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    Analysis of Conference and Banqueting Industry of UK

    University: Icon College of Technology and Management

    • Unit No: 12
    • Level: Undergraduate/College
    • Pages: 12 / Words 3042
    • Paper Type: Assignment
    • Course Code: L/508/6646
    • Downloads: 1037
    Question :

    The scenario of this report determines an analysis of Conference and Banqueting industry of UK by identifying its size and scope as well as growth opportunities by considering new and existing trends. 

    • Discuss size and scope of Conference and Banqueting industry.
    • Evaluate techniques related quality and performance management within Conference and Banqueting as well as impact of strategic issuers.
    • Determine several aspects relevant to Conference and Banqueting sector as food production process, menu planning approaches, influence of different factors etc.
    Answer :


    The conference and banqueting industry of United Kingdom is one of the growing industry worldwide which is associated with the hospitality industry and mainly known as meeting and conference development. There is a massive scope of this industry in the United Kingdom because of numerous application of this industry in various type of events like ceremony seminars, meetings, birthday party, wedding, small gathering, etc. However, in this assignment, The conference and banqueting sector in the hospitality industry in the United Kingdom will be analysed, and the different factors which are influencing this industry will be identified. In addition to that, the strategic and operational issues of this industry and different legislation which are maintained by these organisations for maintaining the quality and performance will be identified.

    Task 1

    1.1 The size and scope of the conference and banqueting industry in the UK

    As a General Manager of Service on a plate catering company, it can be said that the size and scope of this conference and banqueting industry is growing in this country United Kingdom. However, this industry is a mixture of two different industries conference industry and banqueting industry (Affendi, 2017). However, the conference industry is associated with developing different conference, meetings, seminars and events but the banquet industry is associated with providing food facility to the participants of these various type of events. Because of the high profit of this industry, the industry is rapidly growing, and the number of investors in this industry is increasing. As a result of this growth, the size and scope of this industry are enhancing depending on the ownership style used by this organisational leadership.

    In finding out the size and scope of conference and banquet industry in the United Kingdom, it has been seen that the economic growth and development of this country has led them to organise the different and significant type of conferences and therefore the scope of this industry is proliferating (Agwa and Khalifa, 2018). However as the conference industry need a supportive banquet industry, therefore, the various restaurants, hotels bars are related to this conference industry for providing various type of food for the conferences. To this regard, it has been seen that around 1.5 million people has their properties which are used for hotels and guest houses in the United Kingdom. Addition Elle there is total more than 45000 hotels in the United Kingdom, and therefore the opportunities of this sector are enormous. However, there is three type of conference and banqueting industry those are primarily small and medium. Depending on the number of Guest in these conferences and meetings the size of the organisation has been measured. For instance, it can be said that in a small conference and banquet organisation around 500 Guest appear for one single day (Gillessen et al. 2015). In a medium-sized organisation, there is around 600-1000 guest and the number of days is around 3. finally in a large conference the number of days becomes 4 to 5 days and the total gas number are more than 3000.

    1.2 The factors that have influenced its development

    There are various factors which might influence the development of this conference and banquet industry. For example, it can be said that depending on various external and internal aspects of these organisations the industry can be impacted.

    The political factors of this country can influence the development and growth of this industry's framework because the various type of rules and regulations have developed by the government of United Kingdom has to be used by these organisations (Hong and JIANG, 2016). Subsidised provision and the role of police are also influencing this industry. However, the political factors of this country are positively influencing this industry in its growth and development because the contribution of the government in this industry is very reliable.

    The Economic factor of United Kingdom is contributing to the success of this industry because the highly developed economic condition of United Kingdom is positively helping this organisation in developing various kind of events which is responsible for the emergence of this new industry (Kanav et al. 2014).

    The population of United Kingdom is known as one of the most open-minded and visitors delight host community. It has been observed that the population of this country is most interested in there Tourism Development because of the enormous contribution of this industry to the public development procedure. Therefore, the different type of Historical events, as well as corporate decisions, has been done in this country; therefore, the business of conference and banqueting are developing rapidly.

    In the industry conference, the use of advanced technology is one of the current trends. It can be said that for the conference is developed by the corporate organisation they need specific instruments and various type of tools for the total event (Kjesbu et al. 2015). However the technological factors of United Kingdom high tech level, therefore, any corporate organisation always want to contact the international program in this country and because of the high number of restaurants and hotels and their beautiful food quality the technological factor of the United Kingdom attracting more number of to this conference and banqueting services.

