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    Hospitality Provision in Travel and Tourism Sector

    University: UK college of business and computing

    • Unit No: 4
    • Level: High school
    • Pages: 12 / Words 3106
    • Paper Type: Assignment
    • Course Code: K/601/1751
    • Downloads: 1149
    Question :

    Some questions given below are needed to be answered:

    1. Give role of the hospitality industry within PKF hotel

    2. Provide impact of integration within PKF hotel

    3. Give business plan of the company.

    Answer :


    Hospitality provision is consider as a regulation and laws which followed by company provide hospitality products and services to the customers. It also help organization to effectively understand the roles and responsibilities towards the visitors in order to meet their expectation in appropriate manner (Zeng and Gerritsen, 2014). Along with this, hospitality industry also put their huge impact ion developing economic condition of the nation by providing opportunities to local people. For this government also take initiative to provide as well as execute better hospitality activities which directly contributes in enhancing GDP of the country. Present report is based on PKF hotel expert, which provide best hospitality products and services with the aim of improving positive experience of the customers. This project includes impact of integration within hospitality industry with its development plan along with various aspect like location, time, cost for business.

    TASK 1

    1.1 Interrelationships between hospitality and wider travel and tourism businesses

    To, Manager of PKF hotel expert

    From” Consultant

    Date: 22nd November 2018

    Subject: Interrelationship between hospitality and travel and tourism sector

    Travel and tourism industry play vital role in developing economic condition of the nation. In UK travel industry highly engaged in serving best and quality hospitality services to the visitor with the aim of attaining their positive experience. Mainly, it consist food, airline facilities, accommodation and many more that directly contribute in influencing as well as encouraging customers to consume. As per current scenario, number of people are willing to invest in travelling to travel other location for their specific purpose as it can be includes education, holiday purpose and may more. For this purpose they find best tour agencies which may attract customers by providing them appropriate travelling packages. Furthermore, in context of UK number of organization are operate their activities in hospitality market with the aim of engaging in serving best and quality services like accommodation and so on to the visitors.

    In context of this, hospitality industry is highly interrelated with travel and tourism industry with the aim of improving standard of the customers by providing them quality services as per their needs and wants. Thus, it can be stated that the growth of hotel companies in too much high which help country make strong economic condition. In UK, growth of tourist company are continuously grow in market. In this, both organization are always tries to attract visitors by serving quality services to maximize travelling experience of visitors. With the assistance of this, both companies can easily attain loyalty of customers and organization as well. Furthermore, supportive services of tourism sector indicated higher growth and success in market for hospitality sector. This will directly contribute in making economic condition strong and appropriate.

    Composition of hospitality industry: It is related with various hotel, restaurants, contract food service provider, pubs and many more. In this some hotel are classified in 1 to 5 star, breakfast facilities, budgeted hotels which includes fast food restaurant, coffee shops and many more. All these are the major part of hospitality industry which help in inviting large number of visitors over there.

    Role of hospitality industry:

    Hospitality industry is consider as an important business function which support organization in providing quality and best services to visitors to enhance their satisfaction level. It also play bas an important role in developing economic condition of the nation. Mainly, these type of services are includes bars, parks, catering services and many more. All these services are mostly used by service industry to provide their customers. Apart from this, certain provision are also created for the hospitality industry which help in protecting the customers from any kind of exploitation. This will contribute in making positive image of the company in market and customers mind as well. 

    Relationship between hospitality industry and tourism sector:

    It is an important for hospitality industry to maintain strong relationship with the purpose of attaining set goals and objectives. This will help in retaining customers by providing them better travelling experiences. In this context, it is possible by giving best efforts in providing valuable services like entertainment, catering services and many more. With the assistance of this both hospitality and tourism sector can easily established strong relation with each other. Apart from this, tourism industry is also related with different hotels and villas used to provide better accommodation services. In this number of visitors would like to visit and travel best and reputed hospitality companies to receive valuable services. It is consider as a priority by tourism companies which provide best and combined efforts to meet the customers expectation in appropriate manner (Wu and Ko, 2013). In addition of this, both tourism and hospitality companies are also motivate and encourage each other to perform best. This will support in maximizing the growth of GDP by providing number of employment opportunities to local people. All these can be understood by following points:

    Package Holiday: These type of hotel are coordinating with agencies with the aim of maximizing the customer base to provide them quality services. This is possible when company provide effective and attractive packages so that customers can easily choose bes option as per their budget and need as well. For example, if visitors are strong in their income and also having good budget then they easily select quality and standard services to satisfy their needs.

