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    Unit 9 Tourist destination UK College of Business and Computing


    Tourist destination is a place where people come to visit. Destination as a country, state, region, city or town which is noticeable itself as place for tourist to visit. Place of destinations are naturally formed and some time constructed. In this galaxy of world, there are various lands, being raise and bless with various culture and intensely beautiful landscape. Each and every country has its distinct identity. In this context, Virgin Holiday LTD is taken for assessment. It is a tour operator company. It was founded in 1985. This report is introducing the main tourist destinations in the world in terms of visitors number an income generation and also determine tourism destinations trends and predicting the future trends. This report is going to understand the cultural, social and physical features of tourist destinations, discussing the issued affect on the popularity of tourist destinations, and evaluating the solutions of issues affecting these destinations. This assessment is analysing five main tourist destinations of UK, Paris, China, Peru and India. The famous tourist areas of these destinations are Tower Of London, Machu Picchu, Great Wall of China, Taj Mahal and Eiffel Tower.

    Task 1

    1.1 main tourist destinations and generations of the world in terms of visitor number and income generation

    There are many famous destinations in the world and many companies offers holidays worldwide destinations including the UK and many other countries also. Virgin Holiday is one of the tourist destination companies.

    The famous five places are Taj Mahal of India, Eiffel Tower of Europe, Great Wall of China, Tower of London in UK and Machu Picchu in Peru (Liang, M. and Ma, R., 2018.).

    Taj Mahal of India- Taj Mahal was built by Shah Jahan in 1653 in the memory of his wife Mumtaz Mahal. In 2007, Taj Mahal was among Seven Wonders of the World. It is located in Agra, Uttar Pradesh. The interior and exterior design and decorations of the Taj Mahal are among the finest in Mughal Architecture. Taj Mahal attract around 7-8 million of visitors in last five year. In 1983 The Taj Mahal was selected as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The designs and interior, exterior are totally on traditional culture. Sang-mar mar - stone is taken to build Taj Mahal, which has special quality of its whiteness. The bodies of Shah Jahan and Mumtaz were buried in the centred place of Taj Mahal. The revenue of Taj 75 Crore in last 3 years (Silva, M. and Costa, R., 2018).

    Eiffel Tower of Paris- Eiffel Tower of Paris is located in France. Eiffel Tower started construction in 1887 and was completed in 1889. Initially it was criticized by some people of France for its intellectual designs but it has become a global cultural icon of France. Eiffel Tower was the structure which is now recognize in the world. About 6.91 millions of people visited Eiffel Tower in last five years. The height of the tower is 1063 ft and there are 8 elevators in Eiffel Tower. The tower has total three flat for visitors, first and second is for restaurant, the last top level of Eiffel Tower is 906ft above the land, and it is the highest observation platform approachable to the public. The income generation of Eiffel Tower is 435 billion Euros in last 5 years (Luo, F., Becken, S. and Zhong, Y., 2018).

    The Great Wall of China- The Great Wall of China is located in the mountainous area , named as Jinshanling. It is a military construction. The Great Wall of China is easily reachable from Beijing; the structure stretch is on Bushan. It was build during the Emperor of Qin Shi Huang. The main aim for construction of this wall is defence from territories and for control of border. The total size of the wall is 21,196 km. Earlier the Great Wall of China is names as Long Walls. It is apart great walls build between and north of Warring states. The Great Wall of China is build between 5th and 8th century. The income generated from The Great Wall Of china is $9.15 billion in last four years.

    Tower of London- Tower of London is located in north bank of the River Thames in central London which covers more than of the Traditional East London. The height of Tower of London is 89ft. The owner Tower of London is Queen Elizabeth. This tower was build in 1078 by William I. It is the famous destination point in the world. The area of Tower of London is around 4.9 hectors. The tower of London is served as a Royal Residence. The building of the tower is complex with two concentric rings of defending walls and a trench. In English historical era, The tower of London has outstanding role. The visitors of The Tower of London is around 2,843.031 in 2017.

