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    Team Behaviour and Motivational Techniques Analyzed for Intercontinental Hotels

    University: Regent college

    • Unit No: 12
    • Level: Undergraduate/College
    • Pages: 19 / Words 4813
    • Paper Type: Assignment
    • Course Code: HC1052
    • Downloads: 988
    Question :

    Some of the demonstration which are needed to be assessed are like :

    1. What is the power, politics and culture in Intercontinental hotels and resorts.
    2. Give the effective ways which are being taken to motivate the employees.
    3. Give the ideologies and the methods through which the cooperation can be framed in eventual and effective manner in Intercontinental hotels and resorts.
    4. What are the perspective, theories and the ideologies given for the growth of Intercontinental hotels and resorts?
    Answer :


    Organizational behaviour is explained as understanding nature and behaviour of individual while working in an organization. It is important to examine the behaviour of people so that strategies can be framed accordingly in order to deal with it. There are distinguish importance of organizational behaviour such as, aid in building healthy relations with people, uplift goodwill of the firm so on (Such and Mutrie, 2017). Organizational behaviour consists of four element which are, structure, people, environment and technology in which firm operates. Intercontinental hotels and resorts are undertaken in order to complete the project. This company came into existence in the year 1946  and is suited in Buckinghamshire, UK. It is serving it services across the globe and are successfully meeting the emerging needs of the customers. This report covers how culture, power and politics impact firm's team behaviour and performance. Process theories of motivation and motivational techniques is studied so as to attain set goals. Various theories applied in the firm are examined so as to make necessary improvements.

    TASK 1

    P1. Analyse how culture, politics and power influence individual and team behaviour and performance.

    To grow and develop in the intense competitive world it is essential to understand culture, power and politics. By evaluating this aspects properly competitive advantages against rivalry can be attained easily. All this three aspect influence individual and team behaviour and performance in both positive and negative way (Clark and et. al., 2017). In neck to neck competitive world it is important for management of Intercontinental hotels and resorts to scan them appropriately so as to make necessary improvement in the up-coming years.

    Culture influencing individual and team behaviour:

    The work culture of Intercontinental hotels and resorts is clears by studying Handy's cultural typology model. The points are elaborated below briefly:

    Power of culture: In small business power of culture exist. In this case owner of the company is holding power in their hand and does not decentralize the power to any-other person. Organization are flexible in nature and easily get adjust with the changing environment. Staff members in this type of firm are loyal and hard-working as compare to other bushinesses employee.

     Additionally, staff members working in this type of enterprise are loyal for their work and leader.  

    Role culture: This is more job oriented and is present in bureaucratic firm. They follow strict rules and procedure in their working premises so that work are performed in organized manner. From the position where the employee is placed from that power level can be ascertained accordingly.

    Task culture: This type of culture is normally discovered in matrix firm who are more result oriented.  However, in task culture sub-ordinate are highly experienced and professionals are good in problem solving (Muhonen, Jönsson and Bäckström, 2017). In neck to neck competitive world the coordination among the team totally depends on the work priority level. This is not rigid in operation but are flexible in nature and adopts dynamic changes smoothly.

    Person culture: In law organization this type of culture can be identified easily. This is because in such enterprises employees work with their own experience and skill and are completely independent in nature.

    Intercontinental hotels and resorts is following task culture in their working premises  because  more importance is render to the co-workers output. This raises overall performance and productivity of co-workers which is a optimistic sign for business in open market place.

    Impact of company’s politics on individual and  team behaviour:

    Spoils the ambience: In a company when positive working environment is not allotted to the team members them the switching ratio  raises tremendously. Politics are the main reason of spoiling working ambience. It results in reducing productivity level of the workers.

    Reduces productivity:  Politics distract the co-workers from reaching their goal in the set time span. They are attracted towards gossip and leg pulling of others in the premises which leads in less productive outcomes. As well as needs of the client are not satisfied.  

    Impact of companies  power on individual and  team behaviour:

    Referent power:  Trades and behaviours of individuals motivates them to accomplish set standards in appropriate way. Referent power is in the hands of owner of Intercontinental hotels  and resort  who are accountable to boost their self-esteem as well as suggest them timely in their assigned work.

    Reward power: HR of  Intercontinental hotels  and resort render reward to the deserving candidate by evaluating the performance of the teammates. They are paid monetary and non- monetary incentives and benefits depending upon their work performance. It boost them to work much more better as compare to earlier. 

    Legitimate power: Power are delegated to the individual according to their skills and abilities in a firm (Ruck, 2017). The top level management look after all the activities of Intercontinental hotels  and resort capable and potential workers performance so that improvements can be done in their performance accordingly.

