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    Importance of Culture Diversity in Managing Workforce | Study on Boost Plc


    • Unit No: 11
    • Level: Undergraduate/College
    • Pages: 16 / Words 4090
    • Paper Type: Assignment
    • Course Code: CA8022
    • Downloads: 911
    Question :

    Topic - Research Project

    Project structure -

    1. Research title
    2. Content page
    3. Chapter 1 Introduction

    1.1 Research proposal

        (i) Research project description

      (ii) Research aim and objectives

    (iii) Reasons for choosing this research project

    (iv) Activities and timescales

    14. Chapter 2: Literature Review

    2.1 Introduction

    2.2 Literature review

    15. Chapter 3: Methodology

    3.1 Research approach

    3.2 Methodologies

     (i) Sampling - (description of how data would be collected)

    • Data analysis (description of how data would be analysed and presented)
    • Cost, access and ethical considerations

    17. Chapter 4 Data Collection and Analysis

      4.1 Data collection – (how data was actually collected)

    • Data analysis, presentation and discussion 
    1. Chapter 5: Conclusions and Recommendations
    2. Conclusions
    3. Recommendations
    4. Chapter 6: Personal Reflective Statement
    5. Reflect on the research methods used in your project.
    6. Consider research methods that could have been used.
    7. Areas for further research (or consideration)
    8.  Appendices
    9. Research Proposal Form
    10. Research Ethics Approval Form
    11. References

    Learning Outcomes

    LO1 Produce a research methodology, that integrates knowledge into the research process.

    LO2 Do evaluate a research which is relevant to a chosen business research project.

    LO3 provide the outcomes of a research project to identified stakeholders.

    LO4 Reflection on the application of certain research methodologies and concepts.


    consider that you have been recently recruited as the business researcher in the Morrison’s company and in this reference you are asked to accomplish the activities that will also be including a personal statement. The topic chosen for the research project is Equality and diversity at the workplace. You are further asked to identify a specific research topic. Several examples of possible research topics are:

    Behaviours that support equality and diversity in the workplace

    Managing cultural diversity in the workplace

    Gender equality in leadership and management

    Workplace discrimination

    1. The work-life balance and enrichment experiences
    2. The topic enables you to identify the research aims and objectives and necessary addressing the research topic.
    3. Activity 1- LO1

      Demonstrate a research methodology that is associated in integrating the knowledge into the research process.

      On the basis of a topic for equality and diversity in the work place in your organisation, conduct a research proposal outlining the particular aim and objectives that needs to be addressed.

      Activity 2 -LO2

      Produce a research relevant to a Morrison’s research project.

      With the methodology described by you in the research proposal (Activity 1), offer secondary and primary research using methods for your business research project that consider costs, access and ethical issues.  Apply appropriate analytical tools to data and research findings.

      Activity 3- LO3

      Provide the communication on the results of a research project to stakeholders.

      Based on the research proposal (Activity 1) and the research and analysis conducted (Activity 2); communicate research outcomes in a correct manner.

      Activity 4 – LO4

      Offer reflection on implementation of research methodologies and concepts.

      By using your research proposal (Activity 1) and analysis (Activity 2) and the conclusions and recommendations offered by you (Activity 3) reflect on the effectiveness of research methods applied for meeting the objectives of your business research project.




      LO1  (Activity 1)         Produce appropriate research methodology that  integrates knowledge into the research process.

       D1 Justify the design of the methods and techniques of data analysis.

       P1 you are required to produce a research proposal which clearly describe a research question or hypothesis, supported by a literature review.

       M1 you are required to make use of the  research opinion in the examination of different approaches to research and to justify your choice of research methods.

       P2 you will examine appropriate research methods and conduct primary and secondary research.

      LO2    (Activity 2)    Conduct and analyse research relevant to a chosen business research project.

       P3 Do primary and secondary research using methods for a business research project that consider costs, access and ethical issues.

       M2  Provide justifications for the design of the methods and techniques of the data collection

       P4 Do apply analytical tools to examine research findings and data.

      LO3   (Activity 3)       Communicate the results of a research project to interested stakeholders.

       D2 you need to demonstrate critical analysis of research outcomes to make valid and justified recommendations.

      P5Offer outcomes of the research in an appropriate manner for the target audience.

      M3 Prescribe how your research results  have met your research objectives in answering your research question.

      LO4 (Activity 4)   

      Provide reflection on the application of research methodologies and concepts.

      D3 Personal reflective statement should demonstrate reflection and engagement in the resource process leading to recommended actions for future improvement.

      P6 Reflect on the effectiveness of research methods applied for meeting objectives of the research project.

      M4  With the help of personal critical reflective statement, you are required to offer recommended actions for the enhancement in research consideration

      P7 Give alternative research methodologies and lessons learnt in view of the outcomes.

