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    Unit 5 Occupation Health and Safety CBC College


    The occupational hazard is the major threat that is needed to be taken in consideration by the organisation or an individual to carry out the operations that will help in better rise in functional capability of the organisation (Donham and Thelin, 2016). The effective management of threat factors are been analysed will help in effective handling of the business operations that are been followed by the organisation. This report will lay the emphasis on the safety measures and health hazards that are been associated with an event organised at a decommissioned flour mill, managed by a management team and system. Various systems are been taken in consideration that will help in proper management of the risk factors that are associated by a firm. The report will cover the safety issues that are related to the event.

    Main Body

    Various risk factors will be associated with the occupational hazard that is been caused by the firm. The organisation will look after the better handling of the operations that will support a good mitigation of the risk factors faced by the event organiser. Some major risk factors that are been taken in consideration by the event organiser to conduct the event are as follows:

    • Dust: As the event is going to take place in a flour mill that is decommissioned, there are chance of high level of dust and pollutants that can cause harm to people visiting the event. The firm or the event manager has to look after the better removal of the dust particles and pollutants from the event venue. The Dust at the venue can act as a threat factor for visitors and performers at the flour mill.
    • Fire: the event is also susceptible to the fire accidents as the location is quite less ventilated and constrained and the use of pyrotechnics and other stage effect equipments can be the major cause of breaking up of the fire. The event manager has to see through the better management of the different measures to reduce or control the chances of breaking of a fire in an event. He has to see through proper fire safety measures (Reese, 2015).
    • Stage: the event manager has to see through the better handling of the actions and operations that will help in effective management of the stage activities during the event. As the flour mill is decommissioned, its maintenance and quality is quite questionable that can impact the setting up a proper stage for the event.
    • Stress: it is the major threat which is intangible in nature but impacts a lot to the individual. The event manager has to see through different measures that will help it to manage its business operations and performance by the performing group. A good stress management will help him to carry out its activities effectively (Sinelnikov, Inouye and Kerper, 2015).
    • Crowd: managing the crowd is also the major risk factor that has to be looked after by the event manager. As the event is within a closed area, there are chances of unwanted incidents related to crowd. Besides this, the floor area of the venue has to be adequate in order to accommodate a good number of people.
    • Lighting: Flour mill, being a closed structure, has to be well lighted for the event so that any mishap or unwanted condition can be avoided. A well lit venue will help in settling down of the crowd and other people or supportive crew to perform effectively.


    OHS refers to occupation safety and health in which various measures related to health, safety and welfare of people are taken. It is related to multidisciplinary field. Generally, it is used for a workplace whether it is indoor or outdoor (MacIntyre, and, 2014) The main aim of OHS is to improve the working conditions. It uses two types of methods that is as follows :-

    Balance score card - A balance score card is a framework that is used to improve internal functions of business so that goals and objectives can be achieved easily. Generally, it is applied to improve the outcomes or results. For organising this event effective safety and health measures can be taken. This will help in getting better outcomes. Also, it will create an image in market. Moreover, by analysing outcomes time and cost can be measured. Usually, it is based on four perspective that is financial, customer, business process and growth (Nadvi and Raj‐Reichert, 2015) With this it will be easy for event company to organise events and grow continuous in their industry. Company will be able to measure whether it is growing or not. Along with this, the risk of occurring of hazards will be reduced.

    Management system and culture- It contains tools that help in ensuring that organisation can be sustained for long term in the market. It also helps in creating a better organisational culture. In this there are two core elements that are as follows. Culture management system and performance management system. By using culture system an effective environment can be created that will help in surviving. And by using performance system the overall productivity of organisation can be evaluated (Gomaa, and, 2015) It will also help in controlling management and culture. It comprises strategic asset which helps in providing efficiency to firm.

    Thus, by using these two the company will be able to organise events successfully, this will enable them to measure their results and maintaining culture. Also, by ensuring safety and health of people while organising events they will be able to create a better image.


