CHCLEG001 Work Legally And Ethically Assessment Answers

This blog will guide you to know how CHCLEG001 work legally and ethically and how you can do well in your nursing career.

chcleg001 work legally and ethically assessment answers
17 May 2024 14362 18 minutes

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Nursing is one of the trending jobs, which is why students from around the globe are opting for this stream. So to pursue a nursing career, scholars have to take many assessments. It prepares them for the future and helps them develop new skills. So, CHCLEG001 Assessment consists of units related to the nursing and healthcare departments that students have to study. This unit helps students learn about the mandated skills they have to follow in a legal and ethical framework. It will assist them in their betterment, which will lead to effective job roles. The CHCLEG001 assessment answers help students understand the module of the unit. Everyone knows ethics are the backbone of every job, which people have to follow. Hence being a nursing student, knowing these rules will help you do well in your career.

Also, Check out - CHCDIV001 Assessment Answers 

Importance of the CHCLEG001 work legally & ethically assessment

The assessment is one of the most important units of health care assessments that are needed to be completed by a nursing student who wants to pursue a career in community services and the medical sector. This assessment allows a student to understand the concept and the importance of ethics in their professional life. Ethics, in its literal meaning, refers to the fundamental moral rules and regulations which are set to be followed in every profession.  

This assessment also involves the legal responsibilities of a profession. The legal duties of equality, truthfulness, etc., are the real important aspects of working in a health care and community service profession. There are a set of skills required to work in an environment where people are dependent on you. CHCLEG001 serves as the basic guide of these skills and how to develop them. Legal and ethical aspects are present in almost all the jobs but, these factors get more and more important aspects when we talk about nursing and community service. 

The major aspects which make a this assessment important are-

  1. Prepares You for a Better Professional Life- This assessment is entirely based on real-life scenarios and how to handle them in a professional manner without hurting other people’s sentiments and keeping the integrity, ethics, and legal obligations intact. 
  2. Explains the Legal and Ethical Responsibilities-The CHCLEG001 assessment makes you understand what are your legal responsibilities, and what should be your work ethic while stepping into the nursing and health care industry?
  3. Develops Practical and Observational Skills-This assessment is one of the few assessments which helps in developing real-life observational skills to handle a complex situation without losing your cool. The main aspect of this assessment is case studies, and these case studies put you into situations that require great observational and practical skills to handle. 

Other than these, professional CHCLEG001 assessment writers also state that this unit of assessment is a very important role player in the academic scores of a nursing student. 

3 Major Assessments Covered Under CHCLEG001

3 Major Assessments Covered Under the CHCLEG001 Assessment

Nowadays, a bunch of students are going crazy over their nursing careers. The reason is well known: it is one of the safest and most secure career options. Also, this helps with getting a good salary. All nursing students who want to study CHCLEG001 have to go through some assessments to get the best grades. Therefore, this section will let you know about the three assessments that students have to write:

Assessment 1: Underpinning Knowledge Questions

In this assessment, students need to answer a few questions they have learned throughout their course.

1. What are some legal issues in the workplace?

2. Describe the Australian legal system.

3. A few ways to maintain the workplace

Assessment 2: Case Study or Research Project

This assessment aims to research a subject chcleg001 work legally and ethics case study. By doing this, scholars get an understanding of the subject at a better level. 

1. What are some restrictions on the work role?

2. Ethical and legal considerations in health and community services

3. Difference between a code of practice and a code of conduct

Assessment 3: Workplace Observation of Practical Skills

In this type of assessment, professors judge students' practical skills. The teachers assign them various tasks, and the scholars have to handle them without getting frustrated or losing their temper. So by doing this, professors examine students and provide scores.

So these are the three prime assessments of CHCLEG001 learner guide that students have to give. All of these play an essential role in their lives because their grades depend on the assessment. In the below section, you will learn how to finish these assessment answers.

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Approaches to Write 3 Major CHCLEG001 Assessment Answers

The CHCLEG001 consists of 3 major assessments that are required to be completed. Each holds significance, and each is important to complete the CHCLEG001 scenario answers. There are 3 questions, and all three of these questions are required to be answered correctly in order to pass the assessment. 

The three sections of the assignment are as follows-  

  1. Identify and Respond to Legal Requirements- Legal responsibilities for each job role are specified in the context of working with multiple agencies, taking guard for legal, the rights of children, etc. The major aspects of this section cover the following pointers- 
  • Identify, access, and interpret sources of work role legal requirements
  • Identify the scope and nature of your own legal responsibilities
  • Adhere to work practice legal requirements
  • Adhere to work practice policies
  • Adhere to work practice procedure
  • Adhere to the scope of the role
  • Recognize and report potential breaches according to organizations' guidelines. 

This section is totally dedicated to the legal responsibilities of a community health worker- what to report, what to appose, what to share, and what not to share. You can pass this section easily if you have understood your work culture. 

