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    Various Frameworks for Personal and Professional Development

    University: University of Sydney

    • Unit No: 2
    • Level: Undergraduate/College
    • Pages: 12 / Words 3085
    • Paper Type: Essay
    • Course Code: AB433H41
    • Downloads: 918
    Question :

    This assessment will cover following questions :

    • Establish seven habits of highly effective people that offers effective framework for personal development.
    • Examine the framework of personal and professional development and inter-relate it with future career.
    • Design a personal development plan which addresses your needs in context of habit in particular.
    Answer :


    Personal and professional development is basically a process through which an individual is completely engage in various learning process in order to deal with challenges and to meet desires goals and objectives in life. The prior objective of personal and professional development is to assist individuals to manage their learning as well growth throughout the year. Continuous learning and development will lead to keep skills and development up to date and also ensure that individuals work legally, safely and effectively (Sugrue, 2016). However, personal and professional development is also known as continuous professional development. The following report is going to cover habits of highly effective people for personal development. Further more, various frameworks for personal and professional development will be cover. At last, a personal development plan will be created.


    PART 1

    1) Discuss the 7 habits of highly effective people offers and effective framework for personal development

    Habits can be define as a constant behaviour which is done on a regular basis. They are mostly unconscious and recurrent patterns of behaviour that could be attain from frequent repetition. However, habits do vary from person to person. They actually shows a proven process for interpersonal and personal growth which could have a long lasting impact. However, habits are the reason to call a person effective or ineffective (Hildebr and, 2018). An effective individual is basically a sum of his/her professional or technical expertise. The seven habits of an effective individual is discussed here.

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    Habit 1- Be protective

    Self awareness the unique quality of all human beings which makes them different from other species. They have the ability to respond to any sort of stimulus. Some particular conditions or situations could have a strong impact on individuals life to which they are not determined. There are basically three theories of determinism. They are environmental, genetic and psychic. According to genetic theory, nature of an individual is coded into their DNA, and personal traits are arise from ancestors. Psychic theory states that upbringing of individuals determine their personal traits. However, environmental determinism states that surrounding factors are responsible for individual behaviour. Effective individual has this particular habit of reacting to external environment for their protection.

    Habit 2 - Begin with the need in mind

    Effective individuals always have a mission in their life. They plan an decide some set goals and objectives and work according to them in order to attain such goals. They never spend their life aimlessly, instead they have a clear vision for their future and they implement their actions for making it in reality. Such goals and objectives help an individual to make their life effective by following a particular goal. It will be beneficial for an individual to keep things in mind and to already plan for coming future. Effective individuals always try to plan everything according to the situations (Vetere and Stratton, 2016). For doing this, individuals can make an action plan for their life. There must be inclusion of both their professional life and personal life. After that next step is to analyse the situations and make desired goals according to them. It will even help individuals to identify their weaknesses and strength and make them to work on it by deciding a particular date of accomplishing and fulfilling goals.

    Habit 3- Put first things first

    In order to get things done, effective individuals mostly prioritize their work. It is important to focus on what is important by meaning the things which makes them to go closer to their set goals and objectives. They usually spend time on doing what best fits for a personal mission. It is important to analyse the key roles and make time individually for them.

    Habit 4 - Sharpen the saw

    Effective individuals usually attain a sustainable lifestyle by taking time out from their job life and spend some time for their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual wellness. It will help them to lead a healthy lifestyle as they do not work up to their death. Spending time for personal wellness is the key for attaining desired goals and objectives as a healthy individual will be be able to work effectively (Choy and Chua, 2019). Thus, sharpen the saw will result in bringing desirable outcomes in life.

    Habit 5- Think win-win

    According to this habit, an individual should have a genuine feeling in her/himself for mutually beneficial agreements or solutions in a relationship. It is important to respect and value other individuals for a long term resolution. Think win win is a character based habit of human collaboration or interaction.

