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In present digital world, Technology has very important role to play in manufacturing industry. Technology has helped many organisations in increasing the working efficiency. It has assisted business entity in bringing the drastic improvement at workplace. Development in technology has enabled an organisation to facilitate innovation and deliver quality goods to customers. In context of manufacturing companies , it has supported the firm in engineering and producing of products with the new features and has enabled business entity to deliver high level of satisfaction to customers. Technology not only helps an organisation in increasing working efficiency but also reducing the cost of production and saving the time. It has made communication and flow of information fast in an enterprise. Technology has supported manager in allowing the workers to develop the skills or core competencies which are required for important for improving performance and increasing working efficiency. Technological development have positive impact on then working efficiency of manufacturing company. The advancement in technology has lead to the improvement in quality of products as well as help firm in delivering the quick services to customers. It also assists business entity in increasing the production level as well as allows an enterprise to maintain balance between demand and supply. Besides the positive impact , technology also have some negative effect on the efficiency of organisation.
The purpose of present report is to develop the understanding the about the impact of the technology on the business in context of Tata motors corporation.
Tata manufacturing company operates in the Auto mobile sector. An organisation is recognised as the most popular and leading car manufacturer enterprise. Purpose of firm is to designed the innovative cars and provide customer with safe and memorable driving experience. But due to the emission of the harmful gasses from the cars Tata motor company has to face legal obligations which has direct as well as significant impact on business entity brand reputation in the market (Monsen and Horn, 2007). This factor also have great influence on the profitability and sales of Tata motors. But with the effective strategies and business plans Tata motors company has been successful in improving its performance and enhancing business image. Product development and quality management strategies has supported the business entity in increasing the demand for their products as well as services. Due to the high demand of good in the market , business entity has to face difficulty in managing the situation due to low working efficiency and production level. An organisation has to face and handle the complaint of customers due to delay in services as well as products. This factor has further lead to the high level of dissatisfaction in client which has negative impact on the sales as well as profitability of business entity. Manager in Tat motors company has planned to implement the technology at workplace which has helped an organisation in increasing its working efficiency and making quick deliveries of goods or services to client. Employment of technology has also supported an enterprise in improving the quality of productivity and increasing the level of production (Borghoff and Pareschi,eds., 2013). It has also aided firm in enhancing the product performance. Technology has provided firm an opportunity to develop new products and make improvement in existing goods. In addition, to this Technology has also supported business venture in reducing the cost or expenses and increasing the profit margin .It has allowed an enterprise to gain competitive advantage in the market by developing or producing as well as launching new model of car.
Aim: To analyse the impact of technological development on business efficiency on efficiency of business in context of Tata motors corporations.
Research question :
The reason for selecting the research topic analysing the impact of development in technology on the business of Tata motors corporations , is to identify the factors which has helped business entity in achieving success. The another significant reason to find the elements which has assisted an organisation in rebuilding image. In addition to this other reason is to increase the knowledge about the importance of technology in manufacturing industry. Purpose of selecting this research is to explore both positive and negative effect of the technology on organisational efficiency. Other rationale for selecting the specific researcher topic is to analyse the recent changes in technology. Tata motor corporation is utilising the advance technology for increasing working efficiency (Miller and et. al., 2012). The scholar is much interested about identifying the tool which has helped business entity in bringing drastic improvement at workplace and helps an enterprise in increasing working efficiency.
There has been variety of tools as well as techniques have been utilised by the scholar in order to prepare the research specification. In present study on the topic analysing the impact of technology on the business efficiency in context of Tata motors corporations , researcher will use the several methods for executing the investigation in systematic manner. The several research methodologies will assist scholar in reaching to the conclusion and also making suitable decision for an organisation. In present investigation both the primary as well as secondary sources of information will be used as a technique or method for data collection.