    Business travel: Number of hotel are operate their business in UK and also offer different kind of services to their customers like business centres, WI-FI, conference hall and many more. These type of services ate provide those customers who has good and best amount of budget to visit different places.

    Aviation: This type of profit and demand of airline services are highly depends on the overall growth of the tourism business. In this various tourists are comes to different location and nation with the use of airline services. Mainly, it provides services according to the customers and their budget as well.

    TASK 2

    2.1 Implications of integration to the hospitality industry

    As per current time, every business organization execute their business activities with the aim of attaining success at market place. In this context, to make effective strategy, company effectively execute and perform their operations for enhancing market share of the company. In context of this Starwood hotel and resort has to contacting with Marriott with the aim of serving best quality of services like accommodation, food, beverage and many more. With the help of this company increase the chances of attaining set target in appropriate manner (Sparks, Perkins and Buckley, 2013). Along with this, there are some integration implications that help in attaining higher growth and expansion as well:

    Vertical integration: It is an important method through which company can easily attain common goals and objectives (Scott and Orlikowski, 2012). Mainly this type of integration may include lateral and forward. With the use of this Marriott can easily attain competitive advantage from its rivals and also improve their future opportunities in which firm can easily established their positive image.

    2.2 Integration has affect a hospitality business

    Horizontal and vertical integration is played vital role and also put huge impact on entire policies of business organization. As it maximizes the overall efficiency of working activities which may contribute in meeting global benefits. In context of merging Startwood hotel and resort, the business cost is reduced and at the same time also enhance profitability level. Thus it is important for Marriott and another organization to maximize profitability by effectively utilize the resources. On the other side, it also minimises the chances of arising wastages in organization.

    Vertical integration is also play as an important role and also make huge impact on the business activities and function of Marriott international hotel in both positive and negative manner. In positive impact, business organization can enhance their services with the aim of attaining higher success at market and also raise their market share from is rivals. This will directly contribute in enhancing profitability level. On the other side, impact of integrating on hotel is very certain through which Marriott can easily established their positive brand image. In addition of this, the main impact of integration between two business is to enhance marker share and also reduce the independent. Furthermore, it also improves the quality of services to their customers which is beneficial in capturing visitors attentions towards its offerings.

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    TASK 3

    3.1 Rationale for selected project

    Hospitality sector is one of the famous and fastest growing industry which is more profitable for person who wants to start a new and innovative business. For entering in new and hospitality industry, the owner of company get number of benefits with the purpose of enhancing profitability level at market place (Nunkoo, Gursoy and Ramkissoon, 2013). These type of business are includes hotel, pubs, restaurant, clubs and so on. In this context, the development of rationale effectively understood by following description:

    In PKF hotel expert, junior consultant play vital role in establishing 3 start hotel i.e. The Green House”.

    Phase 1: Development

    • Concept:

    General idea: It is one of the important and appropriate way to develop an effective ideas that provide services relate with stay facilities to their clients as pert their needs and wants (Mohamad, Omar and Haron, 2012). Along with this, rich culture is also play vital role in encouraging as well as influencing individuals to visit the nation. In this context, The Green House is famous 3 start hotel that provide services related with clients needs and wants. This will help them in inviting large number of visitors towards its services.

    Objectives: The main objective of Hotel Green House is to provide the best experience to their visitors with the aim of enhancing their satisfaction level.

    Vision: The main vision of this hotel is to notable organization in which help creating values for number and visitors as well to enhance overall growth.

    • Market Research:

    Significance: It is one of the important process of evaluating the market trends which help company to improve their performance level at market. With the assistance of this, it easily discover taste and preferences of potential and existing customers which contribute in encouraging customers to consume hotel services. This will increase the satisfaction level of the visitors.

    Stage: Market research is play as an important role in evaluating the whole market and its trends as well. Mainly, it includes 6 stages like definition of issues, methodology improvement towards the particular issues and situation, create structure research, accumulation of information and report presentation as well.

    Area of research: Under this, the company evaluate the customers needs from The Green House in which proper methodologies ad plan will be take place in attaining positive outcomes.

    Research tools and methods: Hotel is totally new along in market which help in gathering relevant data and information that assist in enhancing the performance level (Leung and et. al., 2013). As it includes censuses, web, media source and many more.

    • Target Market: It is related with the target market for The Green House which consist middle class people who wants to visit UK again and again (Kropinova, Zaitseva and Moroz, 2015). Thus, the main target of house is school gatherings, firms for meeting and many more.

