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    Social Media an Effective Tool for Communication


    • Unit No: 3
    • Level: Undergraduate/College
    • Pages: 16 / Words 3983
    • Paper Type: Assignment
    • Course Code: CFPBUS006
    • Downloads: 879
    Question :

    This assessment will cover the following questions :

    • Understand  and evaluate the key terms and considerations associated with using the internet.
    • Elaborate the importance and  responsibility for personal security and privacy when using the internet.
    • Develop online research skills and discuss the challenges and measures of security and privacy.
    • Create  digital communication skills as per the suitability for the business.
    Answer :


    Social media is a platform that allows people to interact with each other, share information quickly and efficiently through websites or application. This report compares and contrasts between the positive and negative aspects of social media on the Internet. It also discusses various challenges of security and privacy that are faced when social media service is used online. It explains different measures of security and privacy should be taken when social media services are used online. At last, this report compares between Facebook and Twitter on the basis of features, application and discussing their suitability for businesses. It also explains social media is an effective tool for communication between people.

    Comparison between positive and negative aspects of social media on internet

    Social media provide various benefits to internet and helps in effectively transmission of information between people thus helps in increasing knowledge and social interaction between people living in the society. Thus, various positive impacts of social media on internet are as follows:

    Social media facilitate exchange of information through effective internet connection: Now a day everyone uses internet to exchange information between each other quickly and effectively this has happened with the help of social media.  Social media through effective internet connection is able to enhances knowledge and skills of people by providing information. Various video and online course on social media has lead to more use of internet by people for learning things quickly and easily. Demand of internet has increased because people are able to exchange information and learn new thing by use of social media in minimum time and at lower cost.

    Internet has grown with social media: Internet is used by everyone in today generation because of various social sites and webpages.  Even Company use social media to promote its business on large scale to attract large number of customers and enhance its sales and profitability. As Social media is such platform that attracts large number of customers within limited time, cost and efforts. So company in order to promote their business on social media and to get continuous feedback and stay connected with customers demand for more speedy internet connection. Speedy network also helps in exchange of various crucial information of businesses through various social sites and webpages and promote new product. Social media is also medium for entertainment for the people living in the society. People enjoy spending time on social media as they spent lot of time in surfing various sites, watching videos and playing games online. Thus, continuous use of social media among younger generation for various purpose has  increase demand of better and effective internet connection. Thus, social media has lead to popularity of internet in businesses and younger generation.

    Increased use of internet: Social media helps in generation of employment and source of income for many people as by using social media they make video and earn money. It has pace in growth and development of telecommunication industry and helps in generation of large number of employment due to increase demands of internet among people. Thus, social media has provided benefit to internet by increasing its popularity and usage of internet by every individual.  Social sites such as Facebook, Twitter are used by most of the people for sharing their memories, photo so for it required connection such as 4G and 5G network thus it helps in timely share such experience with large number of peoples. Living standard of people have increased due to social media as they are able to know trends and lifestyles of people living away from each other. Thus, they try to imitate culture and lifestyles of others people in order to look stylish so it enhances living standard of people living in the society. Therefore, people in order to bring changes in their lifestyles and increase their knowledge about various culture and dressing use social-media thus demand for effective internet connection.

    Promote economy development: Social media promotes economic development by enhancing knowledge, skills of people to use updated technology. Different people share new ideas, view and opinion that help in enchaining knowledge and learning of individual thus popularity of internet connection increases. Every individual want to have internet connection in their phone due to various benefit of social media. Increase use of social media among younger generation increases demand of speedy internet connection thus it helps in growth and development of telecommunication industry and generate large number of employment.  Thus, it can be stated that social media is able to promote economic development that has increase usage of internet connection.

    Despite various benefits there are certain disadvantages of social media on the internet they are explained below:

    People restrict use of internet: The main disadvantages of social media is it cause depression and anxiety among people as they spend most of their time surfing on various sites and web pages this is due to internet.  Continuous use of social media through internet impacts on mental health of people and cause symptoms of anxiety and depression among younger generation. Problem of Anxiety and depression caused as people compare their life with others lifestyles which create negative feeling. Thus, because of effective connection and use of social media people restrict use of internet or avoid it as its possess threat to human health.

    Cyberbullying: It is most common threat that internet possess as people meet with new friends through social media they may come in contact with cruel people. These online attack causes people mental distress and in certain cases even force them to suicide. Thus, social media has adversely impact on internet as people start blaming internet that it causes mental distress among younger generation.

    Unhealthy sleeping pattern: Depression and anxiety are the main cause of internet but continuous using social media through internet lead to poor sleep. It has been seen that people spend most of their time in using social media at night thus it affects sleeping pattern of individual. It hampers productivity and performance of individual due to lack of sleep and energy to perform work or activities.  Most of the people think that Internet has impact on the sleeping pattern and productivity thus they try to avoid use of internet.

