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University: Nelson college london
LO1 Provide correct research methodologies and approaches as a section of the research process
Part-1: Research proposal
Department for business, energy and industrial strategy(BEIS) UK is looking forward for the companies which are operating in UK and has undertaken the concept of the equality and diversity in culture. In this context, government has asked researchers to submit research proposals which is revolving around the concepts mentioned. On the confirmation, research proposal researchers are required to conduct a comprehensive research and present information gained to the security of BEIS.
You are required to choose the topic from the below mentioned list-
The research proposal developed will be comprised of several elements-
LO2 Perform the research which is relevant for the business research project
LO3 Offer communication for the results of the research project to the respect stakeholders
LO4 Provide the reflection on the research methodologies and concepts
On assuming that the research proposal has been approved by BEIS and it has further asked you to conduct an in depth research and present the analysis in the format provided below-
It will also cover a reflective statement regarding your thoughts on the effectiveness of the research method used for the meeting of objectives and explanation of the alternative research methodologies.
Primary and secondary research is to be conducted with the use of appropriate methods. Along with this appropriate tactic will be used and also provide the discussion on the merits and demerits of the approaches to data collection and analysis. Offer valid recommendations
As a part of the reflective statements-
Larnieng outcomes |
Pass |
Merit |
Distinction |
LO1 Provide correct research methodologies and approaches as a section of the research process |
P1 Provide the research proposals which demonstrates a research question or hypothesis aided by a literature review P2 Conduct an examination of the research methods and approaches to the primary and secondary research |
M1 You are required to make an evaluation of the research approaches and methodologies and accordingly make justifications for the selected methods |
D1 Provide the critical evaluation of the research methodologies and processes to be applied in the business research project |
LO2 Perform the research which is relevant for the business research project |
P3 Using appropriate methods for the project of the business, conduct a primary and secondary research P4 Make use of the analytical tools and also inspect the findings and data of the research |
M2 Provide the discussion of merits and pitfalls of the approaches to the data collection and analysis |
LO3 Offer communication for the results of the research project to the respect stakeholders |
P5 Offer communications of the research outcomes in an appropriate manner for the target audience |
M3 You are required to provide the logical communications for the outcomes to the target audience by describing how the outcomes meet the research objectives |
D2 You are required to communicate the result of the critical analysis and accordingly make the recommendations |
LO4 Provide the reflection on the research methodologies and concepts |
P6 Provide reflection on the effectiveness of the research methods which is used for the accomplishment of the objectives |
M4 do the critical reflection and offer the insights that has resulted in the recommended actions for the improvements |
D3 give the reflection and engagement in the resource process that leads to certain suggested actions for the future improvement purpose. |
Equality and diversity is one of the crucial component of organisation and it is very important for company to enhance diverse culture (Michie, 2019). This will lead to have major impact on performance of organisation as well as motivate staff member to conduct business task more effectively. There are different ways that can be used by company in order to enhance equality and diversity activities with in organisation. This report is based on Aviva Plc company. This is a British insurance company that is operating its business activities in different part of the world. This company is dealing financial service industry and it is providing different types of financial services to customers. Aviva plc company was founded in 2000 and its headquarter is located in London, United Kingdom. This report will includes the impact on equality and diversity on this company. There are different methods and approaches is used in order to collect most appropriate data for conducting different activities of research.
This research project is based on Aviva plc organisation that is one of the leading British company. This is a multinational organisation that is offering its products and services to different part of the world. Aviva plc company is considered as the largest general insurer company as well as provide pensions to different types of clients.
 " To understand the role of leaders and manager in managing equality and diversity at workplace in order to enhance performance and efficiency of employees."
According to Louise Petty, 2016, Equality and diversity is one of the essential topic at the workplace and now it is essential for every firm to adopt practices related to equality and diversity because it impact positively on the performance of employees (How Equality & Diversity Improves Your Workplace: Examining the Benefits, 2020). There are several legislations which are adopted by a company in order to develop and maintain equality and diversity practices such as Equality Act, Sex Discrimination Act, Race Relations Act, Disabilities Discrimination Act, Human Rights Act and many more. In order to implement equality and diversity company need to consider list of characteristics on the basis of which they need to develop practices such as gender reassignment, age, disabilities, marriage and civil partnership, maternity and pregnancy and many more. According to study when an organization implement equality as well as diversity practices at their workplace employees feel motivated because they get equal chance and it also help in promoting positive working environment. In addition to this there are also several other impacts on employeeâs performance due to equality and diversity culture such as it encourage employees to conduct work properly because they feel that they are essential part of the company and companyâs goal is their goal so they give their best of attain it. Through respective practices or activities staff get equal opportunities of growth as well as no one conduct discrimination with them which motivate them and increase their performance quality as well as by it company productivity get enhanced and it will also lead to high customerâs satisfaction. So it is essential for each and every firm to adopt as well as implement practices related to equality and diversity so that they can also enhance productivity of employees as well as it will also help them in promoting positive working environment successfully. Moreover it also help firm in enhancing their production, profitability ratio, market shares and goodwill at potential marketplace.