    3.2 Development of plan for cordiality business

    Planning is one of the important part of every business organization to attain success at market place. It also includes various stages that help company to make their performance competitive. All these can be understood by following stages:

    Stage 1: Development:

    • Location: It is important for organization to determined core of city. This hotel is close to London eye which capture attentions of visitors towards the area. This is the main reason that visitors are easily reach the hotel.
    • Scale: Green House is medium size hotel which includes around 25 rooms with al type of facilities. Along with this, hotel also give additional and advanced services to visitors such as LED TV, bed, sofa and many more. Along with this, it also offers additional tourist guide services to their guest so that they can easily visit different places.
    • Funding: As the Green hotel is new in this the assets and funds are arise from outside sources such as bank loan, creditors and many more. Thus it is important for hotel to effectively organize appropriate funds to run their business effectively.
    • Products and services: The Green house provide best quality services to its customers as per their needs and wants. Along with this, they also provide additional services such as WI-FI, LED and many more to visitors. This will help them in retaining visitors over there.
    • Licensing: It is one of the important factor which help in operating new business in effective manner (Evans, Stonehouse and Campbell, 2012). In context of this, Green house required to includes this factor to effectively implement entire activities in systematic manner. This will also help in building positive image of the company at market place.

    Stage 2: Design:

    • Culture: This factor is relate with the environment that includes in hotel and restaurant as well. Thus, it is important for company to established positive and healthy environment so that they can easily invite more and more customers over there.
    • Brand: It is related with the request to keep the brand picture more attractive in front of customers (Di Pietro, Di Virgilio and Pantano, 2012). It is required by the Green house to provide best and amazing and quality services to visitors so that restaurant can easily attain larger market share from its rivals,
    • Interior and exterior: Under this, the internal and external structure of hotel is also invite large number of visitors over there. Mainly, it required effective interior and outfits that may provide luxury experience to visitors. This will help in inviting large number of visitors over there.
    • Functional areas: It includes different functional areas of hotel which may helps in executing whole activities of the hotel in most effective manner. As it includes housekeeping, refreshments human asset, front office and many more.
    • Customers flows: Under this, manager of the company is evaluate the number of visitors passing and coming in hotel to consume its services. Thus, it is important for supervisor to effectively exact customers within the organization. 
    • Link to target market: The main target of this hotel is middle class people who willing to visit different places. It is best for the company to easily enhance their profitability level at market place and at the same time also attain visitors attentions towards the offerings.
    • Customers with individual needs: In market place, customers taste and preferences are change on frequent basis. Thus, Hotel needs to serve quality services as per their needs and wants to attain their satisfaction level.
    • Sustainability: It is important for business organization to established strong sustainability at market place. In context of Green House, they provide discounts to customers with the aim of attaining benefits. For example, air plane terminal provide pick ad drop benefits to large number of customers. In addition of this hotel also give coupons to their customers which may help in inviting and encouraging visitors.

    Stage 3: Operation

    • Staffing by functional areas: It is also an effective function for manager to select skilled candidates for right job and place as well. With the help of this, they can easily perform their task and attain positive outcomes (Brotherton, 2012). Mainly, staffing is required to effectively recognise the work that will be performed by the able employees. Along with this, workshop and training session is also provide to the employees as per their needs at workplace.
    • Cultural diversity and different approaches to manager issues: Under this, hotel give positive work environment to their workforce to make overall performance at market place. With the assistance of this hotel ca easily handle diversity at workplace.
    • Recruitment policies and procedures: It is related with the selecting as well as recruiting capable worker so that they can easily improve their overall performance at market place. In context of Green House, recruit skilled and able workers so that they can easily perform their task in most effective manner. 
    • Compliance with legislation: Laws and regulations are the important aspect which used by the industry in UK. With the help of this, hotel can easily improve their performance level at market place.
    • Promotional activities: Number of promotional activities are used by The Green House with the aim of promoting their brand and quality services in market place. For example, social media, print media and many more are the important activities that help in enhancing the profitability level.
    • Pricing strategies: It is one of the important method which helps in inviting the customers from its rivals (Abubakar and Ilkan, 2016). In context of the Green House, it use economy pricing strategy through which customers cam easily attracted towards the company and its offering as well.

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    From the above mentioned report it has been concluded that hospitality sector is grow as per continuous basis as it provide number of opportunities to local people with the aim of improving their living standard. In this context, both hospitality and travel business ate both interrelate and also encourage to perform best in market place. Both are interrelate and having main objectives is to maximize as well as increasing travelling experience of visitors by providing them standard and quality services. Furthermore, vertical and horizontal integration of hotel also offered some drawbacks and benefits which can be overcome from taking appropriate action. This will contribute in enhancing profitability level of the company at market place.

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