    General addiction: Internet addiction is more than any addiction of alcohol and cigarette as it has been noticed that people spend lot of their time using phone or computers. Social media and online games are big attraction for people as they have become means of entertainment for the people. Problem attach with internet addiction is not only about their life tendency but is has adversely impact on their health and had caused symptoms of depression and anxiety. Continuous surfing on various social sites by younger generation has blame internet network to have such addiction.

    Privacy Disrupted: Internet allows free flow of information so privacy threat is one of the important negative effect caused by social media on internet. People exchange information by uploading picture and personal information on social sites. Lot of crucial information such as bank detail or personal information of individual are leak while using internet. Thus, people should avoid uploading unnecessary information on social sites to prevent leak of personal information.

    Wastage of time: Internet waste lot of time of productivity time of people as they spend most of their time watching video, playing games and surfing webpages through social media. The purpose of internet was to increase knowledge and work performance of people but it is used as means of entertainment. People in order to use internet tend to spend less time on crucial activities so it adversely impacts on their productivity and performance. Thus, most of the people think that having internet connection is waste of time because of social media.

    Challenges and measures of security and privacy on social media

    There are various challenges and measures of security and privacy that are taken when social media services used online. Social media security and privacy is important as it contains lot of information to be shared among people. Challenges related to privacy and security of social media is as follows:

    Challenges of Security and privacy while using social media

    Security breaches through negligence: It is common that everyone make mistake so sometimes people click wrong link or download wrong file while using social media that can be threat to Cybersecurity. Such issue generally occurs due to careless use of social media through internet by people which harm them adversely.

    Phishing attacks and scams: Most common security challenges are phishing attacks in it crucial information such bank detail or personal information of individual are obtained by another person that can be used for any purpose. It is done by sending email which appears like from a legitimate company and contain link that appear to take on fake company website to fill information. Thus, in this manner fraudulent will gather personal information such as bank account number and password. People share unsecured link to others which can be phishing attract as they not have proper knowledge about it.

    Unattended social media accounts: It is important to use all social media account continuously or supervise and monitor them continuously as idle account are target for hackers. Hacker may use ideal accounts to post something by individual name thus it may adversely impact on individual or business as it can send undesirable information to customers.

    Account Hacking and impersonation: Nowadays social media hacker’s spammers and other online criminal are increasing at rapid pace that are targeting social media together information of individual. They also try to impersonate by get into Facebook and Twitter accounts thus may use information for undesirable purpose as our social profile contains lot of personal information.

    Staking and harassment: Online Stalking and Cyberbullying are two well-known threats for privacy and security of accounts and social sites make them easy to perpetrate. In such case person near you by continuous staking can hack individual account and leak information that may adversely impact such individual.

    Unsecured mobile phones: Threats of privacy and security increases as social media is mostly used by mobile phones and location based services. Some smartphones collect data automatically and social media apps are main users of such data. Thus, unsecured mobile phone act as threat and challenge in security and privacy when social media is used online as stranger can use phone to use accounts of person and use personal information for undesirable purpose.

    Measure to be taken to protect data from various threats of security and privacy while using social media online.

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    Measure of Security and privacy to be taken when social media services are used online

    Keeping track of accounts: In order to prevent individual form various crime person should monitor, supervise various accounts continuously. This will save from leakage of crucial information such as bank detail and passwords of individual by impersonate. As hacker found that account is left ideal it can use for undesirable purpose or may send information to various people that may affect individual adversely.

    Strong and unique password: It is essential that individual set different and unique password for each account on Facebook, Instagram and other social sites. As using single password provide ease to hacker to gather information for all accounts. Whereas single password for all social sites proves to be threat for individual. Individual by setting strong password prevent itself from various threats as it is hard to identify password of different accounts.

    Lock your phone: Setting password for phone is also essential as unlock phone can be used by stranger to have access to your social accounts. They can also gather information by their email, friends and can even change password of various sites. Thus, people should change and set strong password time to time in order to save our crucial information been leak. Thus, stranger can't use social accounts that are open in individual phone because of strong password or phone lock so it prevents from losing data or crucial information of individual.

    Don't share private information: Avoid sharing personal information on social sites as stalker or cyberbullying might use information for undesirable purpose. They may use your name to send phishing email that may collect crucial data and information from your mobile. They may also you to judge individual email id and password thus impersonate in name of person and send unusual messages to people.

    Read social sites terms: It is essential to read various terms of social sites for individual if person wants to use social media effectively and want to save himself from various threats. Thus, take time to read terms and conditions of social sites to protect data for misused.

    Adjust privacy setting of social sites: Different social media has different control to privacy setting so before exchange of information, pic etc. think whom you want to see, react and comment. Avoid tagging friend and make custom list for every post to ensure safety and privacy of data while using social media online.

