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    Role of HR and Employment Relation in British Airways

    University: University of Sydney

    • Unit No: 18
    • Level: Undergraduate/College
    • Pages: 16 / Words 3955
    • Paper Type: Assignment
    • Course Code: HRMT20024
    • Downloads: 829
    Question :

    This assessment will cover following questions :

    • Understand human resource managementin British Airways
    • Understand the effect of employee relations and employment law on service industries businesses.
    • Understand the recruitment and selection processin context of British Airways
    • Understand training and development in service industries businesses.
    Answer :


    The human resource management play vital role in organisation. They perform various functions such as recruitment, training and development, etc. in order to attain goals and objectives (Lusch,  and Nambisan,  2015). They also manage HR so that business operations are performed in effective way. By providing training, staff gain knowledge and skills to perform their work. Also, T&D is useful in increasing efficiency among staff. HRM manage employee by placing them at right position.

    This report will describe about role of HR and Hr plan in British Airways. Also, it will discuss about employment relation in airline industry and employment laws. Moreover, it will describe on job role of a specific position in airline industry and selection process of British Airways.

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    LO 1

    1.1 Role and purpose of HRM in British Airways

    The HR plays a significant role in managing human resource. There are responsible for identifying HR requirement and fulfilling it. Also, they select right person at right place. It enables in performing business functions and attaining goals and objectives. In British Airways there are several role which is played by HR which are as follows :-

    Planning and forecasting – It is the main purpose of HR as they are do forecast of how many employees are required for particular job role. Also, a plan is developed regarding how overall recruitment process will be done (Kianto, Sáenz, and Aramburu,  2017). beside this, HR identify job roles and person specifications. The forecasting shows in what department how many staff is needed. The plan include how training is provided, when, etc.

    Training and development – this is another role of HRM in which they train employees and develop them for a specific job role. The training enables them to learn and gain skills of how to perform job task and roles. HRM develop schedule of training and what method will be used. They also help in career growth of staff.

    Employee relationship – HRM also maintain employee relation with each other. For this they listen to their problems and solve it. Moreover, HR develop relation between managers and employees. They solve conflict among staff and communicate with them. Besides, employee feedback is taken to find out issues.

    Monitoring of employees- it is function of HRM in which they monitor employee. It means they evaluate performance of employees and identify weak and strong skills. Thus, accordingly to it training is provided to them. In addition, they analyse staff behaviour as well. In this HRM also identify weak areas, difficulties faced by them, etc.

    Purpose of Human Resource Management

    Human Resource Management has purpose to achieve goal and objective of British Airlines. It can fulfil purpose of industry by increasing productivity, profit, effectiveness of workers.

    To Improve Productivity: Main purpose of HRM is to improve and increase productivity of British Airlines. For that management has to recruit candidates who can justify duties and responsibilities of post (Bontis,  Janošević, and Dženopoljac,  2015). HRM also has to improve its recruitment process to hire qualified candidates. If well-qualified employees will work with British Airlines, productivity instinctively increase. Similarly, in British Airways HRM have enhanced efficiency of business. The staff is able to attain goals in effective way.

    To Improve Quality of Work: To improve quality of work HRM should ensure about working environment. For example, workers are getting positive workplace or not, by giving them flexible working hours, adjust proper lighting in office, by encouraging and motivating them and by providing employees beneficial compensation, health and safety policies. These factors will help BA to improve work quality. In British Airways HRM have trained staff to provide customer service in less time. This has led to retaining of customers.

    Soft and hard HRM – in this purpose HRM treat employees as resource and focus on needs of business. It means how much workforce is required. In soft HRM employee are treated as individual resources and their needs are fulfilled accordingly. It focuses on gaining competitive advantage through employee empowerment.

    1.2 HR plan based on supply and demand in British Airways

    HR planning is process of identifying current and future needs of work force. It is done in order to achieve goals and objectives (Chuang  and Lin,  2015). This is by developing a strategic plan and following a systematic process.

    HR plan is as follows :-

    Staff role


    Working hours

    Cabin crew staff role include providing services to passengers.

    50 Cabin Crew

    6- 8 hours

    Cabin crew assistant to support and help cabin crew and provide services


    8-10 hours


    LO 2

    2.1 Current employment relations in airline industry

    In every industry there are several laws and regulations of employment is followed. It binds company to maintain relation between employee and employer. The laws also enable in solving issues and ensuring that no discrimination is done (Gibbs,  MacDonald  and MacKay,  2015). It is necessary for organisation to maintain employee relations so that they are able to retain them for long term.

    In airline industry the current employee relation focuses on several elements. The industry has maintained a specific structure of growth. It has enabled in setting a proper culture and allowing employees to work in better work condition.

    Beside this, employee conflicts are solved through negotiation. In this trade union of British Airways that are Unite the Union and British Airline pilot association is involved. It has enabled in negotiating conflict and maintaining effective relation. Alongside, employees are allowed to participate in decision making (Bratton  and Gold,  2017). Their views are taken into consideration. This has resulted the airline industry to gain their satisfaction.