This specific tool is generally used by the researcher when planning to execute investigation of specific topic. There are varieties of research design such as descriptive, experimental , explanatory , exploratory etc. (Bulgurcu, Cavusoglu and Benbasat, 2010) In present study scholar will utilise descriptive research design. This Specific research design has been selected by the investor for conducing the study as there are high possibility of observing phenomenon. By using the descriptive research design scholar will be able to analyse non-quantified topics as well as issues in an effective manner.
It is recognised as the belief about the way in which data about a process ore development would be collected. Ontology , Epistemology, positivism , realism, interpretive are some research philosophies. In present investigation researcher will use interpretive research philosophy.
Deductive as well as inductive are the two types of research philosophies. As the present study is based in based on the topic which is qualitative in nature , investigator will use inductive research approach (English and Kirshner, 2016). Researcher on the basis on the understanding gained by the going through approaches , theories or model will collect data or information related to the topic.
As there are wide numbers of workers in Tata motors company from whom the information can be gathered , so the scholar has that he will select some workers randomly for interviewing. In present study, scholar will select the sample of 20 workers using the random sampling technique.
Strategy for the research : There are two form of strategies these are qualitative and quantitative which can be used by researcher for conducting the investigation in systematic manner. In present investigation researcher will use qualitative research techniques (Ãzerdem, and Bowd, 2016). As this will assist researcher in reaching to the conclusion and making the appropriate judgement.
During the investigations , there are several activities which are required to be executed by the scholar within the specific time frame. As all the activities as well as the procedures are interconnected in the research as delay in one task can have effect on the completion time of the project. This factors might also have negative influence ion the quality of work.
Activity/Week |
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Preparation of proposal for research |
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Setting aim and objectives |
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Developing understanding and writing about background of topic on which investigation has to be executed |
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Mixture of suitable research methodologies |
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Selection of Data collection method |
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Data or information analysis |
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Representation of gathered information to generate expected outcome |
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Decision and making changes as per the suggestion or advice |
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Submission of draft |
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Final Submission of the report |
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The concept of the organisational or business performance covers the different aspects such as competitiveness , relevance, efficiency , effectiveness, financial viability and skilfulness. According to the perception of Marmouse (1997) who stated that business performance indicates the way in which an enterprise s organized itself in order to reach business objectives and also the techniques or methods adopted by firm to deal with complex situation. As per the opinion of Vadlamani Ravi (2007) who stated that technology is utilised by an organisation for enabling employees to deliver quick as well as quality services to customers. According to the though Allen and Morton (2004) technology is growing at very rapid in a dynamic and highly competitive business environment which requires utilizing advanced IT tools to improve efficiency, cost effectiveness, and deliver high quality products and services to customers. As per the opinion of Attewell (1984) many enterprises or business unit are utilising the advance technology for analysing the solution to the different business problems. He also stated that technology can be utilised by an organisation for increasing efficiency as well as effectiveness and also for enhancing the decision making procedure. According to the perception of Cerere (1993) firm also implemented technology in order to helps their employees in increasing their efforts in production as well as management (Goksoy,Ozsoy and Vayvay,2012). He has also stated that technology helps workers in increasing working efficiency and improving their performance at workplace. As per the thinking of Daft (1997) Technology has emerged as the essential tool in the field of operation and management.
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As it has helped both operational and production department in increasing the working efficiency and improving the productivity (Zumitzavan and Michie, 2015.). Technological advancement has provided a firm an opportunity to enhance the quality of products and make quick deliveries of goods or services to customers. According to the opinion of Feeny & Willcocks, (1998) as an enterprise expand business operations it dependents on technology for increasing efficiency. Tata motors organisation should implement technology within an enterprise as it will help business entity in increasing the core competencies. It will also support an enterprise in developing as well as increasing uniqueness and help firm in gaining the competitive advantage in the market. As per the view of Griffth (1999) there has been the tremendous development in technological devices. It is required by management in Tata motors corporation to analyse the impact of technology on employees' performance at workplace. As this strategy will assist manager in making suitable business decisions. According to the thought of Borghoff and Pareschi eds., (2013) Technology is considered to be as very much important as well as effective tool which assist business entity in increasing the effectiveness, enhancing the quality , rising the speed of business procedures. As per the opinion of Bulgurcu, Cavusoglu and Benbasat, (2010)An organisation can increase the the speed of customer service delivery by implementing the information technology or utilising the internet for taking the order. Implementation of information technology will help management in ensuring the quick flow of information at workplace which will further aid firm in eliminating the delay in deliveries of product or services to customers.