    Habit 6 - Seek first to understand, than to be understood

    An effective individual always seeks to understand other person perspectives and only after that try to be understood. Effective listening is the key which makes an effective individual to understand what other person is going through or what is the experience of individual in front of them. It is basically a process of putting oneself into the perspective of other individual and leads to share feelings and emotions mutually. Whenever, a articular individual present his/her problem, most of the people directly jumps into conclusion which is the biggest mistake of them. It must be the priority to first listen to the whole situation and then make recommendations after analysing and understanding the problems. It will lead to build a healthy relationship between individuals as they would like to share their issues more effectively to other persons. Persons must adapt this particular habit for maintaining and creating an effective relationship with their friends and families and even with strangers (Ahmed and Ward, 2016).

    Habit 7- Synergize

    For solving conflicts and issues, mutual trust and understanding is the key. It could be attain through own personal solution. It is basically a habit of creative cooperation. It is generally a process of finding new solutions to the old problems through team work and open mindedness. By simply putting in words, synergize can be stated as two heads are better than one. This means that it is more beneficial and productive if individuals collaborative try to find a solution to a problem.

    PART 2

    2) Determine various frameworks given in the module and also reflect on how it is related to your future career

    A framework can be define as a conceptual structure which provide support or assistance in order to explain something that can be expanded into something helpful (Pennington and Richards, 2016). The basic frameworks which were included in given module are discussed here.

    Knowledge, Skills and Performance

    This particular framework is helpful in developing professional skills effectively. Knowledge is the mental or cognitive abilities which can be utilized for retaining and processing information. However, skills can be determine as physical activities or abilities for performing tasks. Individuals skills and knowledge directly impacts on their performance. To perform effectively, there is a need to implement this particular framework as it will help an individual to

    enhance his knowledge and skills which will eventually help him develop professional skills. It is important to be competent in overall aspects at a workplace in order to retain competence and knowledge throughout the work. There is a need to enhance individuals skills in order to perform work within the legal, ethical and regulatory guidelines. They all are the personal attributes that actually help in to perform professional work. This particular framework help an individual to maintain health and safety at workplace. Skills can be define as an effective use of knowledge so that individuals could perform to their full potentials (Ruddy and, 2016).

    I could use this particular framework to enhance my knowledge and skills. It will help me to develop my personal and professional skills and provide me assistance for utilizing knowledge effectively in my skills. For future perspectives, this framework will be helpful for me in order to perform better and for utilizing my skills in different situations.

    Safety and Quality

    Safety and quality framework is the most important framework for an individual for ensuring the safety and quality of life. Safety can be determine as a situation of being protective from any sort of risks or hazardous factors. It is helpful in both personal and professional development. The particular framework could be implemented in order to access work in progress of individuals in terms of quality and safety. It could be use in number of professions but most prior it must be consider in public healthcare sector to ensure the safety of patients and to analyse weather quality care is being provided to individuals. Quality and safety management is important in personal life as it will help the individuals to be protected from any occurrence of risks factors. Framework could be implemented on each and every individuals and thus it is helpful in to ensure their safety and to analyse quality of work (Bates and,2016). It will be beneficial for individuals to safely organise their tasks and activities so that it could bring some quality outcomes.

    As an individual, it is my responsibility to utilize this framework in order to bring safety and quality in my life. It will be quite beneficial for my future perspective as it will help me to improve the quality of my work and to learn about the safety manures which I could implement on any serious situation arise in future. It will be effective for me to follow all the principles of safety and quality framework so that I could enhance my quality of life and could be able to lead my whole life safely at workplace as well as for my personal development.

    Communication, partnership and teamwork

    The framework is a combination of three aspects which are most important for an individual for perform effectively at a workplace. Teamwork or partnership states that work should be completed in a collaborative manner (Moreillon, 2016). It will help the individuals to perform effectively and to work to work with full potential. The framework could be implemented in a particular workplace so that each and every individual could be able to communicate effectively. It is the responsibility of individual to share information within each department of organisation. In public healthcare sectors, this particular framework could be utilized in order to enhance the professional skills of individuals. The healthcare professionals when work in a team or in a partnership will be able to deliver best quality of services to their patients as there will be proper communication and sharing of clinical practices. Communication is the key in an organisation to achieve goals and objectives which were planned. An effective team can be build when there is a proper communication between team members without any conflicts (Sangster, 2017). It helps to build a healthy and a positive relationship with individuals and also leads to bring successful life outcomes.