    Machu Picchu – Machu Picchu is located in Cuzco Region, Peru. It was founded in 1450. The culture of the Machu Picchu is Inca Civilization. Machu Picchu is among the seven Wonders of World and was designated in 1983. It is situated on a mountain rang 7970ft above.

    the sea level. It was believed that Machu Picchu was constructed as estate for Emperor Pachacuti and it is most famous civilization of Inca. It is polished with walls of dry stone. In 1983 UNESCO World Heritage Site declared as Peruvian Historic Sanctuary. The total revenue of Machu Picchu is $9.15 billion in last four years. Machu Pichhu is covered by forest area which is attracted by many people to see the nature of environment. About 2lakh people in a year visited Machu picchu in a year (Kim, H.K. and Lee, T.J., 2018).

    Also Suggested:

    1.2 Statistics to determine the tourism destination trends and predict future trends

    Tower of London

    Current Trends- The visitors of the Tower of London is 2785249 in 2015 which is increase to 2741126 in 2016. Virgin Holiday Company is working best for visitors as company is giving the best information to visitors. The interior and exterior designs and pictures of tower attract many people.

    Future Trends- To improve the visitors ratio of Tower of London, Virgin Holiday company is doing its best but company should provide more extra informations to attract more and more customers which in turn increases the revenue of the UK economy.

    Taj Mahal

    Current Trends- Taj Mahal is now the most popular place in the world. People are more attracted to Taj Mahal. About 7000000 peoples came to visit in 2015 which was increases to 85000000. Virgin Holiday Company is earning high profit because of its operation of taking customers to Taj Mahal.

    Future Trends- Taj Mahal will remain most popular place for future also but it is very important to take care of the building also. The marble of Taj Mahal is getting yellowish because of Industrialization near the Fort, which in turn not good. The pollution is also increasing day by day which distract visitors. The Virgin Holidays should provide better informations to the people which boost up the revenue and visitors.

    Eiffel Tower

    Current Trends- The visitors of Eiffel Tower is 6910000 in 2015 which increases to 6917000 in 2016. People in the world are coming to visits Eiffel Tower. The tower building is very beautifully build. The height of the tower is very high (Canosa, A., Graham, A. and Wilson, E., 2018.).

    Future Trends- Virgin Holiday company should do efforts to increase the visitors in future. The terrorist attract in Eiffel tower decreases many people.

    Machu Picchu

    Current Trends- In 2015 the visitors of Machu Picchu is 1100000 which decreases to 1000000 because of lack of convenience facility.

    Future Trends- Virgin Holiday Company should provide proper facility to increase the visitors and should expand the convenience services (Shrestha, J.K., 2018.).

    Great wall of China

    Current Trends- The visitors of The Great Wall of China is 1072000 in 2015 which increases to 1156000 in 2016 because of its pictures and decoration of wall and the forests area attract many people

    Future Trends- Some people does come to visit because of the dangerous forest area. Virgin Holiday Company should to provide better informations about The Great Wall of China.

    Task 2

    2.1 Cultural, Social and physical features of Tourist Destinations of UK and Turkey

    Cultural features of UK- The name of UK culture is British culture. Culture of UK affects the tourist destination largely because of its famous art galleries, museums, theatres, world heritage,business cinemas hall, Live music which attract the many people to see and understand the culture of UK.

    Social features of UK- Economy of UK depends large on the travel and tourism sector of the country. UK is largely depends on the social culture. The social economy of UK attracts many people. Society of UK is very beautiful and very strong which attracts many people to come and visit UK destinations. The standard of living of people is best.

    Physical features of UK- The physical features of UK destination point is adorable and excellence. The infrastructure is very impressive. It is very clean and hygienic. The sea areas is very clean and good. Physical aspect plays a very important role in attracting the visitors. The physical feature of UK is more developed which attract many tourist.

    Cultural features of Turkey- The cultural factor of turkey is Ottoman Turkey,Ballet festivals, nature of all the places, forts and museums. The festivals of turkey are amazingly celebrated which attract many people.

    Social Features- The social factors affects tourism in large extent. All the visitors of all nations helps in improving the society. The society of Turkey is expanding because of the increasing tourism in the country.