In present investigation, scholar has used the two method for gathering the information related to the topic , these two techniques are questionnaire and personal interview method. These two techniques have has been selected considering the time factor. The questionnaire has been prepared by the scholar. Questionnaire form consists of close ended question. As this strategy will assist researcher in gaining the limited information which will provide investigator in reaching to conclusion. It will also help researcher in making suitable judgement. In additions to this there are two research methods which can be used by the scholar in combination of above techniques these are qualitative and quantitative method. In present study scholar will use the qualitative method along with the interview as well as questionnaire method for collecting the relevant information.
It is considered to be as an effective tool which can be used by the scholar in order to reach to the appropriate solution. Research philosophies assist investigator in developing the understanding about the criterion or process which could be used for executing investigation in systematic manner. These philosophies can be implemented by the researcher for analysing the information which has been gathered during the investigation in systematic manner. Positivism , interventionism , ontology etc. are some research philosophies. In present investigation scholar has utilised as well as applied the philosophy of interventionism in order achieve aims and objectives.
It considered to be as an effective tool which can be used by the scholar when setting up of aims and objectives. These types of approaches are generally assist investigator in identifying the way to reach the target. It also allows them to maintain their concentration on aims and objectives. Research Approach allows investigators in making the suitable plan for analysing the appropriate solution to the problem. There are two types of investigations approach these are inductive and deductive. In present study , the researcher has applied the inductive approach in combination of qualitative method which has helped scholar in making suitable decision.
It act as the roadmap which supports researcher in finding the suitable strategies for resolving the issue in systematic manner .Research Design helps investigator in various aspects such in collection as well as analysis of information, interpretation of data, in systematic manner and in appropriate format. Explanatory, descriptive , exploratory and experimental are some form of Research Design.
it is considered to be as effective tool which can be used by the researcher for collecting, analysing and interpreting information related to the subject matter of the topic. qualitative and quantitative are considered to be as two most commonly used research techniques. As the present research topic is related to the analysing the impact of technology on the business efficiency which is qualitative in nature researcher have used qualitative method for gathering information.
This activity is considered to be as the most important part of investigation process on which the complete decision is based. Primary and secondary are the two types of sources from where the researcher can collected the data. In the present investigation, researcher has used both the sources for gathering the relevant information. Books , journal , magazines have been used as the secondary source of data collection. Personal interview and questionnaire method have been utilised as well as applied by the scholar in order top collect primary informations. Email and circulation of questionnaire in form of feedback form has been used to gathered information from the participants. Telephone and personal interview has been utilised by the researcher.
With the support of this technique scholar can select some participants from the large population. In present investigation , scholar has selected the 20 participants from the populations. Random sampling techniques has been used for selecting the participants.
It is the most crucial part of research process. Data analysis assist scholar in making the presentation useful to the user. The various techniques of data analysis help investigator in discovering the important fact and allows scholar to make suitable decision. In present research thematic analysis technique has been utilised by scholar for presenting the data or information in appropriate format.
Analysis and Finding :
Qualitative research methods
Do you utilisation of technology will assist an organisation in increasing working efficiency?
How much potential does Tata motor company have to implement technology at workplace?
What _ impact technology have on business efficiency?
How much knowledge or awareness do you have about the changes in technology?
What types of technology an organisation presently using?
What types of technological challenges that has been faced by Tata motors corporations?
Do you agree with the statement that technology when implemented within an enterprise will assist in dealing with several business issues?
Recommend the strategies which can be used for increasing the organisational efficiency.
