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    Social Cognitive Theory Bandura Model

    University: Regent College

    • Unit No: 1
    • Level: Undergraduate/College
    • Pages: 6 / Words 1560
    • Paper Type: Essay
    • Course Code: PSY 530
    • Downloads: 533
    Question :

    Topic - Using social cognitive theory bandura 1986 write an essay that examines factors that impact the individual conduct of staff.


    Applying Social Cognitive Theory (Bandura 1986), write a 1500-word essay which analyse the factors which influence the individual conduct of staff in ONE of the case studies.

    • You are required to analyse the factors from at least two out theory's three topics in Bandura's model (personal, environmental, behavioural).
    • You are required to support your explanation with a minimum of THREE academic sources from the module's reading list. TWO additional sources of your choice through the Angila Ruskin Library website, and examples from ONE of the case studies given below
    • You are strictly required to structure your arguments and write in a very proper style.

    Select one of the two case studies given below:

    Case Study 1: Staff dealing with hotel rebranding

    The Principal Hotel London is very historic building which is situated in Russel square. It was known as 'Russell Hotel' for most of the time of history. The IHG Hotels which is an international hotel chain bought it in May 2018. The hotel provides employment to over 200 people across reception, facilities, food & beverages, operations, sales, housekeeping and events.

    IHG Hotels mainly emphasis on making it guests feel welcome and valued all around the globe. It owns various hotel brands in order to meet the needs of guests in their own different way. One of such brands is 'Kimpton'. Kimpton is mainly a brand of boutique which deals in environmental friendly hotels. It is famous for making its travellers genuinely cared throughout the perks and amenities with a sincerely personal style of guest service.

    Case Study 2: Restructure at Guardian Newspaper

    The Guardian is newspaper which is British and it operates all over the world. It is mainly managed and organised by Scott Trust with the purpose to “secure the financial and editorial independence of the Guardian in perpetuity: as a quality national newspaper” (The Guardian,2015). Although, this goal has become increasingly difficult in the current years with changes in technology and in market. The trust had a number of changes to the organisation and even needs to do more of such changes.

    In 2009, the Guardian has mainly joined their online news team with the newsroom for making their own printed paper. As a result, journalists had to start writing for the website, who had written the paper. The team mainly began a routine which was of three news meetings a day. The morning meeting was mostly online focused, covering live reporting and had forward planning for the day. The midday meeting was mostly on printed newspaper. The meeting of afternoon was on forward planning.

    Answer :


    Albert Bandura has established the Social cognitive theory which mainly focuses on interaction between three parameters i.e., behaviour, environmental and personal (Papinczak, and, (2017)). The particular set of study will focus on effectively determining factors that impact the individual conduct of staff by effectively using Social cognitive theory Bandura model 1986.


    The case study will be examined through complete analysis of the subject matter. The factors such as psychological and sociological factors will be determined in order to assess the individual staff. Hamilton and, (2016) determine the fact that, The Social Cognitive Theory has started as Social learning theory in the year 1960 by Albert Bandura. This learning theory further established into Social cognitive theory in the year 1986. Learning tends to occur in social context with reciprocal and dynamic interaction of behaviour, environment and person. The Social Cognitive Theory is considered to be one of the unique way when individuals maintain a behaviour while effectively taking into consideration the social environment. Boateng, and, (2016) argues that, change in the social environment will eventually results in change in the behaviour and person. This theory is not properly organized and heavily rely on the process of learning. Furthermore, this study does not focus on emotion or motivation. The Social Cognitive Theory put more emphasis on the key importance of modelling and observing the emotional reaction, behaviour and attitude of an individual. Bandura's Social cognitive theory is considered to be an effective model which is based on the triadic reciprocity model where personal traits, environment and behaviour interacts.

    As per the case study, The Principal Hotel London is considered to be one of the Historic building which is located in the Russell Square. The hotel employ more than 200 employees across facilities, operations, food and beverages, housekeeping, events, operations, etc. IHG hotel focus on keeping its guest feel valued and welcomed across the globe. Kimpton is one of the brand which is environmentally friendly. It focuses on feeling guests genuinely cared by offering various amenities and perks and personal style of the guest service. This case examines the fact that, the principal Hotel London create a very friendly environment. This motivates the parameters of the Bandura's Social cognitive theory. Friendly environment results in improving the behaviour and person within the organization. This helps in delivering effective services to the individuals which eventually leads to higher operational growth and services (The Social Cognitive Theory, 2020). IHG hotels has finished its rebranding last April which mainly comprise of re- training staff on the new policy procedures and changed computer system. Staff were also trained related with the implementation of green policy and also learning style of Kimpton customer service. The Hotel has been closed for the purpose of redesigning which has resulted in transfer of employees to other hotels. This eventually affects employees within the hotel to adjust to new culture policies and standards. Rebranding was considered to be necessary for increasing the room occupancy which eventually leads to higher profits. This eventually leads to higher career opportunities for the employees for long tern growth of the IHG hotel.

