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    Understanding Conferences and Events of Dream Sales Machine

    University: Docklands Academy London

    • Unit No: 7
    • Level: Undergraduate/College
    • Pages: 15 / Words 3778
    • Paper Type: Assignment
    • Course Code: PEV202
    • Downloads: 686
    Question :

    This assessment will help in attaining and providing all further questions which are like - 

    1. Evaluate the various categories and all the dimensions for events in Dream Sales Machine (London) Ltd.
    2. Give the effective considerations for all the vents rooms and the professional standards.
    3. What are the management skills that are required in events and their further environment for stakeholders?
    4. Give the appropriate measures which will help in addressing and framing all the secure and safe working as in context to Dream Sales Machine (London) Ltd.
    Answer :


    Events are conference are consider as meeting where people meets with each and other and share their thoughts and views. Every organisation arranges the events and conference in order to aware the people and organise events successfully. There are different types of events and conferences such as weddings, formal business meeting, ceremonies, festivals, and conference which helps to meet with others (Bokelberg and et. al., 2019). To understand about conference and events Dream Sales Machine (London) Ltd. has been selected. This was incorporated on 16 May 2018 in London. The activities of company are travel agency activity, activity of conference organiser and educational support services that attracts people to manage their events. Different topics are covered in this report such as different categories and dimensions of events in event sector, consideration for events and conference which are require to work within industry. Moreover, measures which are require to manage safe and secure events for staff as well as guest.

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    TASK 1

    P1 Different event categories and dimensions and their differences

    The Dream Sales Machine (London) is a upscale company which is established in London in order to deliver best services. It organise the events and conference for others, provide travelling services etc. which attracts customers and maintain the productivity. Different types of events and conference are conducted by such organisation as per customer demands (Brown and et. al., 2019). The categories and dimensions are as defined:

    Product launch event: In business environment, there are various company who wants to promote their products and services so, they conducts promotional events for their new products and offers which influences people and increases sales. Such events are require high attention of manager who managers all functions. In context to Dream Sales Machine (London) Ltd, managers focuses on such kind of events and invites other organisation to conduct the promotional activities in order to create brand image (Harmeling and Palmatier, 2016).

    Commemorative events: This consider as public events which mainly focused on promotion of civil and non government person. They conducts events sometimes for entertainment purpose in which celebrity are invited to influence the people. This is managed by manager which are require to make good planning and proper attention towards events and other services. They are also require catering services in order to deliver their guest. Dream Sales Machine (London) Ltd, also organise such events where manager are require to be familiar with others which helps to provide customer satisfaction.

    Bridal events: This is another events and conference where Dream Sales Machine (London) Ltd. Conduct the events in order to provide information and promote the business organisation. Herein, managers are require coordinate with other people, make up artists and venue design which helps to attracts people more (Jepson and Clarke, 2016).

    Difference between events






    To promote the products which are introduced recently.

    To organise the weddings with good arrangements.

    To promote civil and non government person.

    Required skills

    Knowledge about competitors and market, preference of visitors, and task management skills.

    Decoration knowledge, coordination, making up skills and proper communication.

    Familiarity skills, planning and interest of people knowledge.


    Dimension of Events

    Location: This is important which is required to analysed by manager which select the location for suitable events. Dream Sales Machine (London) Ltd, management play this role by selecting the location for conducting events.

    Cost: This is other dimensions that is important for Dream Sales Machine (London) Ltd's manager in which they identify the cost of their organised events and conference.

    Amenities: This refers as services and facilities which are required to arrange by manager of Dream Sales Machine (London) Ltd that helps to run a events successfully.

    Difference between dimensions




    The event manager need to make sure to their clients that they are providing proper place for events.

    The event organiser make sure that they are charging reasonable cost for their arrangements.

    In this manager are require to make sure that all facilities and services will help to satisfy their customers.


    P2 Features and current trends that are influencing the events sectors

    Event industry focuses on current trends which helps to organise the plans and events accordingly and attracts more customers in order to increase profitability.  Dream Sales Machine (London) Ltd management focuses on different type of trends and features which influences whole sector they are as follows:

    Amounts contributes in GDP: Event industry organise various programmes and events which helps to contribute in economic growth of country.  Dream Sales Machine (London) Ltd organise the events and give their contribution in economic development of nation. It helps to increase the living standard of people and increases high revenues.

    Interactive and unique destination: This trend helps to plan the destination according to events such as wedding, office meeting, seminars etc. all functions are needed unique location. This trend attracts bridal events and marriage destination by selecting a unique location.  Dream Sales Machine (London) Ltd. Focus on this trend and organise the events accordingly that attracts people by filling their requirements.