    The environmental condition of this country is very favourable for conferences. However, the corporate organisation always want the best type of infrastructural development and environmental outlook for their events and conference. According to them, the environmental impacts are very much essential for the sustainable growth of the conference and its agenda (Kumar and Harnett, 2016).

    Finally, the legal factors or licensing laws are beneficial for the conferences and events. This is associated with the protocol, crowd and traffic control, sound system, lighting and this factors are directly related to the legal system of this country.

    Task 2

    2.1 The critical strategic and operational issues involved in the effective management in Service on a plate

    The different key strategic and operational issues which are observed in this organisation for its effective management are related to the different functions and choices made by the client. The pricing and packaging are one of the important issues of this organisational function. Like any other industry, this hospitality sector also faces competitive issues with their competitors. However,like other organisations in this sector, this organisation also have specific pricing which they offer for different programs and events (Lin and Bin, 2016). However, if the pricing of the various event organised by this organisation is higher than the market competitors, then the organisation will not be able to develop and face huge failure. Therefore developing flexible pricing for their guest for both of the conferences and banquets which also include the decoration and design of the venue according to the customer selection.

    Except that providing discounts to the customers also help them to select the services of this organisation and offering the different type of pricing and discounts for different services is also the vital area (Lin and Wang, 2015).

    Following that there are various licensing laws which need to incorporate in this organisational activities. This is because the corporate organisations always want to investigate The authenticity of this organisation during the time of selecting them among other competitors. For different events, the specific licence is essential for the Government of United Kingdom, and it is counted under the responsibility of the event organising organisation.

    However, the health and hygiene of the customers or the guest attending the conferences and events is the responsibility of this organisation. Therefore providing the best quality of food and drinks by the bank waiting section of this organisation is part of the strategic planning of this organisation (Matsuo et al. 2015). In fact, the employees of this organisation have to be properly trained by professionals for maintaining the safety hygiene and health of the guests.

    Finally, it has been seen that the participants of the conferences and meetings belong to a different type of cultures and religion. Therefore it is the responsibility of the organisation to maintaining their preferences for the different type of foods and cultural activities during the time of the event. Therefore it can be said that when an international conference is going on then the responsibilities and variations of operational issues changes accordingly (Milne and Trick, 2016).

    2.2 The performance and quality review techniques used by the Service on a plate

    According to the event currently organised by this organisation, it can be said that around 2000 guest will appear in this occasion and therefore the quality and performance of this organisation need to be stronger because the reputation of the organisation depends on it.

    It can be said that a specific amount of budget has been allocated for the banquet because the cash requirement varies time to time and the rest of the budget is being distributed in organising and decorating the other events. However, both drinks and food are being served to the visitors of this event, and therefore the adequate funding of the banquet will be segmented in food and drinks (Palatini et al. 2016).

    For the food and drinks of the guest, there are two different variations are being considered which has been developed by the engaging nutritionist for the opinion of different dietary of the guests.

    However, as this event is a corporate conference, therefore, the dress code provided to the guess of this event as formal. In the corporate organisation has also considered the different dress code for the international guest but the employees of the organisation need to follow the formal dress code in the time of the event (Punzalan et al. 2015).

    Although, this event is a corporate business conference, therefore, the organisation has developed the entertainment as an intrinsic part of the banquet. In this international conference, the participants are going to experience the taste of exotic foods from all over the world.

    For the decoration of this event, the specific corporate environment is being developed by us. Different technical instruments related to the organisational need like computers, PowerPoint presentation viewer etc. are going to be the part of this event decoration.

    However, the timetable for this event has been selected by the organisation but for the international guest who is going to attend this conference is one of the main responsibility to need table planning.

    For the gas of this event different type of transportation are being organised by this organisation which are air transportation, Railway transportation, waterways transportation and land way transportation. In addition to that for the disabled persons, there will be different and adequate transport arrangements made by the organisation (Rahman et al. 2015).

    Finally, the contingency plan is also important for the huge international conference like this. Therefore for encountering different challenges which can arise during the process always alternative plan will be used by the organisation from time to time.

    Task 3

    3.1 The suitability of a range of food production systems and styles and food and beverage service styles for conference and banquet

    In this Catering and banquet industry, there is a different type of food and beverage services which differ from their methods, systems and styles. In fact depending on the type of food they serve the different organisation are you their services for the conference and banquet.

    For a big segment of audience Catering- for a large number of customers and guest of the hotel these organisations are working (van de Velde et al. 2014).

    Fast food outlets- this fast food outlets mainly refer to some specific type of fast food which may serve by your hotel in the open area.