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    Jenkins, Hall and Raeside, (2018) examined the fact that, there are various factors which influences the individual conduct of the staff. Social cognitive theory of Bandura tends to account for various biological personal factors which mainly includes ethnicity, genetic predisposition, temperament, sex, etc. influences the behaviour of an individual. This leads to two way interaction between the personal characteristics and environment. Font, Garay and Jones, (2016) determine the fact that, Bandura's Social cognitive theory is considered to be very useful because it helps in effectively dealing with various emotional and cognitive events associated with several environmental factors. The friendly environment of the principal Hotel London contributes towards behaviour change and various other cognition change in individual person. This study demonstrates that, the belief of an individual in their own self efficacy will influence the behaviour of an individual. A friendly environment at the Hotel influences staff of the hotel to carry out each task with utmost accuracy and efficiency. Self- efficacy is considered to be very important in order to predict and reproduce an observed behaviour. Cognition is referred to as a simple term which is used to effectively refer to the mental processing who involves comprehension and gaining knowledge. The key factors associated with the Albert Bandura's Social cognitive theory helps in judging, problem solving, thinking, etc. Schunk and Usher, (2019) sought to determine the fact that, Cognitive theory is based on assessing the individual's thought in order to determine his or her behaviour and emotions. Eco- friendly environment and focus on green and sustainable business activities within the Hotel industry which helps in influencing the behaviour of an individual which eventually leads to future growth and development of the Hotel company. Individual factors such as personal goals, personality, behaviour, knowledge, values, etc. focuses on effectively carry out several business operations. Employees behaviour is influenced by the factors such as self – esteem, demographical and biographical characteristics physical abilities, personality etc. there are several cultural norms and unethical behaviour which affects the business operations. Font, Garay and Jones, (2016) determine the fact that, the key factors such as individual skills, personal characteristics, etc. which influence the behaviour of an individual conduct of staff. The individual factors such as attitude, moral values, personal intentions, goals, etc. influence the behaviour of the staff within the organization while carrying out several business operations. Environment which helps individual grow helps in influencing the behaviour of the individual. This also results in future growth and development of the person which helps in delivering the best customer services. The key four primary cognitive capabilities of the Albert Bandura's Social cognitive theory is to focus on self regulation capability, vicarious capability, self- reflective capability and symbolizing capability. One of the key central theme of the Albert Bandura's Social cognitive theory is to put more emphasis on the modelling and observing behaviour, emotional reaction and attitude of other individuals. The social influences tend to play a key role in modifying social influences. This helps in conveying information and activating emotional reactions with the help of social persuasion, instruction and modelling. The staff members in the organisation acquire several new knowledge and behaviours by effectively observing a set model. Nabi, and Prestin, (2017) examined the fact that, without the integration and interaction of these though processes, no emotions and behaviour can be influenced. Behaviour of an individual can be influenced and this focuses on environmental stimuli which changes the behaviour of an individual. Albert Bandura's Social cognitive theory is effectively used to effectively understand how individual person learn and effectively take control over their behaviour. Environmental stimuli change the behaviour of an individual. Alteration in the environmental factors influences the behaviour of an individual. Response inhabitation, information processing, pattern recognition, working memory, multiple simultaneous attention, response inhibition, category formation, etc. are considered to be the core cognitive capabilities.

    Liguori, Bendickson and McDowell, (2018) investigate that, personal factors such as affection, biological events and cognitive factors influence the behaviour of the staff to carry out specific activities within the organizational sector. Factors which free samples improves self efficacy mainly carry out mastery experience which leads to long term operational growth and sustainability. As per the case study, Kimpston is highly renowned for delivering personal style of guest service by effectively offering thoughtful perks and amenities to the guest. This eventually results in change in the behaviour of the guest. Hence, it has been concluded that, positive change in the environmental stimuli will eventually results in change in the behaviour of the individual (Social Cognitive Theory: How We Learn From the Behavior of Others, 2019). The reciprocal change in the relationship will eventually lead to reciprocal interaction between the environment, personal and behaviour of an individual. Vicarious reinforcement play a key role in effectively determining whether an individual person will choose to engage in the behaviour or not. Nabi, and Prestin, (2017) determine the fact that, One of the major component associated with the Albert Bandura's Social cognitive theory is based on observational learning. The belief of an individual which is based on their own self- efficacy influences whether an individual will tend to produce an observed behaviour. Albert Bandura's Social cognitive theory tends to view people as active agents who are influenced by the environment. This results in change in the individual behaviour. 


    From the above conducted study it has been summarized that, the Social Cognitive Theory is in referred to as one of the unique way where individuals maintain a behaviour while effectively taking into consideration the social environment. Change in the environmental stimuli affects the behaviour of the individual which influence the behaviour of the staff to carry out specific activities. Furthermore, this study concludes that, change in the relationship will eventually lead to reciprocal interaction between the environment, personal and behaviour of an individual.

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