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    Introduction to Public Health

    University: University of Sydney

    • Unit No: 3
    • Level: Undergraduate/College
    • Pages: 7 / Words 1817
    • Paper Type: Essay
    • Course Code: CAM529
    • Downloads: 885
    Question :

    This assessment will cover the following questions:

    • Discuss the roles of various agencies in identifying levels of health and disease in communities.
    • How effective are different approaches and strategies which is adopted by NHS to control breast cancer and HIV in the UK.
    • What are the current priorities for prevention and control of diseases and risk factors in the UK?
    • Generate the relationship between the prevalence of breast cancer or HIV in the UK.
    Answer :


    1) Judge the Performance of Public Health

    public health is playing the important role in the making the country successful. people are suffering from the many diseases in the country like the HIV and breast cancer and diabetes 2. People are suffering from these types of disease, and they would suffering huge problems because of these diseases. Government is taking the different actions are spreading the awareness among the people regarding the disease. Government is also providing the knowledge to the people by the way of the awareness programs and by conducting the seminars. The awareness programs are arranged on the large scale and these are arranged by the government on the local, national and international level (Kaddour Sowerbutts, and Shah 2017).

    People are aware about the disease, but they do not know the protective measures for working effectively. These protective measures are given by the doctors and people have to follow the policies and the preventive measures which are given by doctors. Doctors are spreading the awarenesses and the proper medical camps are organized by the doctors for providing the service to the patients which are not able to reach them. The people are form the remote areas, and they could not afford to visit the doctors and pay their fees. World health organization is working in the effective way and these would also come up with the health care facilities in UK. Local authorities are also working in the company and it would also work in the effective way. These authorities are working effectively and these authorities would work for the people. Local authorize are supporting the local discussion, and they would also be using the local authorities as well (Kendall, S. and, 2019).

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    Hiv is increasing rapidly and these would have the impact on the health of the public specially women are affected and these would have effect on the heath conditions as well. Public health is also affected because of the aids and the HIV and these would also have the impact on the people which are suffering from the problems. Prevention forms the diseases are affecting the health of the people. Government has to achieve the goals of improving the ratio of the health of the people which are suffering form the problems. Majority of the public is suffering form the disease and these would have the impact on the people which are suffering form these types of disease. HIV is affecting the health of the people and the infection and germs are spreading rapidly in the body and these would have effect on the health of the people.

    Diabetes are increasing rapidly and public would be affecting the health of the employees because these would have the impact on the pancreas of person which is suffering form the problems because these would have the problems in health and insulin would be increased as well. Glucose is increasing rapidly and these would have the impact on the person health and person would not be able to survive. As per the ratio majority of the people are suffering form the obesity and the elderly age so the people would be suffering form the problems for raising the insulin in the body (Newton, and, 2015).

    Government is using the different approaches and these approaches would have the impact on the different approaches. Breast cancer is directly or indirectly linked to each other and these both would have to be diagnosed in the effective way. Proper surveillance methods would be used by the government for protecting the environment and to control the diseases in the effective way. Level of the health organization would result in the severe problems and these would have the impact on the breast cancer and many more. The germs are increasing in public and these would be facing the severe problems and health condition would be affected.

    2) Polices Used by Government are Effective or Not

    Government is using the various polices for providing the effective working environment by the way of providing the vaccinations. Vaccination is provided the people which are suffering form these type of the problems, and they would be given proper time to time vaccination which would help them to improve the performance. Diseases can be prevented by the way of the providing the vaccination or relating to that diseases by birth. Like government is using the same vaccination to children by birth so that they would not be suffering from these type of problems. Diseases like polio and the rubella and many more are controlled by the way of providing the vaccination to the people. Government has come up with the vaccination like the childhood rota virus vaccination and the HPV vaccination for avoiding the problems and the diseases (Governing SystemsPaudya. and Saunders 2018).

    Government is providing the vaccination regarding the hepatitis a and this infection is regarding among the people rapidly, and they would have the impact on the life of people. Live failure and the fecal oral route is affected by the hepatitis a and these would not let survive the person. So the vaccination is being provided to them for working in the effective state. Vaccination is provided to the people but some time vaccination is short and people are more and these would lead to the shortage of the vaccination. These shortages is affecting the life of the people and children as well. So company must come up with the problems and these would also affect the even to the death of the person which was suffering form these type of the problems. Measles are also affecting the health of the people but the government has come up with the vaccination and these would have the impact on the life of people. Measles is also spreading in the country at the large scale and it is affecting the health of the children so the government has started the vaccination programs for the health of the public. Due to the awareness programs and the vaccination programs government has eliminated in the effective way and it would also health the effect on the health of the people which were suffering form these diseases of the problems. Measles is an infectious diseases and so the people are affected because of the spreading of the germs. England has eliminated the measles and the hepatitis a at the large scale (Crook 2016.).

    Like these only HIV and the breast cancer is also affecting the health of the people. Breast cancer is increasing rapidly among the women and these would have the impact on the women which were working. Women are affected due to these and government has stated the preventive measures like the spreading the awareness among the people. Like the awareness is increasing among the people regard to the limit the alcohol and the try not to smoke. These are leading the people to wards the Breast cancer. W omens need to control the weight and the breast to limit the dose of the hormone therapy. These factors are the factors which are affecting women but the women need to consult the doctors and try to implement on the preventive measures which are provided by the doctors. These preventive measure would only lead them to wards the growth. Women must look at the radiation are physically active and these would have the impact on the working environment and family environment. W omens are the one which are working in the company.

    Like that only preventive measures and the HIV is affecting the people at the large scale and these would also affect people which are working in the organization. The HIV could be avoided by the using the needle need and the many more preventive measures are provided by the government in the awareness programs. The awareness programs would he achieve by the way of the working in the effective way (Lake, Henderson. and Townshend 2017).

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    Form the above report it would be concluded that the public health in UK is affected by the HIV and the breast cancer. The people are dealing with the many problems and the also they are many other problems while working in the effective way. Government is working in the effective way and these would have the effect on the people which are used in form these problems. Government has started various other programs of preventing the people form these diseases. These diseases are spreading rapidly and these would have the impact on the people. So vaccination programs and the awareness programs have been stated by the government and people are provided with the preventive measures. Awareness regarding the diseases is done among the people and these would have the positive impact on the health of the people. These preventive measure are helping the people to live the life in the effective way. So people are listening to the government and following the guidelines and the policies.

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    Lake, A.A., Henderson, E.J. and Townshend, T.G., 2017. Exploring planners’ and public health practitioners’ views on addressing obesity: lessons from local government in England. Cities & health. 1(2). pp.185-193.

    Crook, T., 2016. Governing Systems: Modernity and the Making of Public Health in England, 1830–1910 (Vol. 11). Univ of California Press.

    Paudyal, V. and Saunders, K., 2018. Homeless reduction act in England: impact on health services. The Lancet. 392(10143). pp.195-197.

    Newton, J.N. and, 2015. Changes in health in England, with analysis by English regions and areas of deprivation, 1990–2013: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013. The Lancet. 386(10010). pp.2257-2274.

    Kendall, S. and, 2019. Acceptability and understanding of the ASQ-3TM as part of the healthy child program two-year health and development review in England: Parent and professional perspectives. Child: Care, Health and Development. 45(2). pp.251-256.

    Kaddour, S., Sowerbutts, J. and Shah, S., 2017. Exploring barriers to oral health among young carers in Surrey, England. The Lancet. 390. p.S51

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