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    Ways to Manage and Improve Cultural Diversity at Workplace

    University: CECOS College London

    • Unit No: 11
    • Level: Undergraduate/College
    • Pages: 17 / Words 4273
    • Paper Type: Assignment
    • Course Code: R/508/0522
    • Downloads: 953
    Question :

    Learning outcomes -

    LO1 Inspect the different research methodologies and approaches that is relevant to the research process

    LO2 You are required to conduct a research that associate with the business research project

    LO3 You are required to communicate the results of the research project to the interested stakeholders

    LO4 Provide reflection on the applicable research methodologies and concepts

    For LO1,

    Developing the research proposition-

    In this context you are required to develop methodical and valid propositions as the basis of the research projects

    Rationale- the aim and objective of the research question and hypothesis

    The value of the philosophical position of the researcher and the chosen methods

    Make use of the Saunders's research onion as a guide to establishing a methodological approach.

    Literature review -

    Conceptualisation of the research problem or hypothesis.

    The significance of positioning a research project with respect to existing knowledge.

    Importance and means of providing targets through which data can be judged.

    Qualitative, quantitative and mixed method research:

    Key theoretical model for research.

    Benefits and pitfalls of qualitative and quantitative research approaches and methods.

    For LO2,

    Research is comprised of different phases that assist a coherent and logical argumens. This takes into account secondary research for the purpose of informing the primary and empirical study

    Choosing a sample:

    The vitality of gathering data and information (qualitative or quantitative) to assist research analysis.

    Chose sample types and sizes that are appropriate to the research.

    Using sampling approaches and techniques including probability and no probability sampling.

    Ethics, reliability and validity:

    It is imperative that research should be conducted in an ethical manner. How is this achieved and reported?

    Analysing data:

    With the help of data collection tools such as interviews and questionnaires.

    Provide focus on analytical techniques such as trend analysis, coding or typologies.



    Who are they?

    What makes them attracted towards the results of the research?

    Which communication method is expected by them?

    Communicating research outcomes:

    By considering different methods of communicating outcomes (e.g. written word, spoken word) and the medium (e.g. report, online, presentation). The method and medium will be impacted by the research and its target audience.

    Convincing arguments:

    Irrespective of the method and medium selected, all research should be convincing and presented logically where the assumption is that the audience has little or no knowledge of the research process.

    The volatility of building evaluative conclusions.


    Reflection for learning and practice:

    Differentiate between reflecting on performance and examining a research project.

    The section considers the research process; the first section considers the quality of the research argument and use of evidence.

    Offer reflection on the merits, limitations and potential pitfalls of the chosen methods.

    The cycle of reflection:

    To include reflection in action and reflection on action.

    Describe how to use reflection to inform future behaviour and future considerations.

    Reflective writing:

    Do no use generalisation and focusing on personal development and the research

    journey in a critical and objective way.


    “Equality and diversity in the workplace”

    It is important for organisation adopt the concept of equality irrespective of the fact that organisation is employing two people or hundred people and also working remotely or in office. Diversity refers to the distinction between people and groups of people with the emphasis of the positive values on these differences.

    Choose from the below mentioned topics-

    Behaviours that support equality and diversity in the workplace

    Managing cultural diversity in the workplace

    Gender equality in leadership and management

    Workplace discrimination

    The work-life balance and enrichment experiences

    Investigating the difference between discrimination and diversity – How Do They Impact Organizations

    Managing cultural diversity in human resource management

    The managerial tools, opportunities, challenges and benefits associated with diversity in the workplace

    Training the newly hired staff for diversity in a large and diversified business organisations.

    Answer :


    Title: Ways to manage and improve Cultural diversity at the workplace.

    In the rapidly changing environment it is very difficult for the organization to maintain a good sort of employee base of the company. One of the biggest reason which used to create this sort of the issue in the organization is non presence of cultural diversity in the organization. It used to impact the working environment of the company very adversely. This report has highlighted the Literature review and research methodology, after that the report highlights the primary data collection and analysis of the same. In the end the report explain conclusion and recommendation for organization.

    Aim: To examine cultural diversity and the ways it manages and improves: A case study of ASDA.

    Research objectives

    • To determine the concept of cultural diversity
    • To identify the benefits of having cultural diversity at workplace.
    • To explore the challenges facing by ASDA while managing cultural diversity at workplace
    • To recommend the ways how cultural diversity may manage and improve

    Research questions

    • What is the conceptual framework of cultural diversity?
    • What is the importance of having cultural diversity at workplace?
    • What is the challenges face by company while managing cultural diversity?

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    There were many different reason which has forced me to select this project and to conduct the research on the same. One of the biggest reason behind the same is that it is the issue which is generally seen by all the organization in current scenario. Asda also finding it difficult to manage the same as a result this will help them in overcoming the same issue very easily. Another reason of choosing this topic will help other business to determine the importance of having cultural diversity at workplace. It is so because diversity allow various talent to work together to attain set goal.


    Theme 1 “Concept of Cultural Diversity”

    As per Hans, (2019), cultural diversity generally means the quality of different culture employee base is maintain in an organization. Different culture opposed to different monoculture, homogenization of the culture. In simple words it can be said that cultural diversity generally refers to hiring and maintaining the human resource which belongs to different culture in context of age, sex, gender and race in the organization. To maintain the same into organization HR department in the organization generally used to take the variety of the step as it used to help the organization in seeing variety of the benefit but at the same time there are many different challenges which are also seen.

    Theme 2: Benefit of having cultural diversity at workplace

    There are many different type of benefit which are brought by Cultural diversity in the organization, as it used to bring the variety of changes in the workplace environment of the organization. In the published paper Roberson, (2019) explain that cultural diversity used to help the organization in promoting good sort of innovation and creativity in the organization, as it has been find out that with the help of cultural diversity in the organization, organization is able to recruit the different culture and background employee in the organization, this will eventually result in getting more idea in the organization on the basis of different cultural belief of employee in the organization. At the same time Ayega and Muathe (2018)in his article has highlighted that cultural diversity in the organization also used to help the organization in making different decision very efficiently in the organization, also employee with different background generally find it easy to find out the solution more easily and proficiently in the organization as compare to past. Alidadi (2017) explains that the biggest benefit which is generally seen by the organization is that with the help of cultural diversity in the organization, organization finds it easy to maintain the human resource for longer period of time in the organization. It used to promote the good image of company in front of the other in the nation. As it has been find out that company find it easy to get the good number of the employee from the market who are willing to work for the company. At the same time company also find it also help the company in retaining the employee for longer period of time as they feel conformable to work for the organization where there is good sort of the cultural diversity in an org

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