    Answer :


    Research objectives

    • To explain the role of managing culture diversity at working area.
    • To evaluate the challenges faced by company in managing culture diversity within the organisation.
    • To identify the ways by which Boost Plc can manage culture diversity in improving employee performance.

    Research questions

    • What is the role of managing culture diversity at working area?
    • What are the challenges faced by company in managing culture diversity within the business organisation?
    • What are the ways by which Boost Plc can manage culture diversity in improving employee performance?


    Role of managing culture diversity at working area

    According to Riccucci, (2018), Cultural diversity, is considered to be a shift into a positive direction when it comes to gaining maximum benefits whether at international or local level. Companies were having an opportunity of hiring candidates having diverse topic despite they belong from different backgrounds. But there are some limitations as well, it has created workplace discrimination which has moreover, decreased the productivity level of the company. Therefore, it becomes crucial for companies to manage cultural diversity in order to maintain a better working environment at office. However, managing cultural diversity provides with a large number of benefits as it encourage teamwork: a better management system allows employees to open up their minds and accept the views and thoughts of other individuals. As a result, obtaining aims and objectives becomes easier and company can attain the position whatever they want to achieve. Awareness: Having appropriate knowledge about diverse culture always create a sense of belongingness because it somewhat eliminates that chance of prejudice nature towards an individual or a group of people. Communication: This is the best way for having an interaction between staff members and also works as an effective process of listening to the other’s perception. Moreover. company should also make sure company follows a better process for interacting like firm should provides with an option of multi-language translation tool so that if there is any confusion than it can be resolved in prior basis. 

    Therefore, managing cultural diversity is very important if the company wants to achieve positive results and want to establish themselves as a prime brand as compared to its rival companies.

    Challenges faced by company in managing cultural diversity within the business operations

    According to Kamales and Knorr, (2019), Challenges are very common and mostly faced by most of the companies whether they are operating at small, medium or large level. Some of the very common limitations that can be faced by the company in managing cultural diversity within the business operations are:

    Generational and age Differences: In recent times, this is the common issue which every company is facing as diversity has reduced the barrier but has created an issue related to age differences. With a huge shift of workplace has allowed companies for choosing young talents and these create a misunderstanding between millennials and old aged people. The biggest problem is clashes in thoughts and views as old aged people think according to their experiences and young individual think as per whatever the situation arises. 

    Providing employees with diverse training: Although, training and development plays an important role in an organization and helps in improving the skills and knowledge of employees. But it can come out as a challenge when the same is to be provided to workers who are from diverse culture. Therefore, company should include training programs that includes productivity, lower down the retention process, activities through which employees can be engaged. Moreover, company should make out a middle path to resolve the issues related to diverse training process. for example: using of translation tool for effective communication process.

    Ways by which Boost Plc, can manage cultural diversity in improving employee’s performance

    According to Cletus, H.E. and et. Al., (2018), Even though, there are many issues in maintaining cultural diversity but there are certain ways through all these can be managed and however, improved for getting better performance. Some of the ways are included below for proper understanding.

    Proper evaluation of executive teams: Other than customer, partners and other stakeholders’ executive teams i.e. team members and employees who are included in this are the prime assets of the company because whatever work they do provide a positive or negative result to the company. Therefore, there should be a proper evaluation whether all the employees such as males or females are getting opportunities in showcasing their talents. This will encourage employees in doing the task as a group or under one umbrella.

    Respect and acknowledge multiple cultural diversity: Every culture has their own rules, regulations and norms & all these factors are required to be respected and acknowledged from the company as well as employees. This generally, creates a sense of belongingness towards another culture and develops respect amongst each other. Therefore, employees will be given respect and acknowledgment than they can keep their employees motivated and hence, better performance can be achieved.

    MOD003319 - Study and Research Skills 3 Anglia Ruskin University

    MOD003311 Academic Research and Writing


    Research approach: For undertaking research, two type of approach are there i.e. inductive deductive. These are effective for gathering data on the basis of specified investigation area. In current study, researcher will use deductive research approach that help in gathering quantitative and authentic information to draw a valid conclusion.

    Type of investigation: It is important for researcher to select best suitable method for undertaking research activities in a successful manner. Implementation of right method support in attaining positive results. It is classified on the basis of two type of method such as qualitative and quantitative (Anita and Swamy, 2018). For undertaking current research, quantitative method will be used by investigator that support in acquiring measurable information on the basis of selected research topic.

    Research philosophy: There are two type of philosophy such as positivism and interpretivism research philosophy to gather reliable information towards the selected topic. For undertaking this study, researcher use positivism philosophy that support in collecting measurable information through which investigator easily take positive decision to attain reliable outcomes.