    Physical Features- The physical factors of Turkey is quite developing but improvement is going on. Efforts of turkey government is seen by its famous destination points. The rivers and mountains are very beautiful. The infrastructure is also well maintained. The forts are not in bad conditions (Çakar, K., 2018).

    2.2Comparison in between tourist destinations of UK and Turkey.

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    UK is already a developed country which is mostly preferred by tourist.

    UK is dominated by Christians religion (Carayannis, E.G and et,al, 2018.).

    Official language is English.

    Stability in culture of UK

    Turkey is still developing country is less prefer by tourist as compare to UK.

    UK has both eastern and western culture and various religions.

    Their is no official language.

    Ever changing culture.


    Society are classified on the basis of occupations.

    Social culture is rich and modern which attract tourist from all over the world.

    The society of UK is well discipline and well developed which attract tourist.

    Societies are classified on religion and caste basis.

    Tourist who wants to explore the traditional and historical social culture visits Turkey.

    The society of Turkey is not well developed because of racial discrimination(Kim, H.K. and Lee, T.J., 2018.) .


    Climate remain cold in UK. Which attract many people to visit UK.

    Tourist visit UK any time for its good socio economic and climatic conditions.

    The infrastructure of UK destination point is properly developed.

    In turkey the climate is depend on the area, like there cold climate in north of Turkey and hot and humid climate in south of Turkey.

    Tourist mostly visit Turkey in winter season.

    The infrastructure of Turkey is not properly developed as forts are not properly maintain.

    Task 3

    4.1 Analysers the effect of tourism destination

    In this context, to be on some effect on tourism destination is give by the economical and social changes in organisation. There are any fewest of import part is to improve the tour and travailing plane figure, with the help of addition the amount of client in state. On the other side, many causes is give door-to-door contact on growing rate and make some change of state in marketplace stock certificate (Kim, 2018.). To cut down the level of client is to be focal point on some factor is to be give door-to-door impact on industry and growing rate in marketplace. This is to be focus on some most important factor are as follows :-

    • Lack of transportation facility :- - In this context of use, is to be concentration on lack of transportation system is one of the fewest crucial part and assist to easy impart between client in activity. To better consumer rate and addition in merchandising state of affairs is supported on growing rate. Communicating is most all-important portion to convey the communication and kind some alteration of state to change the figure of customized. It is give direct contact of way of motive and make some change of state in marketplace.

    4.2 Responsible for tourism enhance in market

    In this context, to be focus on some improve productivity and increase the current market or improve he level of different destination. Accountable commercial enterprise relate social group control towards social club, serious-mindedness towards state of affairs characteristic and the unit action of the local people in the human activity for traveller alteration (Çakar, 2018). Thus, it can be said that soluble tourist physical process fitting the need of the tourer as well as the full-grown region and at the aforementioned time antifouling and heighten the accidental in the approaching. On the other hand, Make effort towards the saving of tourist incoming and the places of transportation place and thus improvement long statement uphold.


    Form the above report is focus on the Virgin Holiday LTD is taken for assessment. It is a tour operator company. It was founded in 1985. This report is introducing the main tourist destinations in the world in terms of visitors number an income generation and also determine tourism destinations trends and predicting the future trends. As per the above report is focus on Taj Mahal is getting yellowish because of Industrialization near the Fort, which in turn not good. The pollution is also increasing day by day which distract visitors.


    • Çakar, K., 2018. Critical success factors for tourist destination governance in times of crisis: a case study of Antalya, Turkey. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing. pp.1-17.
    • Canosa, A., Graham, A. and Wilson, E., 2018. Growing up in a tourist destination: negotiating space, identity and belonging. Children's Geographies. 16(2). pp.156-168.
    • Carayannis, E.G and et,al, 2018. Developing a socio-technical evaluation index for tourist destination competitiveness using cognitive mapping and MCDA. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. 131. pp.147-158.
    • Kim, H.K. and Lee, T.J., 2018. Brand equity of a tourist destination. Sustainability,.10(2). p.431.
    • Liang, M. and Ma, R., 2018. The Game Analysis of the Tourist Shopping Process in Tourism Destination. Chinese Studies. 7(01). p.47.

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