In present study Thematic analysis techniques have been used for presenting the data or information. This specific tool has been used , at it helps scholar in making the information , useful for the user. Thematic analysis also assist researcher in reaching to the appropriate conclusion and making suitable decision.
Do you utilisation of technology will assist an organisation in increasing working efficiency? |
Frequency |
Yes |
16 |
No |
2 |
May be |
2 |
Interpretation : It has been interpreted from the above information that there are majority of workers in Tata motors corporations who stated that utilisation of technology will assist an organisation in increasing working efficiency. There are very few workers who stated that technology may or might not support firm in increasing working efficiency.
Analysis: It has been analysed from the above facts that , employees in Tata motors corporation have some technical knowledge as well as skills which they can use for increasing their working efficiency as well as improving their performance within an enterprise. Data has also represented that there are few employees in an organisation who does not have knowledge about the technology.
It is required by human resource manager to make proper training arrangement for employees, in order to support them in development of technical skills which will assist workers in increasing their contribution in several business function.
Theme 2 :Medium , potential Tata motor company have to implement technology at workplace
How much potential does Tata motor company have to implement technology at workplace? |
Frequency |
High |
3 |
medium |
12 |
Low |
4 |
Interpretation : It has been interpreted from the above information that many of the employees has stated that Tata motors company has medium potential to implement technology at workplace. Above information has also interpreted that employees those who have stated that Ta ta motor company have medium potential to implement technology at workplace has given the answer on the basis of the financial performance on the company. Approx. 3 workers have stated that business entity has medium capability to employ technology within an enterprise. Such employees have given these answers in the basis of the resources available with the firm.
Analysis: it has been analysed from the above information that tat a motors company has medium capacity to implement technology at workplace. Business entity is required to arrange resources which are required for implementing technology. It is essential for human resources' manager in an organisation to provide training to the workers as this strategy will help workers in increasing the potential as well as successfully implementing technology within an enterprise.
Theme 3: positive, impact technology have on business efficiency.
What _ impact technology have on business efficiency? |
Frequency |
Positive |
15 |
Negative |
2 |
both |
3 |
Interpretation: It has been interpreted from the information or data in above table that many of employees in Tata organisation has stated that positive impact on the business efficiency. Technology has provided organisation an opportunity to improve its business performance and has provided an enterprise a chance to bring improvement in operational as well as production activity.
Analysis: it has been analysed that technology have positive impact on the business. By implementing the right technology at proper place , an organisation can gain several advantages as well as benefits which will further supports business venture in fostering growth and achieving success.
Theme 4 :Limited knowledge , workers have about the changes in technology.
How much knowledge or awareness do you have about the changes in technology? |
Frequency |
Depth knowledge |
4 |
No awareness |
2 |
Specific knowledge |
4 |
Limited knowledge |
10 |
Interpretation : Above information indicates that among 20 employees 10 of workers in ta ta motors has limited knowledge about the technology. Same ratio is for the people in an organisation those who have the specific knowledgable as well as awareness about the impact of technology on business efficiency. So it is not at all the major issue, this problem can be eliminated if the workers in an enterprise are provided with training.
Analysis: It has been analysis from the information that majority of employees in Tata motor corporation have limited knowledge about the knowledge of technology and lack of technical skills which is the topic of major concern for management team in an enterprise. As this factor can create big hurdles in the successful implementation of technology at workplace. It is required by the human resource manager in Tata motor corporation to make proper training arrangement for employees , so that they can develop the technical abilities which will further assist workers in increasing their working efficiency and improving their performance within an enterprise.
Theme 5 :Traditional machineries have been used by the Tata motors for manufacturing cars.
What types of technology an organisation presently using? |
Frequency |
· Digital technology |
4 |
· Traditional machinery |
1 2 |
· Informational technology |
2 |
· None of the above |
2 |
Interpretation: from the above data it has been demonstrated that majority of employees have stated that business venture is still using the traditional methods or techniques for performing or conducting various activities. Among 20 workers 4 have stated that an organisation at present using the digital technology, but they are not aware about the area where this technology has been used by the company.