According to the article given on MSG (Management study guide), 2020, There are several role played by manager and leader of a company in order develop as well as maintain equality and diversity at the workplace. Some of the main role in which leader and manager of a company get engaged for maintaining equality and diversity at workplace are given below:-
These are main roles which are played by manager and leader of an organization in order to develop as well as maintain equality and diversity their workplace. This will also help them in maintaining goodwill and retaining employees for the long period of time at the workplace.
As per the perspective of article given on Future of Working, 2020, like everything equality and diversity also have several positive and negative aspects which are necessary to be considered by manager and leader of a company (20 Advantages and Disadvantages of Diversity in the Workplace, 2020). This is so because through that they able to take effective decision which will base on situation of workplace. Below some positive and negative aspects of equality as well as diversity are given:-
Positive aspect of equality and diversity at workplace
Negative aspect of equality and diversity at workplace
These are some of the positive and negative aspect of equality and diversity which are faced by a company when they adopt it in their business operations and functions.
Research methodology is used for the purpose of having a in depth knowledge of analysis of information based on given topics of research. This is a section that is helpful in gathering of information and it includes various techniques as discussed below:
Primary data: It is a form of data that is sued by researcher in their research work. There are various sources that can be used for the purpose of collecting data and it includes personal observation, interviews, focused groups. Surveys etc. these all are methods that help in collection of data from a given source.
Secondary data: It is another form of collecting data that is used by research where no information is collected from primary sources (Hirst and Thompson, 2019). It consist of sources such as websites, journal, publications, views of writers etc. this is a very helpful sources that results in saving of lot of time of the researcher.
From above discussed both the sources of primary and secondary it can be said that in present scenario, researcher has made use of primary method in which questionnaire will be used for conducting research and in secondary sources such as articles, publications, online sites are considered for the purpose of gathering of information.
Qualitative research: This is a method in which no numerical part is considered and consist of information that is based on personal interviews, surveys, focussed groups etc. in the present research work, researcher has also adopted this method in which human perception will be studied in detail to gather a understanding of their response according to key objectives of the research work.
Quantitative research: This is a type of research methodology that is related with numerical aspect of research. It is used for the purpose of making adequate calculations (Malindi, 2018). This is a type of information that is purely numerical and it helps in reaching to relevant and specific conclusions.
In present research, researcher has made use of qualitative form of methods in which information is collected and then analysed for the purpose of drawing result and making recommendations.
Sampling: It is a method that is used for taking a sample from whole population. It is not possible to analyse whole population for purpose of conducting a research. Hence, sample is chosen by researcher for making a detailed analysis of information. In this research ether are 50 respondent that have been selected by the researcher.
Gantt chart: It is a method that is used for making a graphical representation of various activities that have to be performed in the course of whole research. It is very helpful in completion of whole research in given period of time.
Work Break down Structure: work breakdown structure is used in research for the purpose of dividing the work in smaller segment. Each and every part of the whole research is identified, scheduled and finally budgeted (Robertson, 2017). It results into saving of lot of time as grassers has a clarity in mind that what are various key deliverable of the project. Below discussed is the work break down structure for present research report.
Name - E- mail ID - 1. Do you have complete information about the concept of equality and diversity?
2. In you point of view what is the importance of equality and diversity with in organisation?
3. Do you think manager and leaders play crucial role on managing equality as well as diversity in workplace.
4. According to you what are the major roles of leaders and manager for enhancing equality and diversity with in organisation.
5. As per your information what are the positive impact of equality and diversity with in Aviva plc in order to increase performance of business.
6. What are the major challenges and issues that is affect by company while implementing equality and diversity with in organisation.
7. Do you think it is important for Aviva plc company to overcome these challenges in order to achieve desired goals and objectives.
8. As per your view point that are the different methods that can be used by company for successful implementation of equality and diversity with in respective organisation.
Data Interpretation
Theme 1 - Concept of equality and diversity
1. Do you have complete information about the concept of equality and diversity? |
Frequency |
40 |
10 |
Interpretation â As per the data it has been determined that 40 respondents out of 50 have complete information and knowledge about the concept of equality and diversity. Where as only 10 responder has responded negatively.
Theme 2 - Importance of equality and diversity with in organisation
2. In you point of view what is the importance of equality and diversity with in organisation? |
Frequency |
10 |
10 |
5 |
25 |
Interpretation â According to above shown data it has been analyed that equality and diversity is very important for company. Out of 50 respondents 10, 10 and 5 responder consider its is important for attracting or retaining skilled employees, building relationships and to increase the performance of organisation respectively. Where as other 25 responder out of 50 feel that all of these factors are important.
