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    Customer Experience Management of Ritz Hotel

    University: Mont Rose College of management & Sciences

    • Unit No: 2
    • Level: Undergraduate/College
    • Pages: 10 / Words 2594
    • Paper Type: Essay
    • Course Code: D/616/1789
    • Downloads: 843
    Question :

    Task-A This will be covered in Power point presentation

    Learning outcomes-

    LO1 What are the needs and expectations of the market segment in Ritz hotel.

    LO2 For the purpose of creating business opportunities and analysing the touch points of customer, make use of the customer experience map

    Brief and guidance-


    Consider that you are working as a guest relation executive in Ritz hotel. At this position you are playing role in coordinating and managing communications among the guest and hotel for ensuring that seamless operation occur and also for constantly assessing guest satisfaction for maintaining and improving quality of the product and service to the high standards.

    New staff has entered into a hotel and you are required to conduct an induction programme that will include the management of customer experience. The presentation that will be prepared will be including needs, wants and preferences of the target customer groups.

    Title of the presentation will be “The value and importance of understanding the needs, wants and preferences of the target customer groups for the hospitality services” . Thus the presentation will cover-

    • Do an evaluation of the series of distinct target customer groups, their needs and expectations in relation to customer engagement. For this purpose it will include an explanation of the importance of understanding the needs, wants and preferences of the different target customer groups for Ritz hotel and also an analysis of the factors that impacts customer engagement while making a review of how the engagement of customer factors describe onboarding strategies for the broader range of the customer groups
    • Present a customer experience map that will depict customer journey model and also highlight the activities and actions taken at each customer touch points to create the opportunities in business

    Task-B Individual Report

    Learning outcomes

    LO3 What impact does digital technology provide in customer relationship management

    LO4 Provide an application of the customer experience management in Ritz hotel for the purpose of maintaining customer engagement

    Brief and guidance-


    The report will cover about the influence of digital technology in the management of the customer relationship and along with this explain the management of customer experience for the benefit of Ritz hotel.

    Thus address the following questions-

    • Do the critical analysis of the pros and cons of the customer relationship management system used in hotel with the objective of acquiring and retaining the customers. In context to this first you are require to inspect the role of digital technology in managing the experience of the customer. Use specific examples of the customer relationship management systems
    • What customer service strategies and communications are used in hotel and how it impacts the business along with this explain the way in which the creation and development of the customer experience which meet the needs of the customer and required business standards. Provide recommendations for the improvements.




    LO1 What are the needs and expectations of the market segment in Ritz hotel.

    D1 Make an evaluation of the distinct target customer groups, their needs and expectations in terms of customer engagement

    P1 How important it is to understand the needs, wants and preferences of the target customer groups in hotel

    P2 What factors impact customer engagement of different target customer group

    M1 Do review the factors of customer engagement that describes the customer on boarding strategies of different target group of the customer

    LO2 For the purpose of creating business opportunities and analysing the touch points of customer, make use of the customer experience map

    D2 Provide a light on optimisation of the customer touch points by the hotel that impacts behaviour, response and actions of customer

    P3 produce a customer experience map of hotel

    P4 Describe the way in which customer touch points is constantly creating the business opportunities through the customer experience

    M2 Do create an in detail map of the customer experience that will be present the journey model of the consumers and also discuss the activities and action taken at each customer touch points

    LO3 What impact does digital technology provide in customer relationship management

    D3 Do the critical evaluation of the advantages and disadvantages of the CRM systems that is used in the service sector

    P5 Discuss the employment of the digital technology in managing the customer experience

    M3 Do an evaluation of the employed digital technology in managing the customer experience

    LO4 Provide an application of the customer experience management in Ritz hotel for the purpose of maintaining customer engagement

    D4 Provide an application of the customer experience that is effective in hotel.

    P6 Provide illustration on the customer service strategies

    P7 Produce a way in which strategies with respect to customer service develop the customer experience that helps in meeting the needs of the customer and required business standards

    M4 Customer services strategies are applied in hotel. Review

    Answer :


    Customer experience management is the significant practice that assist the organisation to maintain significant relationship with final user of the product and services by accommodating their requirement significantly. By maintaining the long term customer relationship management via electronic medium boost up the loyalty of consumer for particular company or brand (Ali and et. al., 2018). For hospitality sector digital media plays an essential role as it help to communicate and spread awareness about the services of company. Based on which the experience of the national and international traveller can be effectively managed. To better define the topic Ritz hotel has been selected which is located in London and attract the premium customer by offering various amenities. The company provide luxury hotel rooms, conference hall, spa corner, restaurant and bars facility for the convenience of people. This essay cover topics like impact of digital media technologies to manage customer relationship. Along with that application of customer experience management to maximize the customer engagement within service sector are covered in the report.

    TASK 3

    P5: Examine how digital technology is employed in managing the customer experience within service sector, providing specific examples of customer relationship management system

    Digital technology involves the use of modern technology by which company within specific time can connect with various customers through virtual media. This has encourage the speedy operations as well as managed the transparency as within hospitality sector service seeker can track the availability as well as gain the verification regarding booking of room. Digital transformation has enhanced the ease of doing business by building the effective online marketing strategies and promote the business through digital channels like SEM, affiliate marketing, email strategies, social medium etc. Thus, based on analytical tools the company can create ecosystem and offer value to the stakeholder of company (Baker, 2016).

