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University: The University of Melbourne
Literature Review is identify as one of the main and essential element of research which is used by the researcher with aim to recognise basic wants and needs of customers about digital technology as a mode of mobile application. It is more effective and useful in accumulating necessary information and data by following secondary source. It is more significant for analysing the point of view of different number of writers and authors. Such part of the research supports in organising detailed and in-depth investigation as to formulating entire activities of research program in an effective and appropriate way (Prajogo and Olhager, 2012). This section give a accurate theoretical framework which assist in gathering all relevant information by using secondary methods. This type of source includes some helping aspects such as online sites, journals, books and many other. All these are valuable because in this past project of research supports in identifying the point of view and opinion of large number of writers as well as authors as to gathering appropriate outcomes for the wind up of research project.
Mobile application is useful part for the development and success of the company within predetermined period of time. Edumunds is an American online resource for the Automotive information. They provide different kind of services and facilities to the customers through online which is good for them to maintain long lasting position at marketplace. On the basis of view point of Christopher, (2016) 1it has been stated that implementation of information and advanced technology has more powerful in order to purchasing customer decisions. Along with this, mobile application is identify one of the effective and useful tool for the company because with the use of this they can easily keep better relationship between buyers and sellers in which marketing as well as advertising related practices are easily carried out. In Edumunds, technology advancement is more needed for them to attract large number of customers as well as maximise their sales and gain competitive advantages within an organisation. Business entity has their own mobile application or tool which is used by the consumer for searching motto as well as understand more regarding services or vehicles of such organisation.
On the other hand Sirmon, (2011)it has been determined that mobile application of business entity depicts that it is essential and useful for large number of clients in order to avail entire certified vehicles which are nearby. To customers, there are different separate options regarding buying of certified vehicles or car at affordable cost. In order to attract different number of customers towards effective and quality products and services of company, business entity follow their mobile application which highly support them to maximise their better and strong position at marketplace for long time period.
Mobile application is more important and valuable tool for the automotive sector to increase their growth and progress in different level (The Importance of Mobile Apps for Your Business, 2016). In order to gain various number of advantages from mobile application such as create a strong loyalty and relationship with clients, raise brand awareness, profile, availability as well as maximise sales, strengthen trade name, and so on, most of the business entity have started processing mobile application to strengthen their foremost business activities as well as maximise growth. According to Rummler and Brache, (2012) it has been determined thatimplementation of technology is essential in innovation as well as portrayal of different innovative features under such segment. Thus, digital technology assist support to Edumunds in saving their cost and time of operations. It is also helpful for the automotive sector to expand their business operations and activities in large are which benefited to them to make strong position at international marketplace. As per the research in UK, large number of the population are have their own mobile which highly impacted on ownership of car and many other vehicles. This enterprise is dealing in an Automotive sector and also provide some valuable platform with aim to maximise sales and revenues by keeping strong relationship with customers. In this, it is important to implement an effective application of mobile that posses a friendly and intuitive platform.
Their own mobile application tool is highly essential for them to maximise its sales and revenues easily. It benefited to the organisation at the time period of venturing in to implementation of mobile app. There are more advantages to Edumunds business by developing mobile applications are determined as below:
Provide more value to the customers: Mobile application are is more essential and significant regarding satisfaction and engagement of user. It is more essential regarding keeping communication line with their target customers. According to the Costen and Salazar, (2011)it has been stated that in today's extremely competitive globe, being reachable is the core to success and growth. If business entity are looking to maximise the interaction of their targets audience with them, they should renders a way of value to the large number of clients so that they do not leave this business to other organisation. Main motive of company for applying such kind of tool is that it provides business the potentials to occupy with prospective customers in actual period based on areas including user preference and demographics.
Maximised sales and revenues: As per the point of view of Rasula, Vuksic and Stemberger, (2011) it has been explained about that mobile application is highly essential and valuable form in order to alert large number of population and also communicate with clients significantly. For achievement of this, Mobile app for Edumunds business attempts in order to provide all necessary or relevant data and information which will be needed at the period of purchasing. It is important that quality and standard of the product should be impressive. Thus, such type of tool support the company to maximise their sales within predetermined period of time.
Strong relation with customers: With the use of mobile application, company easily provide all necessary information to the customers. It help the automotive industry to make strong and effective relation with clients. As per the point of view of McGrath, (2012)it has been concluded that with the support of mobile application, each and every organisation can easily aware people regarding actual trends at marketplace. Main focus of such technique is to fulfil basic requirement of audience effectively. Along with this, Edumunds use mobile application with purpose to engage clients and also render them better solutions to their entire queries to acquire effective outputs.