    Innovative marketing: This trend are changing according to customer demand which influences event industry. Dream Sales Machine (London) Ltd uses different types of marketing activities such as social media, chat bots, you tube etc. which influences people in current era.

    TASK 2

    P3: Design an event layout to set up the conference

    Dream Sales Machine Ltd is the private company that incorporated its business from 2018. The company offer different events, activities as well as conferences to support the educational as well as business activity. Detail regarding different types of event is presented below:

    Event: The conference of 25 executives will be organised by the Dream Sales Machine Ltd at the Bulgari Hotel on 27th - 28th November' 2019. This event will go for two days between the 05:00 and 9:00 p.m. These executive belong to the seven different countries due to which they speak different languages. So the event will take place at English as the translating equipments can help the executive to understand the significance of event. 



    We here are glad to announce that the conferences session is gouging to be held at Bulgari Hotel which is in London. So executives are invited to be the part of delightful event which is conducted for two days that is 27-28th November '2019 and discussion is made on the topics like “Phantom of the Opera” and “Her Majesty's Theatre”. Diligent speakers and 25 executives will be provided accommodation that include suitable rooms to stay, coffee break, food and beverages. Details of the venue is explained below:

    Address: 177, WalleyIn Rise, London

    Destination:  Bulgari Hotel

    Contact no: 543-324-010

    Event Manager and Assistant Conference


    Itenary: Itenary is presented below for all the speakers



    Landing time of flight

    8:00 a.m. on 27th Nov'2019

    Distance from Airport to hotel

    20 minutes

    Arrival time

    8: 20 a.m.

    Welcome by serving beverages at hotel

    09:00 a.m.

    Refreshments to rejuvenate energy

    11:45 a.m.

    Starting time for lunch

    2 a.m.

    Leave the restaurant area and hotel for conference

    4: 15 p.m.

    Attend conference

    5 p.m. to 9 p.m.

    Coffee break and evening Snacks

     6:30 p.m.

    Back to Hotel and Dinner

     10:00 p.m.


    6 - 9 a.m.

    Conference timings

    10a.m. - 2 p.m.


    3 p.m.

    Departure from Bulgari hotel

    6 p.m.


    Menu: The different type of cuisines or dishes to be offered to the speaker as well as executive is explained below (O'sullivan and et. al., 2016):



    Toast, sprouts, Boiled egg


    Juice, coffee and tea


    Chicken, soya coptico and Baguette Bites


    Fried fish, cheese grill sandwich, Peri peri chicken burger


    Vegges, Broccoli sheet, Vegan chjicehem along with bread or rice



    All the dishes will be adequately served to the guest in a systematic manner.

    P4: Additional services that will be available within a conference

    Services are basically the intangible offering provided by the Dream Sales Machine Ltd that help to build the suitable experience of customer. The main purpose to deliver services is to make the customer satisfied and enable them to participate significantly in the event which is going to be held at Bulgari Hotel. Some of the additional services are explained below:

    Pick up and drop facility: For the convenience of customer the representative of Dream Sales Machine Ltd  offer both pick up from airport to hotel and drop back to airport facilities are provide. This helps to laid the convenience of speaker as well as executive who belong to different seven countries so it just help to maintain the positive experience (Posenato, Zerbato and Combi, 2018). Such additional services help the guest to overcome the problem of location by saving their effort, time as well as cost.

    Spa and wok out zone: The availability of the separate corner for spa as well as gym within the Bulgari Hotel help the guest to explore during their leisure time. Like, the spa helps to overcome the stress or fatigue while attending the event or after becoming the part of long journey. Along with that if the guest is fitness freak then they can spend the morning hours in gym which keep them fit and help to build potential experience.

    Hence, these are some of the additional services which are offered by the hotel as well as Dream Sales Machine Ltd  for the convenience of guest. This even help to share the effective relation that can facilitate the speaker as well as executive to become the part of company even if it organises the event in future.

    TASK 3

    P5 Exploration of different management roles within the sector

    In current environment, managers are playing important role by performing their job opportunities which are as described:

    Event planners: A person who manages all events and become responsible for all activities is consider as event planners. In context to Dream Sales Machine (London) Ltd. Manager are playing this role in order to provide services such as musicians, caterers, meeting and etc. which can attracts customers properly. This also helps managers to get the opportunity in achieving career growth and development (Leinemann and Baikaltseva, 2017).

