help the readers to relate the information provided in the Literature review to the current situation.

    Improve the Knowledge on Particular Topic

    The main objective of performing literature work is to reflect the work of other researcher in own language based on understanding (Moussa and Elgiziry, 2019). To develop better understanding in reader it is important for the author to develop better understanding on the particular topic to provide efficient information in the literature review which is discussed by different researchers in their research papers and articles. This thing can help the individual person to develop better understanding and knowledge on specific topic. It can improve the knowledge of individual person and meet the objective of performing literature review.

    Find Questions for Further Research Work

    There are different articles, books and journals are published by the various author on the similar topic with different concepts. Literature can help the researcher to find the loop holes and research gap in the work of other authors. This thing can help the researcher to find various which are still needed to be covered in the research work to develop better data base in order to provide better content to the readers. This also can help the researcher to modified their research work as per research gap and loop holes found in the research of other people.

    This is how literature review can help the researcher by meeting different goals of their research work. It also can improve the research quality of individual person.


    Theme - Corporate Social Responsibility

    There are some responsibilities of the business organization that are related to the environment and societies. Most of organization conducts their businesses for purpose of earn high marginal profit form their operation in the target market. These responsibilities of the business organizations are related to positive actions of organization to maintain the sustainability in the organization actions. This is most important for the organization to meet the expectations of people and communities. The main objective of these model is to keep the actions of the organization accountable for environment and personal values of company. By modifying their operations as per the requirement of sustainability organization can improve and change their business policies to satisfy the needs of stakeholders that are associated to the organization. As per Hart, (2018) corporate social responsibilities of organization are related to their actions that are performed by them for business purposes and harming the environment and social values of people. This can be consider as the compensatory work that can enable them to recover the negative impact of their actions that occurred due to the work which is performed by organization to achieve the profit goals. There are different actions are performed by companies which are harmful for customer, employees and environment. The proper definition of Corporate Social Responsibilities can be consider as a self regulated model that helps the organization to become socially accountable for itself, stake holders and public. It can be consider as the actions of company can show their consciousness to the various factor that can improve their rand image in market place. There are different factors are included in the corporate social responsibilities which are related to the aspects like society, economic, social and environmental standards.

    According to Christmals and Gross, (2017) engaging the corporate social responsibilities means that the normal operations of organization that can enhance society and environment, instead of contribute negatively in environment. Corporate social responsibilities policies of organization are depended on the industrial sector in which organization is performing their business. By implementing CSR policy in organization company can help the organization to improve their brand value along with providing benefits to society by volunteer efforts. These policies are good for both organization and societies. This can help the company to build better and effective relation with the consumers to meet their business objectives. These activities can help the organization to make their consumers loyal to them. These policies are used by the organization which are effectively meeting their business objectives and able to give back to societies. These strategies are majorly accepted by the organization that are huge and performing their business on the international. There are some ethical and social consideration are used by the organization to meet the requirements of the corporate social responsibilities. There are some standards are set by the organization to keep their actions accountable for environment and societies.

    Theme - Concept of CSR

    In opinion of Machi and McEvoy, (2016) there are different things that are considered in the corporate social responsibilities in order to the keep the actions of the organization in the favour of environment and social considerations. Things that are most important in the corporate social responsibilities are- corporate governance, business ethics, workplace and labour relations, effective practices in organization, supply chain management, consumers, environment and communities. These all factors are considered by the organization to keep their actions positive for sustainability and accountability for people along with environment. This is important for the organization to keep their actions effective for the employees who are foundation of company. By full filling the requirements of employees organization can keep them satisfied and motivated to perform on the work place. This can help them to gain maximum efficiency on the work place. Business ethics of organization are most important to complete their business goals effectively. These business ethics are about how the company is integrating their core values to provide better work place to the employees and help them to provide positive dimension to their business. The labour that works in the organization is important for their business continuity and success in the market place. There are some ethics which are followed by the organization to improve the work place conditions that are provided to the employees and labour. The main purpose of considering this ethics is to improve the relation and bonding of organization with their employees. This is how organization can provide better services to the employees through knowing their needs.

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    The corporate social responsibilities of organization are designed by human resource department of organization in order to improve the market image of company through conducting positive work for environment and communities. As per Booth, Sutton and Papaioannou, (2016) in the CSR policies various department of the company are considered in order to implement the practices that can help them to maintain over all operation of the company by considering the sustainability and ethics in the business operations. For example in the logistics and sales department organization can implement sustainable practices in order to reduce the harm to environment and improve the recycling process. By this process company can improve their inventory management to reduce the use of natural resources in manufacturing of product and services. By following the ethical consideration organization can help the employees and consumers to get less affected by the company operations.

    Theme - Importance of CSR

    According to Ritz, Brewer and Neumann, (2016) corporate social responsibilities can help the organization in the different ways. For organization it is important to maintain effective relation with the communities in order to keep them loyal to organization to full fill the long term business objectives. Effective relationship also can help them to evaluate the requirement of consumers to make further changes in their product and services. Branding is one of the best process to generate better business practices and gain higher marginal profit in the market place. CSR also can help the company to increase their brand values in the market place which is too good for their business. For long term business goals it is important for the business organization to build positive and effective brand image and identity in the market place. This is how corporate social responsibility is important for all business organization to run effectively in the market place.

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    Theme - Strategies That are Involved in Corporate Social Responsibilities

    Zhang and Benyoucef, (2016) said that to make the operations of the organization sustainable and ethical for the people who are associated to the company. To make the business sustainable there are different policies and strategies are used by the company. Some of most common strategies that are used by the organization are Alignment of CSR policy with the business policies, gain the support form all levels of organization to effectively implement CSR practices in the business strategy, by evaluating future possibilities company can improve their operations that are tends to sustainability, effective partnership with other organization that are working on the sustainability can help the company to develop changes in the organization to shift towards the sustainable operations and implement effective drivers of sustainable operation in the organization. This is how organization can implement business practices in operations to improve their actions for environment and society.


    This report is concluding the importance of the literature review for researcher in the research work. Different aspects of literature review has been evaluated in the study to develop better understanding. The structure of the literature review is also analysed in report to develop effective work in a report. The detailed Literature of the Corporate Social Responsibility has been performed in the report to provide brief introduction to Literature review and its structure.

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