    In order to organise event properly and effectively, a proforma was developed. It will help in maintaining every thing. Also, it will include checklist that will ensure all proper measures are taken and checked (Xiang, and, 2014) The proforma is as follows :-




    During event

    Before event

    After event



    Level of dust

    The floor mill was not used foe several days. Therefore, level of dust was very poor.

    During event there was no dust. The whole area was neat and clean.

    The level of dust before the event was 5 that is very poor.

    After the event level of dust was 1 that is very good.

    For removing dust cleaning of floor mill was done. It was ensured that no dust particles were left behind as it can affect the whole event

    It was checked by event manager that cleaning is done properly.


    There was no fire equipments installed in floor mill

    The level of fire during event was 5

    Before event level of fire was very high that 4. there was no equipments there

    After event level of fire was good. Proper equipments and tools were installed.

    Manager decided to install effective fire tools in case of emergency.

    All the tools and equipments installed were properly checked.


    The level of stage was very good.

    The level of stage during event was 5

    Before event level of stage was very poor that is 1 the land was not properly flat.

    After event level of stage was good. The land was properly levelled so that stage can be set up

    Manager decided to level entire area so that stage can be set up

    For setting up stage construction was done.


    There was very poor.

    There was proper lights installed during event.

    Before event level there was no proper lights.

    After event level of lights was good many changes was made in lights so that event can be properly done

    In order to improve lighting. Number of lights was installed and repaired.

    Lighting connection was improved in whole area.

    Action plan

    The event manager will look after the various measures under the action plan that will help him to reduce the risk and execute the functions or event in a better way. Some majors for the defined 6 threat factors are:

    • Dust: the dust at the flour mill can cause the respiratory ailments to the visitors of the event. Thus, to avoid such condition, the event manager and his team will look after the proper removal of dust containing contaminants and asbestos that can be severe health hazard for the people. Proper cleaning of venue prior to performance will help him to mitigate the risk.
    • Fire: As the performance may involve the use of stage decorations and pyrotechnics, the stage and the venue is highly susceptible to the risk factors that are been related to fire. The event manager can look after the proper placing of the emergency exit doors, various legal obligations related to fire safety, effective fire fighting equipments and other preventive guidelines by the HSE will help in proper handling of the risk elements (Yazdani and, 2015).
    • Stage: the management persons and his team will see through the effective placing and setting up of performance stage to avoid its breakdown. Other than this, it will require to be placed properly to avoid any sort of hindrance in exit during the time of any mishap. The constructors or the setting staff has to see through the durability and firmness of the stage that is been created for the carrying out of the event.
    • Stress: As stress is been the major factor that is to be handled by the firm. Proper mind mapping, counselling and medical attention will help the firm to manage the stress level that can cause the threat to the performance and the individual performer.
    • Crowd: managing crowd is the major threat factor that can impact the overall event. A good crowd handling will support the peaceful and efficient execution of the event that will support a good handling of the different operations. Proper entry passes and identification check up can be performed in order to control the crowd related incidents. As the location is narrow and has limited floor area, chances of stampede are high which are to be look after the event manager and his team (Kelloway And, 2017).
    • Lighting: as the flour mill has quite smaller place and the performance area is very interior making it less lit and ventilated. To cope up with this issue, the event manager and his team will see through the proper and adequate lighting of the venue in order to avoid any sort of mishap during the event or performance.

    Audit Sheet





    After the implementation of strategies dust regarding hazard have decreased.

    Overall it is good


    Fire risk have decreased after the implementation of method regarding hazard management



    Stage have overcome after the implementation of hazard management method



    Light condition is alos improved and there is not any kind of risk associated it.



    From this entire report it has been concluded that occupational safety and hazard is very significant concern while any event organise. It is very important for corporation to focus on such hazards and risk which is associated with activities and function. In an association, representatives assumes an exceptionally critical part for address objective. Without human asset, firm can not address the decided target. Hence, administration should deal with its workforce in such way so as they would safety be able to convey it their working inside organization and address the goal of business. What's more, wellbeing of workers is another of the significant worry for organization so it is imperative for supervisor to take after every last perspective that serves to partnership in overseeing wellbeing and security of representatives. In the event that there are any staffs hurts and harmed at work environment then it is incredible obligation of administration to give legitimate compensation and solutions for that specific representatives.