    Executive assistant: This is another role which plays by managers as they visits all clients which helps to reduce the work load by hiring the assistants. Assistants works on the behalf of executive which helps to maintain the business performance effectively. In Dream Sales Machine (London) Ltd. Freshers has opportunity to work with their executive by developing their skills and experience which helps to improve the interactive and coordination skills.

    Programme Coordinator: This role is also for managers who coordinate with all people who are responsible for events. This helps to organise the event successfully and make future clients further. This opportunity fits for extrovert people that helps to maintain the high level of satisfaction by increasing internal and external capabilities.

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    P6 Management skills and attributes which are require to work

    To perform the business activities the event manager are required some skills which helps to perform all business functions. In event industry people have different job opportunities such as event planer, executive assistant, coordinator etc. To fill such roles and responsibilities are require following management skills and attributes such as:

    Leadership skills: This means leader should motivate its employees to accept the challenges and complete task. In context to Dream Sales Machine (London) Ltd. Manager are require this skills which helps to motivate its assistant and employees to accpet the different demand of customers and work accordingly.

    Communication skills: This means manager of Dream Sales Machine (London) Ltd is require to communicate with all people which helps to understand the further steps in order to complete the work and arranging events.

    Management skills: This skill is require to manage all functions within business organisation as it helps to understand the goals and work accordingly. It is very important for businesses to manage the work according to time and complete it within specified time. In context to Dream Sales Machine (London) Ltd manager need to have management skills in which they can manage all event functions and assign the work between employees according which processed to successful events (Lucey and et. al., 2016).

    Decision making skills: This skills is require in every organisation which helps to complete the work in specified time. In context to Dream Sales Machine (London) Ltd manager are require such skills which helps to make right decision on right time. The manager of selected company having such skills which helps to make decision for successful event plan and organise them effectively.

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    TASK 4

    P7 Specification and explanation of appropriate measures required to provide secure and safe event venue

    Safety or security is the main concern that need to be taken care by the event organised before inviting any guest and organising meeting. Allocation of safe environment is the priority of both guest as well as Dream Sales Machine Ltd due to which it take various consideration. Some of them are explained below:

    Food hygiene:  It is vital for the Dream Sales Machine Ltd  to offer the safe as well as hygienic food to the customer. All the standard such as using clean equipments, covering the food and storing them in the right time need to be effectively followed. This can significant help the guest to reenergise their energy and significantly become the part of an event (Reason and Hobbs, 2017). Otherwise they may face problems like illness and foot poising that can hamper the trust of guest over the  Dream Sales Machine Ltd.

    Keeping all the information confidential: As during the time of stay guest are need to share their personal details. Similarly, even the event organiser have all the relevant information as well as documentation of the guest (Schwebel, Alcatel Lucent SAS, 2017). So it is vital for them that they need to keep all the information confidential in the secured other. As privacy breach is one of the main concern due to which Dream Sales Machine Ltd  need to be extra caution. Further, even the individual information of the guest need not to be shared within the internal team member to maintain long term security.


    From the above project report it has been concluded that events and conferences should be manage properly which helps to increase the number of clients. If events are conference are organised properly then organisation can attracts more clients. Different categories of events such as promotional, corporate and bridal are planned by managers who are require management skills, leadership skills and communication skills helps to complete the work effectively. Different dimensions such as cost, amenities and locations are also important for organisation which are used to organised events well. The layout of events consider structure which states location, timing, event, marketing and other facilities to attracts the clients properly.

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    • Bokelberg, E. H. and et. al., 2019 International Business Machines Corp, 2016. Managing challenge events. U.S. Patent 9,327,198.
    • Brown, L. D. and et. al., 2019. Managing the narrative: Investor relations officers and corporate disclosure✰. Journal of Accounting and Economics, 67(1), pp.58-79.
    • Emery, P., and et. al., 2016. Managing sport facilities and major events. Routledge.
    • Jepson, A. and Clarke, A., 2016. An introduction to planning and managing communities, festivals and events. In Managing and Developing Communities, Festivals and Events (pp. 3-15). Palgrave Macmillan, London.
    • Leinemann, R. and Baikaltseva, E., 2017. How to manage a successful press conference. Routledge.
    • Lucey, C. E. and et. al., 2016. Method and apparatus for managing private moderator codes for conference calls. U.S. Patent 9,258,338.
    • O'sullivan, P. J. and et. al., 2016. System and method for managing calendaring events. U.S. Patent 9,317,838.
    • Reason, J. and Hobbs, A., 2017. Managing maintenance error: a practical guide. CRC Press.
    • Schwebel, L., Alcatel Lucent SAS, 2017. Process for managing the connection of users through their terminals to a multimedia conference session. U.S. Patent Application 15/308,158.

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