    Moreover, airline industry has adopted conflict management which makes it easy to solve conflict. It has benefited in reducing number of conflicts as staff are able to work by maintaining strong and effective relations with each other and management as well. The managers are highly focusing on creating a positive culture. However, they try to listen to staff problem and support them to a great extent.

    Grievances Procedure: This rule is especially involved by British Airways to settle down the conflicts between employee's in future like offence, injustice, disservice, criticism, outrage some employees and insult each other. It helped to take quick resolution if any of the above event occurs. Perhaps Airways keeps it mandatory to resolve the grievance of employees.

    British Airways Work Culture: British Airways culture consists of etiquette, beliefs, behavior and attitude. There is activity conducted to refresh up the minds of the current employee's every possible one day in a week. This has helped employees to become a part of airways. This has created spiritual work environment where each employee feels comfortable to work in.

    2.2 How employment law impact on management of British Airways

    Human resource management of the entity are responsible for the training and other kind of management personnel to ensure these laws are being upheld throughout the firm. HR managers is one of responsible authority to protect the firm against discrimination. There are number of key laws that are defined in following manner as are-

    Employment relation act 1999- this act provide many rights to employees in various areas such as maternity leave, trade union, employement agencies, part time work, etc. So, these all highly impact on management to take decision while taking this into considertion.

    Employment right act 1996- this act is protect the right of labor and employees who have signed contract of employment. The contract must be provided to employees within 8 weeks. It clearly defines the relationship between employer and employee. This law impaact of management of BA.

    Contract of employment – this contract in English law is a type of contract signed between employer and employee this act provides staff legal rights to work in airline industry. the contract consists of rules, regulations and policies that are followed by them. Thus, it impacts on BA management as they have to work under this act.

    Equal pay act 1970- This is act that provides right to an individual of the same contractual benefits and pay as the individual of opposite sex within the same employment (Gibbs,  MacDonald  and MacKay,  2015). The main aim of this act is to prohibit the discrimination on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, childbirth and pregnancy etc.

    Health and safety act 1974- This is the act that provides the framework to protect the safety, health and welfare of all the workers. It is law that that is framed out to for securing the health and welfare to the individuals.

    National minimum wages act 1998- It is act that relates with minimum pay to individual. Therefore, from April 2018 per hour wages for workers was about £7.83  for workers aged above 25 and  £7.38 per hour for the workers whose age is between 21 to 24. Each employee has right to get wages that authorised by the law for their work.

    Age discrimination act 2006- This law is for both vocational training programmers and employment. Therefore, this is unlawful to make discrimination on the basis of harass and victimize the applicants of job. It is law that protects the employees of age of 40 years above in relation to promotion, discharge and privileges of employment.

    Henceforth, this all acts that mentioned above affects the management of HRM. The Human resource of the enterprise are bound to follow the rules that are prescribed by the law.

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    TASK 3

    3.1 Discussion on job description and personal specifications.

    Job description

    Job title- Cabin crew, BA

    Band- Non management

    Department- BA CityFlyer

    job description

    To maintain safety and security in operations and monitoring standards are followed or not

    to provide high quality services to customers

    To provide safety training to colleagues

    To act as role model to co workers and following standards

    Person specification

    Above age of 18 years

    Must be fluent in English both written and speaking

    No criminla record

    Valid passport

    Height between 1.575 – 1.85 meter

    Can swim up to 55 yards


    The job of Cabin Crew is exists in which there is need to deliver outstanding customer service for London City team. Therefore, BA CityFlyer is mainly owned by subsidiary of British Airways. This job will provide opportunity to develop new skills and take control of the career path and will reward for the outstanding contribution.


    • Effective communication
    • Team working skills
    • Adaptability and Flexibility
    • Customer focus
    • Effective problem solving skills


    Person specification

    Professional summary- I am looking forward to delivering the outstanding customer service.  I am very passionate about working in airline industry. My problem solving skills are effective and assist every one with good communication skill. I always try my best to bring innovative ideas and conduct my own practices in well and effective manner.

    Core qualification

    • The person needs to be over the age of 18 to become the member of air cabin crew.
    • He must be able to speak second language that is highly desirable.
    • An individual must have good standard of education that needs to be inclusive of GCSEs  graded in subjects as Math and English.

    Academic qualification

    An individual must have graduate degree and needs to have expert in skills communication.

    Key skills

    • Passionate about delivering excellence service to customer's.
    • Effective skills in building  relationship with colleagues within professional boundaries.
    • I have better understanding in different cultures and background. 


    • I have customer service experience of Five years, within the Hospitality and travel industry.