    The influence of power, culture and politics on individual and team behaviour and performance.


    Impact on individual behaviour

    Impact on team behaviour


    Employees are encouraged to perform better then the rivalry when they are allotted positive working atmosphere for working. By this teammates are able to full-fill the expectation level of customers  in innovative way (Islam and et. al., 2018).

    Power is the main element that assist in building healthy coordination between the workers. It directly or indirectly helps in meeting the set goals in the framed deadline. Moreover, conflict among the employee's are resolved immediately so as to maintain harmony in the premises.


    Culture plays a significant role in pushing the employees  to perform better as well as encourage individual learning at the work place. It aid candidate to adjust with the culture of the company easily.

    Behaviour of team is impacted by culture of the firm. Additionally, this aspects influence communication  and   decision making process. To gain competitive advantages against rivalry it is essential to build positive culture of the firm.


    Teammates workforce efficiency decline because of raising politics  in the working place. They are attracted more towards the politics and gossips rather then work assigned (Cherry, 2017).

    The working style of the company gets imbalanced due to raising politics it leads in unproductive outcomes. By this creative thinking of workers is decreased and aim of solving issues of customers in innovative way is not full-filled.


    M1. Critical study how culture, politics and power of an company  influence individual and team behaviour and performance.


    Positive influence

    Negative influence


    The coordination between the employees become strong and transparent because of culture power at workplace. 

    Rigid workplace leads to in-effective outcomes due to which market value decreases gradually.


    By utilizing the delegated power effectively sub-ordinate can contribute in gaining set standards smoothly with wastage of resources.

    Additional efforts are made by team-mates so as to complete the task in the set deadline (Jain and D'lima, 2017).


    More competition among the co-workers take place at lower level as they strike hard to raise their position. By ignoring politics are work hard to full-fill the work in creative way.

    In the working environment more competition and politics  take place at lower section. They focus more on gossip rather than work. It reduces they ability of creative thinking.


    TASK 2

    P2. Discuss content and process theories of motivation and motivational techniques for meeting of set standards in a firm.

    The content and process theories of motivation and motivational techniques are illustrated briefly so as to achieve set goals and objectives of a company. The theories are explained as under:

    Content theories of motivation: Here, it showcase the preferences of the employees.   Some of the content theory which helps Intercontinental hotels  and resort to study those factors which impact motivation level teammates at the workplace. Additionally, numerous ways are identified to encourage them so that they can meet set standards in the set time duration.

    Maslow's hierarchy of needs: American psychologist Abraham Maslow has designed this theory. The five levels of hierarchy is involved in this theory whose explanation are done below:

    • Psychological needs: It includes all basic needs such as, food, water, shelter and clothes. Firm by paying nominal salary to the employees   this needs can be full-filled easily.
    • Safety needs: Here,  job security, health and safety of family are ascertained and sub-ordinate work hard to full-fill them. By providing safe working atmosphere to the employees overall workforce efficiency can be raised accordingly (Connolly and et. al., 2017).
    • Social needs: Interaction, belongingness and so on are included in social needs. Experts are hired to aware them the importance of healthy relations with co-workers in the working premises.
    • Esteem needs: In this stage workers desire rewards and recognizantion for their performance. When workers are recognised on the floor for their hard work they get motivated from within and work more effectively to in the leading position.
    • Self-actualization needs: In this specific level of Maslow's model co-workers want personal growth and development. Individual who are self-actualized are termed to be more satisfied as compare to those who are not.

    Process theory of motivation : Psychological and behavioural processes is used in order to boost the staff members to task productively in the set time span. How Process theory aid Intercontinental hotels and resorts to asses the factors influencing motivation level of sub-ordinates are explained below:.

    • The Expectancy Theory: Victor Vroom share their perception regarding this theory. As per this great personality The expectancy theory states that it is based on  conscious selection of people which maximizes pain or pleasure. Perks, incentives and so on are render to the employees for their hard work which push them to perform more better as compare to earlier.
    • The Equity Theory: Employees are motivated by treating them equally and fairly at the workplace (Salas-Vallina, Alegre and Fernandez, 2017).  To retain skilled and potential staff members for longer time duration equal  benefits and rewards should be offered to them despite of any religion, gender etc.

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    M2. Critically analyse how it  impact the behaviour of other by effective application of behavioural motivational theories, models and concepts.

