Are you not sure of how to write an academic essay perfectly? If yes, then this blog is all that you need to read. Here we will explain a wonderful method of essay writing known as TIEAC to help you accomplish your goal of impressing the professor easily. Read the next section to gain more insight.
before moving ahead, first, it is important to have a clear understanding of what TIEAC means. Well, here we decode its meaning to help you know what each character of this acronym stands for. Glance at it carefully.
T: The alphabet “T” stands for the introduction of evidence.
I: The alphabet “I” stands for the introduction of evidenc.
E: The character “E” depicts evidence
A: The symbol “A” means analysis
C: The last character "C" implies a conclusion
Now that you know what each character of the acronym TIEAC stands for, we know you must be curious about how it is used to write an essay. Well, composing the essay using this method is not rocket science. It can be done easily with the help of steps shared in the next section. Therefore, go through it without letting any distractions interrupt your focus.
research and brainstorm
As is the case with the composition of almost every kind of document, the process of writing an essay using the TIEAC method begins with researching the theme. Without thorough research, it is impossible to craft a perfect write-up. It helps you perceive the topic. After you have researched the topic, brainstorm to get ideas for the essay.
Frame a topic sentence
Are you confused about what the topic sentence is? Well, it is a statement that summarizes the central idea of a paragraph. It makes the professor aware of what you are going to discuss and prepares him for it. Frame this sentence carefully and if you find its drafting difficult, then avail cheap essay help service from us to outsource this task to our experts.
Introduce the shreds of evidence
After acquainting the professor with the paragraph's main idea, the next step is to introduce the shreds of evidence you will provide in support of your arguments. For example, if the theme is a diminishing number of dolphins. Then, the sentence to introduce the evidence can be "According to a recent study, excessive hunting has led to a decline in the number of various aquatic creatures, including dolphins." This will signal the professor that you are going to discuss the findings of the study to back up your arguments.
Describe the evidence
In the previous step, you have introduced the evidence, now as per the TIEAC method, you need to describe it in detail. For example, in the example explained in the former step, we have mentioned a recent study. Now this step requires you to explain how it was conducted and what were its key findings. While doing this, do not forget to cite its source.
Analyze the evidence
only providing the piece of evidence is not enough. The professor intends to know how this evidence supports your arguments and why is it important. Therefore, write a detailed analysis of the evidence. For example, in our example, we have used a study to back up our claims. In this case, you need to explain how this study relates to the theme, strengthens the claim, and why is it a crucial shred of evidence.
Conclude the paragraph
the final step in writing the essay using the TIEAC method is to conclude the paragraph effectively. Now you must be wondering what an effective conclusion means, right? Well, it implies summarizing the theme of the paragraph in a sentence and using fresh words to restate the topic sentence. For example, you can restate the topic sentence as "Dolphin, such a beautiful gift of mother nature to mankind, is suffering at the hands of humans who are supposed to protect and treasure them." Further, the concluding sentence can be "To protect this innocent creature, we must take appropriate steps to bring an end to their hunting."
Now after going through the above-mentioned steps, are you ready to impress the professor with the essay and get the best student award from him? We hope you are. But, if you still find this task difficult and need more assistance, then we are happy to help. Contact us for cheap essay writing services.
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