    3.2 Compare selection process of different service industry

    Every industry is having their own selection which differs from another. It is because the process is based on job position and requirements. Apart from it, there are different procedure and methods followed in it. Moreover, company can also follow different selection process within same industry. It is done to select right candidate for right job. The process can vary on basis of steps or on selection criteria. Similarly, comparison of service industry process is as follows :-


    British Airways

    Transport for London

    Step 1

    The company upload required vacancies on their website. The candidates can view about vacant post on that.

    This step is similar in Transport for London as well. Here, also vacant posts are posted on company official website.

    Step 2

    Here, applicants are required to complete online questions. It enables in gaining basic info about candidate (Vogus,  and McClelland,  2016).

    The applicants have to register themselves by creating a new user ID and password.

    Step 3

    After above candidate have to complete an interest form. In this they have to insert details like e mail id, first and last name, etc.

    In this candidate directly apply on vacancy in which they want to. For this online application form is to be filled.

    Step 4

    Now, candidate have to fill online application form. There is no test conducted till step 4.

    Here, candidate have to complete basic requirement like a situational judgement test.

    Step 5

    Now, those candidates who have met basic requirement goes through series of tests such as numeracy, verbal reasoning, spatial test, etc.

    In Transport for London those candidates who have passed online test are invited for written test.

    Step 6

    The passed persons are invited for assessment test that includes role play, MCQ and interview. It is nothing mentioned that how many people take interview.

    It is similar in Transport for London as well. The persons are called for role play and interview which is conducted by two people.

    Step 7

    British Airways do medical check of selected person. It enables in ensuring that person is fit and healthy for particular job role.

    Transport for London also do medical check up of candidate. But for this they do it by providing questionnaire (Cohen  and Olsen,  2015).

    Step 8

    At last offer letter is given which contain details of training place, and schedule of 6 week training.

    Generally, offer is provided to them with no specific details.


    TASK 4

    4.1 Contribution of training and development in effective operation in British Airways

    T&D are important aspect in abc. It allows employee to learn skills and knowledge to perform various operations. Alongside, staff gain knowledge which helps in their career growth. However, they put more efforts in achieving goals. In this way operational efficiency is enhanced and staff contribute.

    Benefits of training: Training programs plays an important role in enhancing the professional expertise among employees. British airways conduct various training programs such as cabin crew training, training for safety work procedures and other job oriented training (Gibbs,  MacDonald  and MacKay, 2015). Training programs helps individuals to understand the professional needs of their job role as well as organizational needs so that quality services can be provided by the employees. Training programs provide expertise to individuals so that professional errors or negligence can be avoided.

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    Difference between training and development:

    The key difference between training and development is that training helps employees to develop skills and knowledge in accordance to specific job roles or job requirements. On the other hand development programs are educational process which emphasis on overall growth and development of employees (DedeoÄŸlu  and Demirer,  2015). Thus, training is short term and serves the purpose for immediate needs while development programs aimed at long term goals and designed for meeting the future requirements. Another difference between both of these learning processes is that training are usually group focused while development is more personalised and vary from individuals needs.

    Training types: There are mainly two types of training named as on job training and off job training.

    On the job training: On job trainings are provided by the professionals at work site so that individuals can gain learning by performing the tasks. These trainings gives opportunities to learner so that they can learn by performing. Since it is provided at work place it can affect the work. For instance the candidates who join British Airways are trained at work place regarding safety policies so that they can make themselves aware of organisational policies.

    Off the job training: These types of training are provided at different locations from the work place. This type of training aims at providing theoretical knowledge to the individuals so that when at work site they can deliver accurate outcome. British airways flight training at global learning academy is one of the example of this training. This training does not affect the work as it is provided in different environment.

    Need and role of training

    In British Airways the need of training is to train them for doing specific task. They gain knowledge and skills through which activities are performed. In company the training is require to improve quality of customer service (Widodo,  and SU,  2018). Also, it enables in gaining satisfaction of customers by providing them services in less time. Through it, goals and objectives are attained in effective way. This also increases staff efficiency and boost their confidence. Moreover, by learning knowledge they apply in their work. It enhances their skills and results in growth.

    It can be summarised that training and development has highly contributed in improving British Airways operational efficiency. The staff are able to work in team and perform tasks in creative way. Furthermore, they have learned how to tackle or manage critical situation and achieve goals in time. It also supports in creating a positive culture and maintaining quality of services. The staff help other in completing task. They share ideas and views to managers.


    From report it can be concluded that there are HRM plays crucial role in managing employees within an organisation. The role of HRM is to plan and forecast work force requirement, monitor employee performance, etc. Their purpose is to improve productivity and quality of work, soft and hard HRM, etc. In British Airways HR plan is developed on basis of supply and demand. The airline industry has adopted conflict management, negotiation practice, etc to maintain employee relations. Moreover, there are several employment laws that impact HR of British Airways such as employment relation act, employee right act, etc. Cabin crew require specific skills and knowledge in it. In British Airways and Transport for London selection process varies.

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