    Data collection: While undertaking research activities, it is important for researcher to includes various method to collect data. In this, primary and secondary source of data are two method that can be used by researcher to gather relevant data (Hatipoglu and Inelmen, 2018). Under this, researcher will implement both primary and secondary method for undertaking entire research activities in an effective manner. By using primary method, structured questionnaire will be prepared by investigation and other side, secondary method helps in providing theoretical framework by carry out literature review.

    Research tool: There are different tools that used with the aim of gathering data and information on the basis of specified topic and area. Survey, interview, case study, observation and many more are the research that support in taking right decision within the investigation, In this research mehodology, survey is an effective tool that used by researcher to gather data directly from selected respondents.

    Sampling: Selecting suitable sample size is important because it help in obtaining reliable information. It divided into two techniques such as probabilistic and non- probabilistic. For this research probabilistic sampling technique will be used by research in which respondents are selected as per random basis. Along with this, people also get equal chances to be selected for providing their views and opinion (Caputo, Ayoko and Amoo, 2018). By using this, researcher select 50 respondents who are staff members of the company and also having enough knowledge about managing cultural diversity.



    Q1) Are you aware about culture diversity?

    a) Yes

    b) No

    Q2) Does managing cultural diversity is important for business organization?

    a) Yes

    b) No

    Q3) What is the role of managing culture diversity at working area of Boost Plc?

    a) Build connectivity

    b) Promote equality

    c) Manage positive relation

    Q4) What are the benefits of managing cultural diversity within the business organization?

    a) Promote creativity

    b) Invite best talent

    c) Improve employee productivity

    Q5) What are the challenges faced by business organization at the time managing cultural diversity at workplace?

    a) Increase conflict

    b) Reduce productivity of employees

    c) Lack of employee involvement

    Q6) What kind of alternative ways used by firm to manage diverse culture at working area within the Boost Plc?

    a) Teamworking

    b) Effective communication

    c) Promote awareness

    Q7) What are the strategies implement for dealing with diversity in the workplace to promote equality?

    a) Determine the issue

    b) Hold people accountable

    c) Develop policies according to company goal

    Q8) Does managing cultural diversity help in improving employee productivity level at working area?

    a) Yes

    b) No

    Q9) Does managing cultural diversity support in developing positive relation among employees at workplace?

    a) Yes

    b) No

    Q10) Suggested the aspects that help Boost Plc in improving employee’s performance at working area.


    Data sheet

    Q1) Are you aware about culture diversity?


    a) Yes


    b) No


    Q2) Does managing cultural diversity is important for business organization?


    a) Yes


    b) No


    Q3) What is the role of managing culture diversity at working area of Boost Plc?


    a) Build connectivity


    b) Promote equality


    c) Manage positive relation


    Q4) What are the benefits of managing cultural diversity within the business organization?


    a) Promote creativity


    b) Invite best talent


    c) Improve employee productivity


    Q5) What are the challenges faced by business organization at the time managing cultural diversity at workplace?


    a) Increase conflict


    b) Reduce productivity of employees


    c) Lack of employee involvement


    Q6) What kind of alternative ways used by firm to manage diverse culture at working area within the Boost Plc?


    a) Teamworking


    b) Effective communication


    c) Promote awareness


    Q7) What are the strategies implement for dealing with diversity in the workplace to promote equality?


    a) Determine the issue


    b) Hold people accountable


    c) Develop policies according to company goal


    Q8) Does managing cultural diversity help in improving employee productivity level at working area?


    a) Yes


    b) No


    Q9) Does managing cultural diversity support in developing positive relation among employees at workplace?


    a) Yes


    b) No


    Theme 1: Aware about culture diversity.

    Q1) Are you aware about culture diversity?


    a) Yes


    b) No


    Interpretation: Diversity culture is crucial concept for business and it is also important to manage the same. With the help of this, company can build positive and healthy working environment wherein staff members put their best efforts for attaining their targets. In this regard, 40 people are aware about managing cultural diversity and its impact over the company and its workers as well. Furthermore, rest of 10 respondents does not have any idea of about diverse culture.

    Theme 2: Managing cultural diversity is important for business organization.

    Q2) Does managing cultural diversity is important for business organization?


    a) Yes


    b) No


    Interpretation: From the preceding bar char it is evaluated that 35 respondents said that managing diverse culture is more important for company in improving their performance level. It also beneficial in making employees more productive. On the other side, 15 people are not familiar with this statement.

    Theme 3: Role of managing culture diversity at working area of Boost Plc.

    Q3) What is the role of managing culture diversity at working area of Boost Plc?


    a) Build connectivity


    b) Promote equality


    c) Manage positive relation


    Interpretation: Managing cultural diversity play a significant role in business organization. As, 30 out of 50 people think that building connectivity is an important role of managing diversity, 10 participants said that it also assists in promoting equality at working area. On the other side, rest of 10 respondents give their views that it also develops positive relation among employees at working area.