    Fine dining- famous restaurants and hotels mainly do this type of food production by the talented and skilled chef for best quality of food production.

    Mainstream catering- there is two type of restaurants which are working in the United Kingdom those areethier fast food restaurants or ethnic restaurants. However the fast food restaurants mainly associated with developing different type of Fast Food like burgers, french fries, sandwich, etc. These places are also provide food in a low price than the ethnic restaurants. However, the ethnic restaurants are different from the fast food restaurants because they are associated with providing ore producing foods of the specific geographical area. For example, it can be said that a spring restaurant can be Italian, Chinese, British, American, Indian, etc. In this type of restaurants special type of food are being developed by the chefs for providing specific food for geographical origin (Van Der Aalst et al. 2016).

    3.2 The factors to consider when organising off-site conference and banquet

    The various factors which need to maintain for organising an offsite conference or banquet those are the franchise agreement, self-operated management and different sourcing used for the entire conference or banquet. The important areas are the hygiene of the participants from the food, quality of the raw materials, appropriate system for storage minimum amount of wastage and finally appropriate temperature for the preparation of the food. Different type of beverages are also important for this conference like mineral water, coffee, tea, etc (Affendi, 2017). It is the responsibility of the management to provide the best quality of services during the time of the conference, and therefore certain agreements are needed like, legal licence. Different type of table service like providing soft drinks, Juice serving is the part of responsibility of the management and the buffet service, plated service provide the also part of the responsibility of this catering organisation.

    The key menu planning considerations for conference and banqueting events

    In this conference the menu planning is the central area. However, the overall mission of this conference is it the call develop by this conference and banquet. However, the complete menu is being subdivided into three different parts those are starters, main courses and the deserts (Agwa and Khalifa, 2018). In addition to that the main menu of this event is being developed by considering the requirements of the participants, recent trends, the business and operational considerations, food requirements, ingredient balance, flexibility and nutritional balance. In fact, the drinks served to the guest are also being served with the license permission for serving it (Gillessen et al. 2015).

    However, the different type of services which will be included in this food and beverage services provided is a conference the table service where the food is being provided by the waiters on the table, the assisted service where the waiters will serve the food in the buffet section. The self service where the guest has to serve the food to themselves, the single point service where the food is being served in a single point of the conference hall and finally, the specialised service where the guest can avail their food in a resting area and assist by various waiters (Hong and JIANG, 2016).

    Accept all of this for the menu planning the hazard analysis and Critical control points are being considered as a part of the systematic approach. However, this approach helps to prevent different biological, physical and chemical hazards which can be arisen due to the Developed food. Therefore the process which needs to maintain includes conducting a hazard analysis and identifying the critical control points. Depending on it limitations has to be made, and monitoring of the requirements is being done, and corrective actions need to be taken (Kanav et al. 2014).

    Task 4

    4.1 Assess the ergonomic considerations for a given conference or banquet

    As this is a conference of a corporate organisation the decorations and designers have to be simple and light. In addition to that, the different types of equipment and tools which are important for a business conference are needed in this conference.

    Mikes speakers as well as different speaking devices

    projector arrangements and laptops

    Big screens for the visual watch of the total conference in different parts of the conference hall

    sound and music control systems in the hall (Kjesbu et al. 2015)

    However, the table arrangements are essential for a conference because all the listed guest need to be accommodated within the hall selected for the conference. For and the seating arrangements of the guest 200 tables has arranged, and each table will contain around ten chairs with it. In addition to that, each table will contain small mineral water bottle for the guest and small candies for the refreshment of the participants. Following that, for the conference; pen, pencil and Notepad will be provided to the guests (Kumar and Harnett, 2016).

    However, for the eating arrangement of the guest, the buffet format will be followed in this Conference Hall after the first session of the conference. Additionally for the speakers of the seminar different type of stage will be developed with the facilities of sound and audio control system, laptop and projectors. Finally, in the entrance of the hall, a small table will be arranged for providing the participants with the schedule and other required information of the conference at the beginning of the event (Lin and Bin, 2016).


    In light of the above study, it can be concluded that the role of conference and banqueting industry in the hospitality industry of United Kingdom is prominent because of its high revenue and huge contribution in the GDP of this country. In fact, the appearance of this sector also represents the country in front of other countries or rest of the world. However, as this sector is associated with developing venue and food for different events, they have to maintain certain regulations for the performance and quality. In the final section of the assignment, the different responsibilities and roles of a conference and banqueting organisation have adequately been explaining the understanding they are different organisational activities and ergonomic considerations.

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