  1. Identify and Meet Ethical Responsibilities- Ethical responsibilities are more of a personal point of view that an organization requires you to develop while working with them;it is pretty straightforward- you want to work for the community, you must abide by its rules. But the catch here is, how would you identify the scope and nature of your own legal responsibilities and role? So, let’s look into the major aspects covered under this section of CHCLEG001 work legally and ethically assessment answers that identify the responsibilities and roles-  
  • Identify, access, and interpret information about ethical responsibilities
  • Identify the scope and nature of your own ethical responsibilities
  • Meet ethical responsibilities according to workplace policies
  • Discuss possible ethical issues and dilemmas
  • Use problem-solving techniques when exposed to competition
  • Ensure non-judgemental practice
  • Report unethical practices
  • Recognize conflict of interest and take action 

In this section, you are required to understand which practices are ethically sound and which are unacceptable in an organization- what are considered to be gifts, what are considered to be a bribe, and what are the relationship boundaries and ethics of employer-employee relationship, etc. The WHS legislation is also a key factor in this section. 

  1. Contribute to Workplace Improvements- The workplace is the second home for an employee. In fact, for a community service provider, the workplace comes before their personal space. One must always keep introducing improvements in the workplace and should not hesitate while making a point in the favour and development of the workplace. This section of CHCLEG001 Assessment Answers PDF is filled with problems related to- 
  • Identifying and improving work practices to meet ethical and legal responsibilities
  • Sharing feedback with colleagues
  • Reviewing the development of policies 

The workplace improvements enhance the working experience of all the employees, so one must be familiar with such practices. 

These are the criteria on the basis of which the CHCLEG001 work legally and ethically answers assessment analysis your understanding of working ethically and legally. 

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How to Complete the CHCLEG001 Assessment Answers 2? | Free Samples Included

Now that you are familiar with the concept and the contents of a CHCLEG001, let’s dig a little deeper into how you can complete your assessment. To understand the work better, let’s take a look at a few examples of the case studies which can be used as a reference for the CHCLEG001 work legally & ethically assessment. 

Example 1- A child bites another child on the finger. The room leader tells you not to report it. She says that it was only a little bite. What would you do? 

The above example clearly puts you in the spot of what to do and what not to do. If you will read the question thoroughly, you will understand that the term “report” is being used, which is directly related to the reporting policies of your work. So your answer should be depended on whether you should report the incident or not. The correct answer for this case will be -  


I will not accept it. I'll talk to her nicely and compile an incident report on what happened, to follow the policies and procedures, and to let the parents know. If she refused, I would take further action. Either I will go to my supervisor and tell her the situation, or ask him/her to give me advice on how to solve this problem. 

This answer of yours depicts that you understand your legal obligations towards the policies and procedures. 

Example 2 - A family member of a child you work with approaches you and tells you that the child must have peanut butter sandwiches for lunch. The family member tells you that this is what the child eats at home.  

  1. How do you respond to the family member? 
  2. What would you do if you were having difficulty explaining to her the policies regarding Peanuts in the facility?
  3. What could be some of the solutions? 

The above example clearly asks you to show your problem-solving skills. When an opportunity appears, you must only focus on workplace policies and what is ethical at that moment. Your answer to this question should be-  


  1. I will apologize to them by stating our policy "We do not provide food with peanuts because we have children who are allergic to nuts."  
  2. I will explain how badly the children allergic to nuts get sick It's a severe problem and could cause them serious health issues 
  3. I will ask the family member what else the child likes to eat. Or I can read them a book about children having allergic problems from food such as nuts, eggs, and milk. Then the child’s family will have some knowledge about this problem. 

By this answer, you depict your responsible behaviour and problem handling skills, both of which are necessary to clear the CHCLEG001 work legally and ethically assessment answers. The problem clearly presents a pretty uncomfortable situation in which, on one side, you have a duty obligation, and on the other side, you are facing a family who is asking for something that is not a very big deal. In such a situation, your answer should be solely dependent on what your profession allows you and not your emotions. Keep in mind that in community service, you are required to have sympathy, but getting connected emotionally might hurt your ethics. 

These are some of the CHCLEG001 answers which can help you in developing an understanding of how to complete the assessment. It is not a very difficult task to complete the assessment if you are familiar with all the concepts, and now that you have this blog, it is easier for you to crack your assessment. 

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Looking for CHCLEG001 Assessment Help? This Is It!

So, now we hope you have understood that writing answers to this assessment is not easy. To get good scores, one has to put in their best efforts. Therefore, if you feel that completing these assessments can be challenging, you can contact us. We have experts who can provide CHCLEG001 assessment answers childcare without any delay.

Clearing your assessment will be easy if you have someone to guide you. So with our help, you can reach your goal. We at Global Assignment Help Australia have a team of experts who have been serving students for years. So if you need  assignment help, why don't you check out our page? Don't delay; avail yourself of this and reduce your stress. You can always bookmark this page for future reference. We hope this blog helps you. Good Luck!

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