Competitiveness: In order to gain competitive advantages and benefits over the competitors, company can use their mobile application. With the assist of such technique Edumunds can easily engage a customers in the buying process which maintain clients away from identifications of substitutes. Thus it is important that company should modify its own mobile app in daily basis and also maximise service quality so that different base of clients can be attract. For this, business entity can easily compete their strongest challengers at marketplace. Therefore, it will support in gaining maximum amount of competitive benefits over the challengers.
In this, it is important and essential for management of Edumunds in order to take feedback or commend from clients regarding policies and strategies of company for make enhancements in its services. It is recommend that Edumunds use in-application platform or chat to help clients. It is identify as an effective and useful tool which support in maximising conversion rate and dealing with different queries. In relation to this, it is essential to be implant functionality including GPS, Mobile phones and instance access of camera for rendering accurate way to marketer for reaching to various number of clients. Due to mobile app, business entity can collect relevant information which is mainly related to the audience to render them required notifications which is mainly relays on finding pattern.
Research methodology is considered as one of the main and important form of the research project which is used by researcher. In nature such type of research is effective in developing entire operations and activities of company in an effective way. It help the enterprise to reach at final outcomes and outputs which is necessary for their entire growth and development in marketplace (Brewster and Hegewisch, 2017). Further, such kind of study undertakes different different tools and techniques about to gather relevant information about research topic. This part of research is based on different elements which are given as below:
This is identify as an indispensable part of research projects as it is the actual responsibility of specialist in order to discover the analysation composes. It is classified into two different parts including quantitative and qualitative (Salas and et. al., 2012). Qualitative research method is mainly relay on information nature which is collected by the expert. On the other hand quantitative research approach which chiefly relays on the number of aggregated data. In this research project, investigator mainly follow qualitative methods which help them to aggregated accurate data or information easily.
It can be identify as the core part of research project and support in providing noteworthy form to expert to finished the whole work and activity in an accurate manner. This part of investigation sorted among various areas including experimental, exploratory and descriptive research design (Pollock, Wick and Jefferson, 2015). Along with this, investigator has different role in selecting accurate plan for complete of entire work. In this research, investigator mainly follows descriptive design of research. In this whole work and activity is mainly relays on particularly viable and quantitative nature in get exact and legitimate information for the venture.
It can be portrayed as an essential and profitable part of research projects which supports in providing accurate information through view motive of various scholars and writers who are effectively having noteworthy knowledge in specified area. It can be divided into two parts such as positivism and Interpretivism . Both are the best parts and provide a large study to inquire regarding work or activity for acquiring legitimate and accurate information. In this research, researcher only use Interpretivism which is more compelling and essential in collecting important information by various assets.
This part of the research is comprise is effective philosophies which is essential for the investigator to collect accurate amount of the information. Approaches of the research is classified in two parts including inductive and deductive (Moser, 2012). The accurate research exercise that highly relay on objective sorts and in this part expert select inductive research approach in critical manner. On the other hand inductive method of research is worried regarding the new hypothesis age that are improving out of the accurate data.
It is another area of the research which is important for the investigator to collect accurate information about the customers needs and wants related to opinion about mobile application. It is essential obligation of expert is to collect data from primary and secondary source of research. In this kind of investigation specialist having appropriate decision in order to gather relevant information from both kind of sources as per their own saneness. In this part inquire regarding both tools must be applied by scientist (Ford, 2014). In this part of writing audit that must be completed via optional assets which is based on important tool that must be used by researcher. In addition to this, to collect accurate data, investigator follow primary approach and in this various sources are included such as questionnaire, observation and many other.
It can be considered as essential and valuable part of research project. In this role of the business manager is to select sample size which support in identification of customer choice about the mobile application (Shultz and Adams, 2012). It is significant and important obligation of investigator requirement to select the accurate process for ratting testing for this researcher can get probabilistic and non-probabilistic systems which support them to complete all work accurately. In this part inquire regrading work expert choose the respondents number is 30 who are habitually taking benefits of served services.
It is another important and useful part of the research project which assist in setting different problems which are come out at the time of directing investigation venture that are related with research topic (Kolb, 2014). A research come with different situations or ascertain when it gather personal data from various base of population. It is important and valuable that data should be confidential of individual felling.
