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    Role of Hospitality Industry in Travel and Tourism

    University: UK College of Business and Computing

    • Unit No: 5
    • Level: Undergraduate/College
    • Pages: 5 / Words 1217
    • Paper Type: Assignment
    • Course Code: K/601/1751
    • Downloads: 876
    Question :

    With the help of this the role of hospitality industry, influence of integration etc. is developed for this the questions to be answered includes:

    • To understand the role of hospitality industry in travel and tourism.
    • To understand integration within the travel industry.
    • Ability to develop the plan for better business operations.
    Answer :


    Hospitality and travel & tourism sector are interrelated with each other, both business has go hand in hand services like transportation, accommodation, recreation, food and many more. In current market environment there are various opportunist has available for both industry because number of visitor has continuous increase in UK. So it is a management responsibilities to develop strategies in order to attract large number of customers toward organisation product and services effectively. Through this, they are able to achieve goals in given time frame appropriately. In this report we have selected Marriott international hotel to know the impact of hospitality sector into tourism industry (Barros, Butler and Correia, 2010). It has British owned American organisation which has run their business activities into hotel industry. They have around 566 active hotels in all over the world. Marriott international hotel has established in the year of 1957 by S. Edward Marriott and its headquarter has located in US. This assignment covers interrelationship of hospitality with travel sector and implication its integration to cordial reception industry. It also covers rational selected project and make plan for hospitality organisation in proper manner.

    TASK 1

    1.1 Explanation of interrelationships between hospitality and wider travel industry

    Interrelationships among hospitality and tourism businesses:

    Name- ABC

    Date- 30 April, 2018

    This unit is based upon Marriott international Hotel which is a most recognized hotel range that is having 566 serving area and in this context rooms that are served by this Inn is not single rooms because that are mixed with suits. In one hotel there are around 100 beds and along with this Marriott international also provide resorts and restaurants that attracts more customers for their different purposes (Guttentag, 2015). This Hotel offers spacious rooms, range of modern bar and lounge. Free Wi-Fi is also a good facility that is being provided by Marriott international . When a person checks in them he/she is offered with a complimentary breakfast. In this range Marriott international also have resorts and services of this division is also good and prominent that are able in serving highest satisfaction to clients. This section also offers all those services that are offered in Marriott international itself. In this context, resorts are started for the purpose of advertising not as complementary different brand of hotel chain. Marriott international also comprises restaurants in it and also present fast foods like burgers, sandwiches etc. along with hot & cold coffee, ice tea etc. There are many other facilities like clubs and pubs also where all unique cocktail is available.

    Travel services are defined as website or company that assist human beings in many aspects. There are many services that are to be included in this sector and illustrated as below:

    Personal Contact:- These are individuals that are hired by travel agencies in order to assist those people whom are planning their trip and need help in this. In this section personal contacts are defined as personnels that are appointed by many travel agency in order to schedule trips. When a travel agency is hired then in this context, one person is able in working with one travel assistant (Heung, Kucukusta and Song, 2010). This services can be done on phones, personally or by email. Travel services are mostly work online and individuals can avail this facility just by filling information into a website for a travel plan.

    Trip Planning:- In this section, an individual is hired for assist traveller in solving their problem in booking hotels and flights after location is decided. Then in trip planning, travel services can be automated or through a website can provide facilities and for this no additional training is provided to individuals by travel agency.

    Fees:- When travel services are hired then it charges.

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    TASK 2

    2.1 Implications of integration to hospitality industry

    Integration is a process where two organisation has work together in order to achieve common goals and objectives in limited period of time in given time frame effectively. Hospitality is very fast growing industry as compare to their with in UK in context of hospitality sector, integration is a combination of two companies and both have want to reach economic of scale in limited period of time for achieve objectives appropriately (Sigala, Christou and Gretzel eds., 2012). By this they are able to offer services at low prices which help to attract large number of consumers toward organisation product ans services through this firm are capable to gain higher profitability and long term sustainability effectively. It help reduce wast and save resources in long period of time because integration between hospitality and tourism sector provide advantages of comparison among their competitor at market place accordingly they are develop strategies to complete with them in proper manner. By this, firm enhance their market value and reputation in customer's mind positively. Two different type of integration has explain as follows:

    Vertical integration- It is a combination of one enterprise of two and more stages of manufacturing normally run by separate firms. Vertical integration is a process of arrangement between supply chain of the organisation It is procedure of merger between two organisation in order to achieve common goals and objectives in appropriate manner. Most of organisation has work under same chain by vertical integration (Smith and Puczkó, 2014). Under this, Marriott international has purchase another institution in order to expend their business area which help to gain global presence. Through this, they are capable to maintain operating cost and produce economic price product and services effectively to attract large number of clients toward firm.

    Generally, vertical integration has specified as forward, lateral and backward in nature. It have several entity barriers so that many enterprises can not enter into this contract thus provide opportunist to large organisation that they are take benefits of these barrier effectively to run their business activities in appropriate manner. Through this, organisation has gain sustainability and long term success as well as gain long term control on suppliers in current highly competitive working environment. In forward integration, institution has offer high quality services to their clients which help to enhance customer's satisfaction in long period of time. In addition to this, hotel has make agreement with tourism sector organisation to attract several number of buyers toward firm .

    For an example-Marston’s Plcs and Marriott International hotel both make contract of merger so it is essential to management of the company all other several type of services has offer to buyers to accommodate hotel.

    Process in which vendors are purchase by organisation to increase sales as well as profitability at market and bitterly utilise suppliers core competences to provide high quality product to consumers which are present in different industry (Teng, 2011).

    Later integration is a another merger process where both organisation has provide same type of services to visitors. In this, it is not necessary that merged firms has connect with each other because they have different targets.

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