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Healthcare is the one of the important factor to which people give due importance. There are number of factors due to which people compromise with their health. In the current report an attempt is made to identify the impact of culture and religion factor on the extent to which people care about their health. In this regard relevant statistical tools are applied on data set and results are analyzed to arrive at specific conclusion. T test, ANCOVA and descriptive statistical tools are applied on data set and on that basis entire conclusion is formed in the report.
Descriptive Statistics |
N |
Minimum |
Maximum |
Mean |
Std. Deviation |
Which from of contraception do you use? (choose all that apply) |
111 |
.00 |
1.00 |
.4595 |
.50061 |
I identify most with Australian culture |
111 |
1.00 |
5.00 |
2.3874 |
1.01955 |
What is your religious affiliation? |
111 |
0 |
6 |
2.84 |
1.304 |
Valid N (listwise) |
111 |
In the table given above three variables are analyzed namely contraception, religion and culture. It can be seen from the table that mean value of the variable contraceptive is 0.45 and standard deviation is 0.50 which reflects that respondents give response in same direction and results are deviating only to some extent. It can be said that some people are using contraceptives and some not. On question of identification with Australian culture mean and standard deviation is 2.38(1.01) which means that most of respondents are agree with the fact that they follow Australian culture. Standard deviation value is 1.01 which means that most of respondents give similar response. On question of religious affiliation mean value is 2.84 which means that majority of respondents are either Christian or catholic. Standard deviation 1.30 is indicating that results are deviating only to some extent. This led to formation of assumption that large proportion of sample units are Christian.
H0: In terms of use of contraceptives there is no significant mean difference between Buddhist and Greek Orthodox.
H1: Â In terms of use of contraceptives there is no significant mean difference between Buddhist and Greek Orthodox. Â
Group Statistics |
What is your religious affiliation? |
N |
Mean |
Std. Deviation |
Std. Error Mean |
Which from of contraception do you use? (choose all that apply) |
Buddhist |
3 |
.6667 |
.57735 |
.33333 |
Greek Orthodox |
4 |
.7500 |
.50000 |
.25000 |
Buddhist and Greek Orthodox mean and standard deviation is 0.66(0.57) as well as 0.75(0.50). This means that on average basis Greek Orthodox make more use of contraceptives then Buddhist. Â Value of level of significance is 0.707>0.05 and this means that in respect to use of contraceptives across varied groups there is no difference in terms of rate of change.
H0: In terms of contraceptives there is no significant mean difference between Christian and Islamic  Â
H1: Â In terms of contraceptives there is no significant mean difference between Christian and Islamic. Â
Mean and standard deviation for Christian is 0.54(0.50) and same for Islamic is 0.33(0.48). It can be said that Muslims less use contraceptives in comparison to Christians. Value of Leneve test is 0.050 which means that value of level of significance is 0.094>0.05 which means that there is no significant gap among the analyzed variables in respect to use of contraceptives.  Â
Between-Subjects Factors |
Value Label |
N |
Other (please specify) |
104 |
Druze |
1 |
Hindu |
3 |
Mandaen |
1 |
I identify most with Australian cult |
1.00 |
Strongly Agree |
24 |
2.00 |
Agree |
33 |
3.00 |
Neutral |
39 |
4.00 |
Disagree |
10 |
5.00 |
Strongly Disagree |
3 |
Tests of Between-Subjects Effects |
Dependent Variable: Which from of contraception do you use? (choose all that apply) |
Source |
Type III Sum of Squares |
df |
Mean Square |
F |
Sig. |
Partial Eta Squared |
Corrected Model |
2.999a |
9 |
.333 |
1.367 |
.214 |
.111 |
Intercept |
2.543 |
1 |
2.543 |
10.429 |
.002 |
.095 |
HelpseekingGP |
.167 |
1 |
.167 |
.687 |
.409 |
.007 |
Otherreligion |
.933 |
3 |
.311 |
1.275 |
.287 |
.037 |
Australianculture |
1.351 |
4 |
.338 |
1.385 |
.245 |
.053 |
Otherreligion * Australianculture |
.004 |
1 |
.004 |
.018 |
.895 |
.000 |
Error |
24.138 |
99 |
.244 |
Total |
51.000 |
109 |
Corrected Total |
27.138 |
108 |
a. R Squared = .111 (Adjusted R Squared = .030) |
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Results are clearly reflecting that no significant variation exist between religion and culture factor in respect to impact that they have on the people habit to use contraceptives by making adjustment in the covariate doctor/GP help. This means that if any change will comes in the help that people take from the doctor, then also rate of impact that religion and culture have on the people habit to use contraceptive will not change significantly as revealed by the value of level of significance which is 0.895>0.05. This happened because culture and religion have strong grip on the people mind. By taking single consultation from doctor any big variation cannot come on the impact that culture and religious factor before and after consultation with doctor in respect to people behavior in respect to use of contraceptives. Â
On the basis of the above discussion it is concluded that average gap exist between different religious groups in terms of use contraceptives. It is also deduced that religion as a factor is not different in terms of variation in comparison to culture have on the people behavior to use contraceptives. This means that whether it is religion or culture both factors have similar impacts on the individual decision to use contraceptives. Even one take consultation from doctor then in that case also no change comes in the impact that both variables have on the use of mentioned thing by the subjects. It can be said that both culture and religion have equal impact on individual decision whether to use contraceptive. These results are obtained because in no religion or culture there is norm that one cannot use contraceptives. Hence, it can be deduced that it is the individual thinking and his discretion which play important role or act as decisive factor in terms of use of mentioned item by people. Â
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Global Assignment Help Australia ,(2025),https://au1.globalassignmenthelp.com.au/free-samples/social-policy/statistical-package-for-the-social-sciences-analysis
Global Assignment Help Australia (2025) [Online]. Retrieved from: https://au1.globalassignmenthelp.com.au/free-samples/social-policy/statistical-package-for-the-social-sciences-analysis
Global Assignment Help Australia. (Global Assignment Help Australia, 2025) https://au1.globalassignmenthelp.com.au/free-samples/social-policy/statistical-package-for-the-social-sciences-analysis
Global Assignment Help Australia. [Internet]. Global Assignment Help Australia.(2025), Retrieved from: https://au1.globalassignmenthelp.com.au/free-samples/social-policy/statistical-package-for-the-social-sciences-analysis
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