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    Demonstration of Professional and Patient Working Skills

    University: University of Sydney

    • Unit No: 2
    • Level: Undergraduate/College
    • Pages: 4 / Words 1107
    • Paper Type: Essay
    • Course Code: ASS072-1
    • Downloads: 473
    Question :

    This assessment will cover the following questions:

    • Generate the knowledge and understanding of explanations for the distribution of health and differential access to health care in the UK and account for the health and care outcomes of differing social groups.
    • Determine the following skills and abilities: One-to-one working skills needed to work with individual clients within a role play scenario and reflect on and assess your role play performance and one-to-one working skills, evaluate ways to improve future practice.


    Answer :


    The report is based on the role play between professional and patient in order to demonstrate one to one working skills. It will write the reflective essay as per role play where it will describe about the knowledge and skill help for communication. it mainly covers the different activities that perform between professional and patient. Furthermore, it will identify for providing the better experience of being service provider and also understand nature as well as responsibilities of professionals. However, the documentation will analysis phase of reflection on one-to-one working skill and find that how both actors engaged and responded to each other.


    Brief explanation of Scenario

    As per scenario, it is mainly following the scoping review of use to play role and simulated interaction for healthcare professionals. It has designed the role play situation that mainly reflect on the interaction between professional nurse and patient in order to implement different types of expected therapeutic result or outcome (Adams and Gong, 2019). It mainly derived the role play where understanding, respect, honesty, supports, self-disclosure and reflective thoughts. Main issue has been presented the role play situation related confliction due to lack of coordination. Self-disclosure is another bigger problem when it allows for patient to reveals sensitive information of anyone without consult the professional such as nurse (Shaw and, 2019). At the time of treatment, it should require for respects the patient while maintain the proper interaction between them. Thus, it plays role between patient and professional nurse which important to contribute in the best service providing. Professional provide therapist role for patient effectively and efficiently (Chan, Wong and Ganotice, 2019).

    Analysis of Reflection

    I have used the Gibs’ s reflective model for providing personal experience where how different one to one working skill require between both professional nurse and patient. I have found that they are easily communicated to each other (Wald and, 2019). I think it help for building a strong coordination among them.

    I have experienced about the scenario where professional nurse coordinate with the patient where identify that what problem arise to patient, who are faced issue during their pregnancy. I have understood that it must require for acquiring supports skill by nurse to provide better services of patient. I always aware about the moral value which needed to give priority of patient in proper manner.

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    At that time, I have found that communication skills applicable in both one-to-one working role play between professional and patient. It able to gather information about the anxious patient and needed to impart sensitive data (Chan, Wong and Ganotice, 2019). As per my opinion, it needs to gain the informed consent and other type of operation for perspective of medical process. I also understand that failure of communication effectively increase breakdown during therapeutic relations. I also analysed that it generates patient dissatisfaction and also affects on their result or outcome.

    After performing role play between professional and patient, I realised that communication skill is the most suitable that help for reducing errors and also improving the patient care (Teixeira and, 2019). Furthermore, I also analysed that communication cannot be properly predictable in professional practices which require for make decision and responses in real time. In this way, I have been learning about the concept of role play in context of healthcare. Therefore, I also build my own knowledge and skill where how can easily deals with critical situation in proper manner.

    Information and analysis of ethics

    As per analysis, it has found that ethics and values are interrelated with each other. They can into role play in scenario. Professional ethics mainly refers to person that easily adhere to respect of their interaction and help for dealing their own professional life (Chandran, Iuli and Post, 2019). As per scenario, it has analysed that professional nurse always good behave to their patient and providing information about their health condition, treatment requirement or needs. On the other hand, Personal value refers that patient identifies with respect to the professional nurse those who will provide medical treatment services. through professional value, patient always deals the situation within everyday life (Chandran, Iuli and Post, 2019).

    In most of cases, professional ethics and personal value may clash which lead to moral conflict. In this way, it requires for patient and professional nurse to assume their own ethics in proper manner (Nussbaum and, 2019). It is helping for increasing the coordination between them and also successfully play role by using communication skill.

    Strength and Weakness

    The primary strength of interplay that easily examined the capabilities of professional where how they can easily deal with patient in proper manner. In this way, it also addressing the oversight in terms of improvement and better treatment services (McLeod and, 2019). On the other hand, the weakness is that increase confliction between professional and patient. In this way, it influencing the change for driving the competitive advantage. It is helping for representing the strength and weakness, better ways to examine suitable approach for understanding specific roles, responsibilities (McLeod and, 2019).


    In above discussion, it has summarized about the role played between professional and patient in order to demonstrate one to one working skills. This essay is providing the reflective writing for identifying the knowledge and skill of individuals. it can be determined the different activities that perform between professional and patient. it useful for providing the better experience of being service provider and also understand nature as well as responsibilities of professionals. Based on the current review of role played that supervised the both parties seems to promote reflection. It also insights for professional in patient and their therapist roles or responsibilities. In this documentation, it has analyzing phase of reflection on one-to-one working skill and find that how both actors engaged or responded to each other’s. As per study, it can be facilitating the involvement of both actors which shows interest through communication in role play.

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