Questionnaire |
Q1) Does mobile application is beneficial and essential for the growth and success of organisation? |
Frequency |
Agree |
27 |
Disagree |
3 |
Q2) Does the attraction of customers is effective for processing organisational profitability and revenue? |
Frequency |
Yes |
25 |
No |
5 |
Q3) What are different ways under which Edumunds use its mobile application platform? |
Frequency |
To attract customers |
8 |
Maximise sales |
7 |
Increase profitability |
7 |
Reduce conflict |
8 |
Q4) How development of mobile application in an automotive sector is important? |
Frequency |
Reduction in Price |
10 |
Customers satisfaction |
5 |
Saving time |
7 |
Quick Response |
8 |
Q5) What are advantages which are gained through Edumunds after execution of the mobile application technology? |
Frequency |
Provide more value to the customers |
10 |
Maximised sales and revenues: |
7 |
Strong relation with customers |
8 |
Competitiveness |
5 |
Q6) What are the main social media or mobile application technique's followed by business as to rendering convenient services to their target audience? |
Frequency |
10 |
8 |
Online Portal |
6 |
6 |
Q7) Does the mobile application are impressive in effecting the decision making of clients in respect to the served services of organisation? |
Frequency |
Yes |
26 |
No |
4 |
Q8) What are the beneficial technologies are applied by Edumunds in order to hold loyal customers or clients for long run of business functions and activities? |
Frequency |
Low prices products |
8 |
Discount offers |
8 |
Free Vouchers |
7 |
After Sales services |
7 |
Q9) What are the main reason behind applying the source of mobile applications within the organisation? |
Frequency |
Reaching to customers |
8 |
Capture Global Market |
10 |
Detailed Description |
7 |
Easy Availability |
5 |
Q10) Does mobile applications that has a direct effects on the preference and choice of audience? |
Frequency |
Positive |
25 |
Negative |
5 |
Q11) Do you have any suggestion for examining the effects of digitalisation such as mobile application on business functions and their activities within an enterprise. |
Theme 1: Mobile Application are beneficial for business growth and development.
Q1) Does mobile application is beneficial and essential for the growth and success of organisation? |
Frequency |
Agree |
27 |
Disagree |
3 |
Interpretation: From the above mentioned graph that determined about the importance and significance of the mobile application for the development and growth of company within predetermined period of time. As per this, 30 out of 27 respondents are agree regarding such concepts and rest of the part of population are say such technique is costly for the lower and middle class people.
Theme 2: The attraction of customers is effective for processing organisational profitability and revenue.
Q2) Does the attraction of customers is effective for processing organisational profitability and revenue? |
Frequency |
Yes |
25 |
No |
5 |
Interpretation: As per this graph that shown the customer attraction is more important and vital element for the sales and profitability of company. In order to attract large number of customers easily Edumunds use mobile application tool which highly essential for the business to increase their sales and revenues in limited time period. Mobile application is one of the best and important technique which benefited to the business to accomplish their long term goals and objectives. This statement are agreed by the 25 respondents and rest of the population out of 30 are disagree.
Theme 3: There are various essential of mobile application in maximising growth of Edumunds
Q3) What are different ways under which Edumunds use its mobile application platform? |
Frequency |
Boosting brand awareness |
8 |
Maximise Inbound Traffic |
7 |
Effective Customer Relationships |
7 |
Team Collaboration |
8 |
Interpretation: As per this graph that define the requirement for using mobile application in the business operations and activities. It is highly needed for the Edumunds in boasting brand awareness which is agreed by 8 respondents. For this rest of the population are used this technique with purpose to maximise Inbound Traffic, effective customer relationship and team collaboration. All these are important for the business entity to maintain their strong position at marketplace.
Theme 4: Development of mobile application is important for the automotive industry.
Q4) How development of mobile application in an automotive sector is important? |
Frequency |
Reduction in Price |
10 |
Customers satisfaction |
5 |
Saving time |
7 |
Quick Response |
8 |
Interpretation: As per this graph that determined about the importance and need of mobile application in the Automotive sector. As per the survey, researcher observed about 30 out of 10 respondents are say it is important for the Edumunds to reduce their cost, 5 are agree about it is essential for the customer satisfaction, view point of other 7 respondents are it is saving time tool and rest of the population are agreed it is a quick response technique for the growth and development of business entity.
Theme 5: There is various type of mobile application are used by Edumunds
Q5) What are advantages which are gained through Edumunds after execution of the mobile application technology? |
Frequency |
Provide more value to the customers |
10 |
Maximised sales and revenues |
7 |
Strong relation with customers |
8 |
Competitiveness |
5 |
Interpretation: As per this graph that explained about the advantages which are gained by the Edumunds through applying mobile application in their business activities and operations. In this 30 out of 10 respondents are agree about it provide more value to the customers, 7 are agree, it help the business to maximise their sales, 8 respondents are agreed regarding it support to maintain strong relationship with customers and rest of the population are believe that mobile application provide competitive advantages to the business.