    To finish the allotted work in the set time frame it is important to influence the behaviour of the individual.  Numerous motivational theories, models and concepts are adopted in order to   mould co-workers to meet  desired outcomes. However, Maslow's need hierarchy aid management to understand the demand of its workers and work on it to full-fill them.  Whereas, expectancy theory helps in studying expectation level of employees and discover innovative ways to accomplish them.

    D1. Critically determine the relationship among power, politics and motivation which enables group and firm to succeed providing justified recommendations.

    In every enterprise many  power, motivation, politics and culture encourage  employees  to accomplish set  outcomes in set time frame. Some of the  recommendations for improvements which mentioned as under:

    • Reward power aid to with hold capable workers over the years.
    • By providing training to the workers overall workforce efficiency can be raised.

    TASK 3

    P3. Explanation of effective team as opposed to an ineffective team

    Team is a collection of individuals for the specific purpose and the formation of team is depends on the skills and knowledge of those individuals (Ruck, Welch and Menara, 2017). In addition to this, team and its members are depends on the each other in the regard of providing the information, decision and many more. It is made in order to increase the productivity and reduces the weaknesses of them. There are many types of teams which are made in the organisation according to the requirement of project or task which is discussed as under:

    • Virtual team: These are those teams in which employees do their work from different area and need to coordinate with its team from the mode of communication and cooperate in a proper manner in order to get things better (Darcy and Manzi 2017). Employees want to work in these teams as because of this their work life get balanced and they work as per their schedule and manages their working hours. In order to manage these teams,  companies need to hire experts as they know how to communicate properly which is the basic factor to get their work done. If Intercontinental hotels & resorts make these teams then it is beneficial for them because they can easily retain talented employees because of  their culture and it develops satisfaction among employees.
    • Problem solving team: It is not a permanent team and made to solve the critical problems and issues of an organisation. These type of teams are made to face any uncertain changes which happen in the company. These teams and its members are come up with the proper solution which is helpful or  the company in order to attain success in the business environment. If Intercontinental hotels & resorts create this team then it is because when they are facing any critical problem and their expertise solve the problems as it becomes easy for their employees.
    • Project team: These type of team is made in order to attain specific task or desired goals by making proper plans and policies. Companies make these teams in order to work their employees in a collective manner and they have common objective which is matches with their personal objective too. While making these teams, it is important to their superior to make clear goals and objectives to their team members. If Intercontinental hotels & resorts make this team which is beneficial for their organisation in order to achieve individual and organisational goals.

    Effective vs Ineffective Team

    Effective Team: These are those teams which is made in order to motivate their employees to work in a team. In these teams, they promote open communication for better productivity and for this, employees need to take active participation in the decision making process of an organisation. As in this process, team members disagree form each others view point and come into conflicts which create many changes in their suggestions and ideas before concluding to a proper decision.

    Ineffective Team: These are those teams where objectives and goals are not specified and the working environment is also become stressful and tensed. Here, conflicts and confusions are the very normal as companies are in hurry in order to complete their task.


    Effective team

    Ineffective team


    Here, goals and objectives are properly understood by the team members in order to achieve success for company.

    Here, it is quite difficult for them to understand their view  points because they are always disagree with each other.

    Contribution of members

    In these teams, every member of the team actively participate in the decision making process which is useful for company in order to gain new ideas and suggestions (Pereira, Malik and Froese, 2017).

    Here, decision making is in few hands such as in top management or mangers etc. and will take decision for their employees.

    Conflict resolution

    In these teams decisions are taken by considering the view points of each members and they need to show sign to avoid conflicts to team.

    In these teams, decisions are taken by the top level management because powers are in the single hands. Hence, in this employees came into conflicts for the suitable decision.


    Effective team members properly listen to each other and every idea.

    Ineffective team members does not listen to each others ideas and does not understand their view points.


    In order to identify the teamwork effectively, Tuckman and Belbin's theory is used as these are helpful in explaining the team behaviour and development of team. It is helpful in order to order to develop effective teams in the organisations.

    Tuckman Theory

    • Forming: It is the stage in which teams are develop where individuals are not have any specific place for their own and are busy in order to find any place. Here, entry of an individual is depends on the size and objective of the project (Elsmore, 2017). It include the formation of team in which team members are filled as per the requirement of skills in the project.
    • Storming: As per this stage, team members are start to address about their task and manages them according to the desired objective. But different idea and view point clashes with their objective. In this stage, relationship is made or form and it is depends on their coordination. In order to form an effective team, a strong team leader is required in order to manage it effectively.
    • Norming: At this stage, team and its members are agrees with the rules and regulations in order to achieve success. For this, they need to develop trust and faith with each other and should understand their responsibilities in order to take major decisions.
    • Performing: It is the final stage, where leaders are focuses on the task and building relationship with team which is helpful in developing something. Here, teams are perform on the basis of decision making which is made by their leaders in order to avoid confusion.