Analysis: It has been the major reason for the low efficiency as well as emergence several business issue is that the Tata corporation is still relying on the traditional technology for executing different function . This factor has negative impact on the business performance of an enterprise.
Theme 6 :High customer complaints related to the late deliveries of goods ,Less production and
increase in cost.
What types of challenges that has been faced by Tata motors corporations? |
Frequency |
High customer complaints related to the late deliveries of goods |
3 |
Less production |
2 |
increase in cost |
2 |
All of the above |
1 3 |
Interpretation : It has been represented from the information present in table that among 20 employees majority of workers has stated that an organisation is facing major issues as well as challenges such as increase in cost , less production , nu
Analysis: It has been analysed from the above information that Tata motors corporation has to face the customer complaint , due to the delay in delivery of products or services. In addition to this the company also has to face other issues such as increase in cost, less production etc. All these problems have direct as well as significant impact on the organisational performance. These issues can be resolved easily by implementing the technology at workplace.
Theme 7:Agree, with the statement that technology when implemented within an enterprise will assist in dealing with several business issues.
Do you agree with the statement that technology when implemented within an enterprise will assist in dealing with several business issues? |
Frequency |
Agree |
15 |
Disagree |
1 |
Partly agree |
2 |
Completely disagree |
2 |
Interpretation: above information indicates that among 20 employees majority of workers that is 15 has shown there agreement with the statement that technology when implemented within an enterprise will assist in dealing with several business issues. Only one person has shown disagreement , it seem that he does not have any knowledge about the technology.
Analysis: It has been analysed that technology when implemented within an enterprise will assist in dealing with several business problems.
Research report has concluded that technology when implemented at right place in the business or within an organisation can assist firm in improving performance and increasing efficiency. It has between concluded from the investigation that companies operating in manufacturing sector required to makes Huge capital investment on implementing the technology. There are several types of barriers which might occur in successful employment of technology at workplace. It has been concluded from the research that , it is very important for an individual to gain technical knowledge and develop such abilities. As this will assist person in increasing their speed of doing work and improving productivity. These core allows provides employees an opportunity to improve their performance at workplace and increase their contribution in other business activities. This is further important for their personal as well as professional growth. It has been concluded that the implementation of technology within a firm will assist an organisation in reducing the waiting time for customers .It will also enable business entity to provide high level of satisfaction to their client by making quick deliveries of goods or services. It has also been concludes that employment of technology will help business entity in reducing the cost , defects and wastage.
It has been suggested to the management in Tata motors corporation to implement technology at workplace. As this strategy will assist business entity in dealing with the complex situation and eliminating the major problems which might have negative impact on the performance of an enterprise. By employing the technology at workplace , business venture can provide additional services as well as facilities to its clients. It is required by the manager in an organisation to provide training to workers , so that they can develop various abilities and can increase their speed of doing work. I*it is required by the management team to bring positive improvement in the procedures as well as business system which is possible only through technology. As other organisation in manufacturing industry increasingly provide customers with shorter times between order and delivery , it has become important for Tata motor corporation to provide the appropriate response to the situation.
Books and Journal:
Miller, T. and et. al., 2012. Ethics in Qualitative Research. SAGE.
Monsen, E. R., and Horn, L.V., 2007. Research: Successful Approaches. American Dietetic Association.
Borghoff, U.M. and Pareschi, R. eds., 2013. Information technology for knowledge management. Springer Science & Business Media.
Bulgurcu, B., Cavusoglu, H. and Benbasat, I., 2010. Information security policy compliance: an empirical study of rationality-based beliefs and information security awareness. MIS quarterly. 34(3). pp.523-548.
Bulgurcu, B., Cavusoglu, H. and Benbasat, I., 2010..Process innovation: reengineering work through information technology. Harvard Business Press.
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