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    Hospitality and Business Environment for Cardiff Marriott Hotel

    University: university of wales

    • Unit No: 5
    • Level: Undergraduate/College
    • Pages: 9 / Words 2201
    • Paper Type: Assignment
    • Course Code: PDH301
    • Downloads: 655
    Question :

    This assessment will showcase some questions which are like :

    1. Elaborate PESTLE Analysis and all the functioning of the business organisation.
    2. What are the appropriate recruitment and selection process for Cardiff Marriott Hotel.
    3. Analyse all the factors which impact the diversity, equality and culture of the company.
    4. Give the appropriate methods for the performance management of Cardiff Marriott Hotel.
    5. Give the plan that will demonstrate the working with recommendation and suggestions.
    Answer :


    International hotel management is the field requires aspirants to possess good communication skill as well as an impressive personality. Due to globalisation the hotel management industry is growing with leaps and bounds. Present study will be base on the Hospitality and explains the whole further study in the context of Cardiff Marriott Hotel. Therefore, study explains the external business environment in the context of hotel and demonstrated the understanding of the management. Also, it will outlined the importance of an effective recruitment and selection process in order to sustain competitive advantage. Also, the present assignment will describing the factors affect the culture, equality and diversity of an organization.

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    TASK 1

    Pestle Analysis of the Cardiff Marriott Hotel

    Hotel industry has always been susceptible to various environmental factors which can have a strong impact on the business of any hotel. From changing governments to changing weather all of these factors have a strong impact on the hotel, so, it is really important for Cardiff Hotel to analyze the external factors in order to assess the challenges and opportunities within the industry. These external business environmental factors can be explained below:

    Political Factors: This factors plays a significant role in determining the various factors which can have impact on the profitability of Cardiff Marriott Hotel (Kundu and Mor, 2017). As UK is politically stable country and this has resulted growth in tourists within the country which can be beneficial for the hotel. But on the other hand there is always one danger which has come due to this factors is Brexit which has resulted a gap between UK and rest of European countries which can hamper the profitability of Cardiff Marriott Hotel.

    Economic factor: This factor pertain to the economy of the country which may include the inflation rates, interest rates, foreign exchange rates,etc. To this factor Cardiff Marriott Hotel may be sensitive due that fact the rate of GDP growth is affecting the hotel's positive performance and its is expected to increase in the future (Noe and, 2017). The exchange rate of country after the Brexit can affect the profitability of the hotel to higher extent. But there is a stability in UK's currency which is a good sign for Cardiff Marriott Hotel.

    Social factors: This is major factor which can have a strong impact on the business of the hotel, as the demography and the lifestyles of people in the country are changing on continuous basis. Besides majority of population in UK come under middle, upper middle and high class which means that people can afford the products and services of the hotel. Some, difference in educational back ground between the target market and the marketers can make it difficult to draw in the target market in an effective manner.

    Technological factor: At present this factor is really important for Cardiff Marriott Hotel as people prefer to book those technologically sound hotels. Beside the UK is expanding in in technology and is putting efforts in improving the technological standards of the country. This can be beneficial for Cardiff Marriott Hotel as customers demand technological based services and by up grading technology can help the hotel to gain competitive advantage (Sarrica and, 2016).

    Legal factors: This factor is also important for Cardiff Marriott Hotel and its is vital for the hotel operate its business legally. The laws like data protection and intellectual property can help the hotel to protects its ideas and patents of the company. Also, health and safety laws which needs to be followed by the company in order to protects its employees and making sure that every one in the hotel are treated fairly.

    Environmental factors: This is also one of the important factor which needs to be analysed in order not to become the target of pressure groups and boycotts due to lacking of Hotel's environmental conscientiousness. Due to this factor Cardiff Marriott Hotel may have to make changes like relying on renewable sources of energy which can be expensive for the hotel but if manage successfully can prove profitable in the nearest future.

    TASK 2

    Discussing the importance of an effective recruitment and selection process in order to sustain competitive advantage.

    In order to gain competitive advantage, a recruitment and selection process of the hotel is plays very important role. Effective recruitment of Cardiff Marriott Hotel can support the hotel in achieving the faster levels of growth and it can also help in delving the effective and qualified employees for hotel. Due to effective selection and recruitment process, it can maximise the strength of employees in order to meet the goals and objectives of the hotel. One of the major advantage of the effective recruitment and selection process is that, it can prove profitable for business in various which can help in gaining the competitive advantage (Seeleman and, 2015). For through effective recruitment and selection process, hotel gets well qualifies employees it can save time and money on training and development programs. Besides such employees selected can provide innovative ideas for business and can help Cardiff Marriott Hotel overcome the challenges in the future which can help the hotel to gain the competitive advantage in the industry. If the hotel has an effective selection and recruiting process it can help in attracting high qualified employees which is the best strategy for the hotel to gain the competitive advantage. As it result in fast tracking of such employees which can increase the chance of retaining of employee's interests in the hotel which can prove beneficial for the business. One of the best advantage of effective recruitment and selection process is that, it can increase the level of productivity in the hotel which is the best way for any hotel to achieve a competitive advantage in the industry (Truong, Hallinger and Sanga, 2017). Right process of on-boarding can have significant impact on the employee engagement and employee co-ordination which can increase the performance of employee in an organisation and also help in reduction of staff attrition in the hotel. Due to effective selection and recruitment process, it can fill the hotel with the best employees which is essential for gaining the competitive advantage and also helps in building a quality workplace for employees and also help in developing the good work environment in the hotel. This will surely help the business to achieve the competitive advantage in the industry. With effective selection and recruitment process Cardiff Marriott Hotel can increase its overall growth of the hotel within the industry as with this process company will be able to face the challenges and meet up the opportunities in the future which can help in achieving the competitive advantage for the hotel (Truong, Hallinger and Sanga, 2017). So, having an effective recruitments and selection process in the hotel company becomes able effectively manage its employees and have effective employees in the workplace which can improve the business process of the hotel which can help in achieving the competitive advantage.

    TASK 3

    Analyze and evaluate the principle factors that affect the culture, equality and diversity of an organization.

    Workplace diversity culture and equality has been affected by several different factors like company culture, company location and the type of company (Ahmed and, 2016). All such factors might impact the equality, diversity within an org

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