Theme 6: There are main types of social media and mobile application applied by company as to giving convenient services to their target audience.
Q6) What are the main social media or mobile application technique's followed by business as to rendering convenient services to their target audience? |
Frequency |
Face book |
10 |
8 |
Online Portal |
6 |
6 |
Interpretation: As per this graph that shown about the different types of social media and mobile application which are used by the automotive industry for their growth and development. In this 30 out of 10 respondents are use Facebook, 8 are follow Twitter, 6 are select online portal and many other.
Theme 7: The Mobile application are impressive in impacting the decision making of clients in respects to the served services of business.
Q7) Does the mobile application are impressive in effecting the decision making of clients in respect to the served services of organisation? |
Frequency |
Yes |
26 |
No |
4 |
Interpretation: As per this graph that determined about the significance and need of mobile application. This tool highly effects on the decision making ability of customers. In this 26 out of 30 respondents are say yes and rest of the population are not agree about this.
Theme 8: Types of beneficial technology is used by the automotive industry with purpose to run their business activities and function for long duration.
Q8) What are the beneficial technologies are applied by Edumunds in order to hold loyal customers or clients for long run of business functions and activities? |
Frequency |
Low prices products |
8 |
Discount offers |
8 |
Free Vouchers |
7 |
After Sales services |
7 |
Interpretation: This graph determined about the benefits for adopting mobile application in the business operations and activities. For achievement of this, company provide different benefits to the customers such as low prices products, discount offers, free vouchers and after sales services. All these are agreed by the different respondents out of 30.
Theme 9: The main reason behind using the source of Social media and mobile applications within the work place.
Q9) What are the main reason behind applying the source of mobile applications within the organisation? |
Frequency |
Reaching to customers |
8 |
Capture Global Market |
10 |
Detailed Description |
7 |
Easy Availability |
5 |
Interpretation: This graph shown the reason behind applying mobile application in business operations and activities. In this 30 out of 8 respondents are agree for reaching the clients, 10 are applying for capturing global market share, 7 are agreed for it provide detailed description and rest of the population are using such technique with reason to easily select all services in an effective and efficient manner.
Theme 10: Social media and mobile applications has a direct influence on the choice and preference of customers.
Q10) Does mobile applications that has a direct effects on the preference and choice of audience? |
Frequency |
Positive |
25 |
Negative |
5 |
Interpretation: This graph determined the effects of mobile application on the choice and preference of customers. In this 25 respondents are say it has positive impact on the customers and rest of the 5 respondents are say it has negative and direct impacts on the choice of the clients.
As per the above mentioned report it has been concluded that digital technology is more essential and significant part for the progress and growth of the organisation within predetermined period of time. There are various kind of initiatives and sources which assist to create maximum amount of the profit for organisation in order to gain competitive advantages. Research is more essential and important for the investigator to analysis accurate amount of the information. Thus, it benefited to the enterprise to maximise their sales in an effective and appropriate manner. There are different parts of research which are useful and important to the automotive industry to attract large number of customers as well as gain their maximum amount of competitive advantages. This supports to attract various number of customer towards effective services. These plan as well as policies that are also supports to identify the goals and targets of enterprise. Business emphasis on to customers purchasing behaviour. This leads to attain different kind of functions and activities of company in an effective and efficient manner. There are different kinds of initiatives which are taken by the automotive industry in order to increase the level of sales. There are various kinds of promotional techniques and aspects which are seized by the enterprise. This supports to render effective and better service to the target audience. This leads to execute different functions, operation and activities of organisation systematically.
As per the above mentioned research report it has been recommended that mobile application is one of the main factor that support the business to maximise their profitability. There are different number of factors that are approachable with the management, they required to place on accurate choice in order to select the most ideal quality that could move them high advantages and outcomes. It is recommended that management must assurance the outlay that is elaborate in this respect and take an effective choice in such manner. Appropriate structures and design that must be closed so rightful points of wonder can be attained for transferring messages to large number of respective in respect to the occasion regarding creativity festivity in Buckinghamshire. In relation to this, it is more important to be engraft functionality such as GPS, instance access of camera and mobile phone for yielding perfect way to merchandiser for identifying different number of clients. As per the mobile application, company can collect accurate information or data which is principally connected to the customers to provide them needed notifications which is mainly related on finding pattern.
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