    Theme 4: Benefits of managing cultural diversity within the business organization.

    Q4) What are the benefits of managing cultural diversity within the business organization?


    a) Promote creativity


    b) Invite best talent


    c) Improve employee productivity


    Interpretation: As per above chart it is analysed that 20 people think that managing diversity at workplace help in promoting creativity, 20 participants said that it also helps in inviting best talent within the company. On the other side, rest of 10 respondents give their views that it also help in improving employee productivity level.

    Theme 5: Challenges faced by business organization at the time managing cultural diversity at workplace.

    Q5) What are the challenges faced by business organization at the time managing cultural diversity at workplace?


    a) Increase conflict


    b) Reduce productivity of employees


    c) Lack of employee involvement


    Interpretation: From the discussed graphical presentation it has been analysed that there are various issues and challenges faced by the company at the time of managing cultural diversity within the company. As, 30 participants think that it may increase conflict among workers, 10 respondents said that it also reduces employee’s productivity. Apart from this, 10 people said that lack of employee involvement in organizational activities is also a major challenge in front of company.

    Theme 6: Alternative ways used by firm to manage diverse culture at working area within the Boost Plc.

    Q6) What kind of alternative ways used by firm to manage diverse culture at working area within the Boost Plc?


    a) Teamworking


    b) Effective communication


    c) Promote awareness


    Interpretation: It is crucial for business organization to use alterative ways that help in managing diverse culture at working area. In this, 25 out of 50 people think that team work is effective in managing diverse culture. In addition of this, 15 participants said that effective communication also an appropriate way and remaining 10 respondents also give their views that promote awareness about different culture is also effective way to manage the same.

    Theme 7: Strategies implement for dealing with diversity in the workplace to promote equality.

    Q7) What are the strategies implement for dealing with diversity in the workplace to promote equality?


    a) Determine the issue


    b) Hold people accountable


    c) Develop policies according to company goal


    Interpretation: From the above-mentioned graphical representation it can be analysed that there are various strategies that could be implement by company with the aim of dealing with diversity at working area. It may assist in promoting equality at working area and also make employees more productive. In this context, 20 people think that determining the issue at working area is an effective strategy to deal with diversity at workplace. 20 participants said that holding people accountable is appropriate strategy for managing diversity on the other side, remaining 10 respondents think that developing policies as per organizational goals is an effective strategy.

    Theme 8: Managing cultural diversity help in improving employee productivity level at working area.

    Q8) Does managing cultural diversity help in improving employee productivity level at working area?


    a) Yes


    b) No


    Interpretation: As per preceding graphical representation it has been evaluated that managing cultural diversity is one of the effective activities that support in improving overall performance of the company. As it also helps in developing positive working environment wherein each and every employee treated equally. In related to this, 30 out of 50 participants give their views that maintaining diversity at working area support in enhancing employee performance that may directly contributes in reducing employee turnover. Apart from this, remaining participants are not agreeing with this theme and statement as well.

    Theme 9: Managing cultural diversity support in developing positive relation among employees at workplace.

    Q9) Does managing cultural diversity support in developing positive relation among employees at workplace?


    a) Yes


    b) No


    Interpretation: Manging diverse culture within the business is important as it help employees in managing their positive and healthy relation with each-others. This can be also beneficial in improving overall performance of the company. In this regard, 35 out of 50 people think that managing cultural diversity is an effective aspect that directly contributes in developing positive relation between employees at working area. On the other hand, rest of 15 participant are not familiar with this statement.



    As per whole research it can be summarise that every business organization is responsible for managing equality and diversity at working area because it is beneficial in improving the overall performance of the company and its staff members as well. In a working environment different worker are perform who are belongs to different culture and nation. This is the reason that maintaining proper diverse culture that support in promoting awareness and also create innovation at working area. It may contribute in making employees more productive and efficient as well. By managing diversity, company can encourage staff members to share positive and healthy relation that contributes in eliminating issues and conflicts and at the same time also develop positive performance.


    After analysing the entire report, it has been recommended that, company should implement certain measure through which they can attain benefits from the market area. Thus, some of the points are given below:

    • Company should make its communication as its priority and through this they must communicate the consequences an individual can face if rules and regulations are violated. Moreover, company should remove the third-party involvement and should maintain a transparency between working staff which means employees have anything genuine to talk than they can directly come and share their opinions.
    • However, company should engage its employees with diverse groups so that they can establish a better understanding and other negative notions can be removed. As a result, it will open the minds of employees and without any hesitation they can share their views and thoughts related to work or other than this.
    • In order to manage, cultural diversity, company should make the hiring process unbiased and genuinely people who deserve a place in workplace should be appointed rather than the one who is not so skilful and knowledgeable in performing any kind of task within or outside the organisation.

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