    Adjust privacy setting of social sites: Different social media has different control to privacy setting so before exchange of information, pic etc. think whom you want to see, react and comment. Avoid tagging friend and make custom list for every post to ensure safety and privacy of data while using social media online.

    Limit Social media access: It is the best way to secure individual from various threats of security and privacy. Individual by minimizing use of social media can protect itself from various threats of hacking accounts or impersonate.

    Norton safe web Facebook: It is free app that helps in scanning newsfeed for links that are not safe and aware about potential threats to individual. Thus, it can be helpful in protecting data from undesirable use by hacker or spammer.

    Comparison between Facebook and Twitter

    Social Media is network which connects the people worldwide. Tools of social media are as follows facebook, witter, linkedIn etc out of which the there is a comparison between following

    Comparison of Facebook and Twitter

















    Facebook Connects people.

    While Twitter networks idea and topics and people too.

    Facebook allows to write a book in which we can write as much as words as possible.

     Twitter has the word limit of only 140 words as on per Tweet.

     Facebook allow option of like, comment, share, tag, mark location etc.

     In the case of twitter there is no other option other than blogging.

    It is a typical social networking where we have to maintain profile to connect with the people.

    Twitter is the famous blogging tool which does not required any profile.

    Lifespan of the content is long-lasting which present on Facebook for the lifelong.

    In twitter the content is being available for the short time because of the latest updates.

    On Facebook we can do instant messaging to the people at the same time.

     In twitter, we cannot do so because it is only use for blogging purpose.

    Facebook has worldwide connectivity.

     Twitter has the connectivity to its certain followers only.









    Facebook has video applications in which the members can upload videos.

    Twitter has no option of video application it is only use for blogging purpose.

    Facebook has photo applications in which members can upload pictures, photo easily.

     Twitter has the option sharing the picture.

     It has group application in which members can join their interest group and can create their own group as well to interact (Arora and, 2019).

    Twitter doesn’t have such kind of option of group it generally uses for blogging rather on this the pictures are share and the views are been expressed.

     It has Posted Application in which members can post video , photos , etc.

    Twitter has the Twitterfeed  which helps in automatically Tweet the post.

    Facebook gives opportunity to create their own business page and offer the tool to be creative such as live video and slide share.

    To Expand Business Twitter Cards can be use which helps in to set our website to check who has gone through our page and share our post.








    Facebook is ideally suitable for the small scale business as it is allowed finding out target audience.

    Twitter can be used to build their organization followers with the help of Social Quant. It helps to increase organisation followers.

     Facebook helps in expanding the business as we can create business page over facebook .

     Twitter helps in influencing and Engage the team in opportunity to gain more Followers for the organisation.

    Facebook can use in certain business such as Real Estates , as a source of advertisement of product .

     In comparison, twitter does not have such option it is only just use for blogging (Rowe, 2019).

    Facebook can be used as a tool for buying and selling purpose.

     Twitter cannot be use like a tool because it only prefers blogging.


    Similarities Between Facebook And Twitter

    Facebook has the feature of posting pictures whereas on the other hand the twitter has the same feature of sharing pictures. On Facebook we can share our thoughts by writing or posting in Twitter we can do the same to express our thoughts.  On Facebook we have friends as a n audience whereas on twitter we have followers as an audience.           

    It can be stated that social media is platform that helps in exchange of information, ideas, views and opinions between people living away from each other. Social media is used by every individual for entertainment and share of ideas crucial information to its friends and family. Now-a-days social media is used by many companies to market its product to large numbers of customers as most of the people like to send time on social sites.  It is most attractive way to interact and influences customers to make purchase product of company. Customers can easily make choice about various product by seeing review of customers through social. Business can also use social media to increase its sales and profitability by providing promotion offer through social media. It not only save time but also reduces cost of marketing thus helps in enhancing profitability and sales of the company. Most of the youngster uses social media to stay connected with their dear ones and friends thus it helps in building relationship.  Thus, it can be concluded that Social media is an effective medium of communication between people staying at distance places.


    From the above report it can be concluded that social media plays important role in exchanging of information quickly and effectively between people living away from each other. It can also be concluded that social media has various positive aspects on internet such as it increases knowledge and skills of people and helps in development of economic. On the other hand, it has certain negative impact such as cyberbullying, hacking of accounts etc. on internet. It can also be stated that there are number of challenges of security and privacy when social media services are used online. Thus, various measures to be taken to protect leakage of crucial information that may harm businesses or individual adversely. It can also be explained that Facebook and Twitter are examples of social media, and they can be differentiated on the basis of features, application and suitability for businesses. At last, it can be concluded that social media is an effective communication tool that promote exchange of information between people living away from each other within limited time and cost.

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