    As per the above discussion it has been assessed that it is going to organise event in theatre so there are several kinds of risk associated with its. It is great responsibility of the organisation to identify that risk and hazard and adopt practices to overcome it. It has been concluded that there are several kinds of risk such as fire, dust, lightening, crowed etc. It has been concluded that with help of cutting edge advances, partnership can without much of a stretch advance wellbeing and security inside the organization. Organization should utilize propel advances and hardware so as rate of indeterminate mischance and risk can consequently lessen at work environment. Some time because of unseemly innovation and hardware mishaps and wounds with workers happens. Along these lines, with help of cutting edge advances and gear the odds of unverifiable peril and hazard can consequently overcome inside the company. Exceptionally propelled advancements and gear organizations in expanding the nature of working through which questionable mishap and peril can naturally overcome inside the organization. It has been also concluded that occupational hazard is the major threat that is needed to be taken in consideration by the organisation or an individual to carry out the operations that will help in better rise in functional capability of the organisation.


    In order to overcome the occupational risk and hazard at workplace, following are some recommendation that should adopt-

    • Risk management practice-Company should adopt risk management and assessment method and procedure for overcome risk and hazard at workplace. Hazard evaluation is method to choose the potential harms and analyzed what will happen if the risk happen at workplace By use of danger examination, information enlightens about the care organizing and progressive fundamental administration about the courses of action and technique. In a fundamental word one may state that risk evaluation is a strategy of recognizing verification, appraisal and estimation of the level of the perils connected with a condition. It is a systematic procedure of recognizing factors that can antagonistically influence an affiliation's ability to coordinate business
    • Survay of practices: With the help of the going with procedure, association can screen and review word related peril and hazard By looking over the different frameworks, the organization will choose the escape statements in existing practices and know its reasonability at workplace. In this way, the gather information will help in taking the exercises to make reviews in current wellbeing and security practices and resolve work based issues.
    • Learning from experience- It is a most fundamental technique for watching and surveying existing wellbeing and security practices. By using this strategy, organization of affiliation will fathom the sufficiency of present wellbeing and security applications. The experience will help in separate whether the present wellbeing and security exercises diminished the setbacks and scenes with customers or not. Thusly, by picking up for a fact, organization will prepare to screen and overview wellbeing and security sharpens and also its reasonability.
    • Training and development- This is another one of the most significant method in order to manage and overcome occupational risk and hazard. With help of this method, risk and hazard can easily decrease. In this aspect, organisation should provide effective training to employees so as they can learn skills, ability and criteria to working at workplace in effective and efficient manner. Employees can learn practice to manage and organise work at workplace in such manner as no uncertain accidents and hazard can occur.
    • Employees education- It is the most ideal approach to advance safe culture in association. In this representative can be taught about various methods for lessening danger and wellbeing measures. With this worker can without much of a stretch perceive potential perilous condition. This will empower them to take after specific practices at work put. It will guarantee wellbeing of worker and association.


    • Donham, K.J. and Thelin, A., 2016.Agricultural Medicine: Rural Occupational and Environmental Health, Safety, and Prevention. John Wiley & Sons.
    • Reese, C.D., 2015.Occupational health and safety management: a practical approach. CRC press.
    • Sinelnikov, S., Inouye, J. and Kerper, S., 2015. Using leading indicators to measure occupational health and safety performance.Safety science,72, pp.240-248.
    • Yazdani, A. and, 2015. How compatible are participatory ergonomics programs with occupational health and safety management systems?.Scandinavian journal of work, environment & health, pp.111-123.
    • Kelloway, E.K. And, 2017.Management of occupational health and safety. Nelson Education.

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