Theme 3 - Manager and leaders play crucial role on managing equality as well as diversity in workplace.
3. Do you think manager and leaders play crucial role on managing equality as well as diversity in workplace. |
Frequency |
45 |
5 |
Interpretation â Manager and leaders are very important for equality and diversity workplace. As per the above shown data it has been identified that most of the respondents that is 45 out of 50 feels that manager and leaders have crucial role where as other 5 responders has reacted negatively.
Theme 4 - The major roles of leaders and manager for enhancing equality and diversity with in organisation.
4. According to you what are the major roles of leaders and manager for enhancing equality and diversity with in organisation. |
Frequency |
10 |
5 |
5 |
30 |
Interpretation â There are various roles of manager and leaders and according to the above shown graphical representation 10 responder consider managing employees. Where as other 5 and 5 feels that providing guidance to employees and motivating worker respectively. And majority of responder which is 30 feels all roles are very important.
Theme 5 - The positive impact of equality and diversity with in Aviva plc in order to increase performance of business.
5. As per your information what are the positive impact of equality and diversity with in Aviva plc in order to increase performance of business. |
Frequency |
10 |
10 |
10 |
20 |
Interpretation â Through the above shown data it has been determined that equality and diversity will lead to have impact on performance of company. As per data 10, 10 and other 10 responders consider increase employee morale, add new skills and promote innovative techniques with in organisation. where as other 20 out of 10 feel that all of the above mention factors are important.
Theme 6 - The major challenges and issues that is affect by company while implementing equality and diversity with in organisation.
6. What are the major challenges and issues that is affect by company while implementing equality and diversity with in organisation. |
Frequency |
20 |
10 |
20 |
Interpretation â It is very important for organisation to overcome the challenges and issues that occur while executing equality and diversity in organisation. as per the collected data its has been identified that 20 and other 10 feels that communication barriers and implementation of changes with in business is the major issues. Where as other 20 feel that effective management of diversity culture is very effective.
Theme 7 - Important for Aviva plc company to overcome these challenges in order to achieve desired goals and objectives.
7. Do you think it is important for Aviva plc company to overcome these challenges in order to achieve desired goals and objectives. |
Frequency |
30 |
20 |
Interpretation â It is important for organisation to overcome the challenges that occur while implementing equality and diversity with in organisation. It is important for organisation to successfully overcomes these issues and effective conduct business activities. As per collected data 30 responded out of 50 has responded positively where as other 20 has responded negatively.
Theme 8 - Different methods that can be used by company for successful implementation of equality and diversity with in respective organisation.
8. As per your view point that are the different methods that can be used by company for successful implementation of equality and diversity with in respective organisation. |
Frequency |
10 |
5 |
10 |
25 |
Interpretation â According to the above collected data it has been identified that there are different method through which organisation can successfully implement equality and diversity activities. Out of 50 responders 10 and 5 feels that development of strict policies and training or development is effective for organisation. where as other 10 consider that changes in recruitment policies will lead to enhance the equality and diversity culture from organisation. Where as majority of respondents that is 25 feel that all of the above are most effective and efficient method in order to boost performance of employees.
As per the above analysis of data there are various recommendations for Aviva plc. This will help manager of respective company to successfully implement equality and diversity activities in order to enhancing performance of organisation. Recommendation for Aviva plc company regarding equality and diversity is mention below in detail.
While conducting different activities of this research project I have analysed and determined various things. Through this project I am able to understand the concept of equality and diversity very effectively. This knowledge and understanding will be very supporting in my professional career and growth. There are many difficulties and issues occur such as lack of time and funds. This will lead to have negative impact on analysing outcomes of this project. In order to overcome these challenges and issues I take help for my senior person. They have provide support and appropriate guideline to conduct task and activities.
From the above report it can be concluded equality and diversity is crucial concept of business and its is very important for conducting different activities that will help in enhancing equality and diversity. There are different methods through that will help in enhancing equality and diversity in order to increase the profitability and performance of organisation.
read more samples -Â
Importance of Culture Diversity in Managing Workforce | Study on Boost Plc
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Global Assignment Help Australia (2025) [Online]. Retrieved from: https://au1.globalassignmenthelp.com.au/free-samples/research-methodology/busn4100-importance-of-equality-and-diversity-in-aviva-plc
Global Assignment Help Australia. (Global Assignment Help Australia, 2025) https://au1.globalassignmenthelp.com.au/free-samples/research-methodology/busn4100-importance-of-equality-and-diversity-in-aviva-plc
Global Assignment Help Australia. [Internet]. Global Assignment Help Australia.(2025), Retrieved from: https://au1.globalassignmenthelp.com.au/free-samples/research-methodology/busn4100-importance-of-equality-and-diversity-in-aviva-plc
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