    From this respective framework I could be able to develop my communication skills and learn to communicate with individuals effectively. Better communication skills will help me to contribute in team effectively and I could perform with my full potential. There is a requirement of developing my team involvement skills. Thus, this framework will help me to improve my skills and assist me to develop this quality. In future, communication, partnership and teamwork framework will be beneficial for me as it will help me to attain a respectful position in my organisation and also assist me to develop my skills and enhance my contribution in my team.

    A reflective model for personal and professional development of an individual is discussed here.

    Gibbs Reflective cycle model:

    Gibbs reflective cycle model was established in the year 1988 by an American sociologist. It was developed to motivate individuals to think in a systematic manner regarding the experiences they have faced during a specific situation, activity or an event. The model help individuals to think about their past experiences in a detailed manner and make them aware about their own actions. The model was developed to change and adjust their behaviour in a positive manner. Gibbs refective model begins with a description and then run towards a clockwise direction to feelings, evaluation, analysis, conclusion and an action plan.

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    Step 1: Description

    In this step, an individual needs to describe the situation, activity or event in a detailed manner even without drawing any conclusion. It is important to note that no important information is left out from the description.

    Step 2: Feelings

    This step states about the feelings and thoughts a person has during occurance of te event, situation and activity which is described in above step. The most important goal of this phase is awareness.

    Step 3: Evaluation

    In this step, the overall evaluation of situation, activity and vent is done. It identifies the experience of the event was good or bad. It help individual to learn from their bad experiences and critically evaluate where they went wrong.

    Step 4: Analysis

    This particular phase is related to what an individual has learned from his/her past experiences. It gives an idea to the individuals that what needs to be done for the similar situation if it arise in future again. It states that problems needs to be documented and then should be analysed individually.

    Step 5: Conclusion

    In this phase, an individual look back to the situation again and think what else could be done in order to deal with the situation. The overall information which has been gathered in the earlier step is very beneficial for the individuals and help them to draw out a positive conclusion.

    Step 7: Action plan

    It is the final step of the model where actions are developed for the future situations, activities or events. In the last step which is conclusion, individuals make promises to themselves. The main intension ids to adhere to such promises. Thus, an action plan will help an individual to learn what they can do if they have to face some bad experiences.

    PART 3

    3) Design a personal development plan that addresses needs in relation to a particular habit

    Personal development plan is a procedure of creating goals and objectives. It helps an individual to access current and on going realities and to analyse needs for developing skills, knowledge and competence. It is basically a cycle for overall development of an individual. Some of the steps in creating personal development plan includes analysing the objectives, finding out requirement for development, look for opportunities, develop an action plan, implement the plan, record the results and then evaluate the outcomes.

    However, I need to develop a particular habit in me which is Seek first to understand, than to be understood. I have analysed that sometimes it is difficult for me to understand others. For developing this skill there is a need to design a personal development plan.


    Learning target

    Present Proficiency

    Target Proficiency

    Development Opportunities

    Activities which needs to be consider

    Time Scale


    Seek first to understand, than to be understood



    By developing this particualar habit i could be able to communicate effctively with my fellowmates. I conside thisa s my weakness as sometimes i get failed in understanding the problems or issues of others. Howevr, this particular paln will help me to develop this skill. I will be able to share my problems too if i could i will be successful in my plan. I will have more and better quality of friendships. Understanding and listening to otyher problems first and then to get understood by others will help me in my workplace too as sometimes individuals take me wrong and potray a mean image of mine. I could be a good leader at my workpalce if I adapt this particular habit. I could be able to deal and tackle conflicts an dproblems in much better way tahn i used to do. It will thus result in overall success and listening is consider as one of the best quality which will help me to become an effective individual. 

    • I would get engage in discussion and try to listen views and opinions of others.
    • Attend some seminars and conferences where I could develop my listening and understanding power.
    • Get indulge in social activities so that I could be able to understand the emotions of other individuals and can phrase some solutions in my mind.

    30 days

    Thus, this particular plan will help me to develop my skill and will assist me regarding how could I achieve my desire goals for fulfilling that skill.


    From the above study, it can be concluded that personal and professional development is important in individual's life as it help them in engaging in learning and development activities. It brings the overall development of individuals by enhance knowledge and skills which will help them to perform better in professional life. Certain habits could be achieved by individuals such as prioritizing things, setting goals and objectives, be protective and many more.

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