    From the above discussion it summarised that team building is important for the Intercontinental hotels & resorts in order to achieve various tasks and objectives. Virtual team is suggested to company as it helps in balancing the work life of their employees and reduces the stress from their work.

    Belbin's Team Theory

    • Action oriented: These teams are focus on the performance of teams and always try to improve it by converting their ideas into action and meeting their deadlines (Burrell and Morgan, 2019). Here, the managers pay attention to the every small detail and make sure that things are going in the right way.
    • People oriented: These are the teams which form in order to bring people and their ideas close as it helps in achieving the success and growth for an organisation. They also provide support to their team in a very diplomatic way (Balwant,  2018).
    • Thought oriented: These are the teams which are made in order to analyse the options and provide technical expertise. These team members are come up with innovation and excellent solution.

    M3. Team development theories support for development of co-operation 

    Coordination and cooperation is the basic element which is expected the company to their staff and workforce of the Intercontinental hotels & resorts as team development theories are adopted by the managers in order to influence coordination among the behaviour of employees. Cooperative team members are included in effective teams as they enhance their work quality which is done by them and also improve their functions in the market. These both elements are needed by employees in order to work in a continuous basis which helps in satisfying the employees and bring clarity in their work. It is done when proper team development theories are selected by leaders in order to bring coordination and cooperation among them.

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    TASK 4

    P4. Application of various concepts and philosophies of OB

    OB is a process which helps in understanding and examining the human behaviour which is based on the various concepts and also focuses on the working style of employees. To analyse the working behaviour of employees of the Intercontinental hotels & resorts, they use Path goal theory which is helpful for them in order to provide guidance and support to their subordinate as it helps in guiding the career path of employees. According to this theory, leaders adopt particular behaviour which is suitable for their employees. In order to identify the achievements four paths are discussed as under:

    • Directive: According to this path, leaders guide their subordinates in a way like what is expected to them, what should they, how to do and when to do which is depends on the scheduling of their task (Kitchin,  2017). It is useful when employees are not sure about their work and risk factor is along with it. In the context of Intercontinental hotels & resorts, their leaders should direct their employees and specify them about what is expected to them.
    • Supportive: As per this step, leaders describe those objectives which are easily attainable and these leaders also show that how they care for their employees and also approach them in an very friendly manner. In is best in those conditions where task are tough and complex. For this, leaders of Intercontinental hotels and resorts will guide their employees when they are in the complex situation.
    • Participative: As per this path, leaders of an organisation include their employees in the decision making or managerial decision in order to make them feel that they are important for the organisation (Such and Mutrie, 2017). They include them in order to get new suggestions ad innovative ideas which is helpful for an organisation. It is suited in those situation where employees are highly experienced.
    • Achievement: According to this path, leaders set tough and high standards for their employees as it helps in analysing their skills and needs. This path put negative impact on the mind of their employees in order to gain trust and faith of their employees. It is best in those situations where employees are highly trained and skilled.

    M4. Justification of various theories and philosophies in organisational context

    According to the path goal theory, leaders of Intercontinental hotels & resorts have many options in order to deal with their staff. These paths put both negative and positive impact on the mind of their subordinates. As in directive, employees get demotivate because they only get instructions. In supportive, they get motivate through the support of their leader and in participative, organisation get innovative and new ideas which is helpful in achieving the desired goals and objectives. In achievement, subordinates get demotivate as lot of work pressure without any guidance.

    D2. Evaluate the relevancy of team development theories and various concepts of OB

    Coordination and management between team is important as it helps in avoiding the work and improves the efficiency of employees. In the context of Intercontinental hotels & resorts, leader is important in an organisation as it helps in guiding and motivating their subordinates and they contribute in attaining their desired goals (Clark and et. al., 2017). To manage teams effectively, company can use four paths which is useful for leaders as they are best suited and describe the every situation.


    From the above discussion it is concluded that a leader is important in order to identify the behaviour of human being as observing them is important because they reflect their skills and behaviour. For this, organisational culture, politics and power is important as it is beneficial in order to get work done in an appropriate manner. In the regard of Intercontinental hotels & resorts, task culture is suggested to them as it is suitable. Moreover, motivational theories are discussed which is essential in order to influence and analyse their worth in the market. In addition to this, effective team is necessary as it helps in fostering the performance of employees and also encourages them in order to achieve their overall objectives.

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