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    Application of digital technology to manage the experience of customer within service sector

    In modern era, most of the companies irrespective of their size, purpose or scope depend upon the digital media in order to deliver the services by displaying in online catalogue and successfully handle the queries of customer. This is the significant way to reach out to the potential customer through effective online campaign. Within, Ritz hotel the use of digital technology plays an essential role in terms to effective maintain the record of customer and build their viable experience. On the basis of the customer's database respected company can effectively analyse the preferences of the majority of customer based on which they can continuously improve their operations. Also application of digital techniques significantly encourage the company to deliver better personalised experience which encourages to maintain the loyal customer base. Thus, it significantly help the firm to enhance the efficiency, productivity for the long term growth as well as development of company (Bilgihan, Kandampully and Zhang, 2016). Explanation of certain factors that encourages the use of digital technology in order to deliver significant experience to the customer in terms of service sector are stated below:

    Chatbots are the latest innovation in the business that has significantly enhanced the delivery of digital services in an organisation. With the help of this tool the organisation can instantly handle the queries of customer in terms of services. In relation to Ritz hotel the virtual assistance help to instantly fulfil the demand of customer which support the internal operations of company. The company has deploy the chatbots services at its website by which they can support the communication with customer through instant message (Digital technologies improving the customer experience journey, 2017). Thud, it is an effective tool that has improved the experience of customer and leads to long term satisfaction.

    The use of data analytic helps the company to gain immense data about customer in terms of their preferences, age group, gender, peak time of the arrival of national and international tourist. This massive data act as an input which can be used in favour of company as they can accordingly bring the modifications and deliver desirable services to the end user efficiently. Based on this digital tool Ritz hotel can gain deep insights regarding the customer behaviour which help in the growth as well as development. This indicator too assist respective hotel to focus on the areas where they can enrich their operations ans lead to high engagement rate.

    Customer relationship management systems is an effective marketing tool that is used to enhance the ability of business to cultivate as well as nurture its relationship with final service seeker. This is a vital approach that has evolved the business by offering a virtual platform where the customer can effectively interact with company's representative. Earlier of motive of CRM was only to track and access the customer's information with the motive to derive out revenue. But in modern, robust CRM the company with the help of this technique can significantly reduce the cost associated in different department and stream the processes in order to expand the profitability of firm. Application of CRM system is useful for the Ritz hotel in terms to forecast the sales, conduct customer interaction, visualise the change in trend and perform the task that widen profitability in terms to carry out business. The explantation of different type of systems in order to retain the existing customer and acquire potential ones are explained below:

    Operational CRM can be used by Ritz hotel in order to manage its routine marketing as well as sales activities for the better operations of customer services. This is widely used in the hospitality sector because their day to day strategy in terms of pricing and promotion vary (Chauhan and Manhas, 2017). This system can be used for different purpose like marketing automation where the role of respected hotel is to run promotional activities like email campaign. Similarly, sales force automation help the company to generate leads in order too carter the need of new customers as well. The main advantage associated with this system is that it help to maintain consistent relation with the customer via email campaign and text message. This help them to deliver valuable experience to customer. On contrary, disadvantage of this system is that it is not necessary that the purpose of routine campaign effectively met.

    Analytical CRM offer the unique solution to company by systematically managing all details of customer which leads to better acquisition and retention of employees. Based on this system Ritz hotel can access the overall data of customer and convert it in relevant information for better implication of policies. The advantage of this tool is that it represent the performance graph of Ritz hotel for specific tenure based on which necessary alternations can be made for better functioning. However, disadvantage related to this is that detailed information can led to confusion that affect the sales funnel and final targets of company.

    TASK 4

    P6: Illustrate customer service strategies in a specific service sector

    Customers dictate their choice and the firms have to act according to their requirement. Creative and Innovative products also have to be made accordingly (Deshwal, 2016). A firm which does not makes goods suiting their needs and demands will find itself out of the market in no time. Thus, it is essential that the customer has a good experience.

    Creating a vision as there needs to be a vision in the organization on how to meet the needs and demands of the customer. A successful business manager is the one who has the vision on how to satisfy the customers. Listening to the problems and grievances of the customers also is very important. The problems and grievances of the customers need to be addressed by Ritz hotel because satisfied customer would refer several other customers thereby increasing the sales of the enterprise. Thus, it is essential for Ritz hotel to create a vision like become market leader amongst luxury hotels of London is extremely essential to incorporate the role of different functional areas.

    Ritz hotel needs to understand their loyal customers and focus on their premium product and service which is designed in order to create value addition. For better function respected company need to classify the customer or markets in order to find out their needs, wants, demands and must try to make a product or provide services which satisfy the customers. It is very much necessary for the hospitality company to remain updated regarding the dynamic environment and changing preference of customer in order to accommodate it effectively (Goodman, 2019). 

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    Creating emotional connection with the customers is vital for Ritz hotel to formulate the emotional connection with its existing customers because it help to avoid the switching of services irrespective of high or low switching cost. So the company need to firmly deal with their guest and consider them as the valuable part of the hotel by delivering them excellent services in order to manager the long term experience with them. Additionally, sharing of viable bond strengthen the interpersonal relationship which is the effective customer service strategy (McColl-Kennedy and et. al., 2017). Thus, this not only retain the interest of existing customer but also persuade other persuade other referral to avail the services of respected company. Especially in service sector promotion through referral is an effective strategy that help to maximize the profitability of hotel.

    Personalizing the experience of customer is again the significant strategy which needs to be performed by an organisation in order to provide special treatment to the customer. It even include the customised services which are delivered to retain the interest of customer. Within Ritz hotel the internal staff carry out interaction with the help of various tools like email chat, website, social media platform, chatbots and so on. This highly offer convenience to customer which enhances their reliability on the speedy services of company. For repetitive retention of the brand the company offer notification based on their upgraded services which can somewhere instigate the people to become the part of suitable company.

    Capture customer feedback in real time as feedback is very important in order to make future improvement on the products as well as free sample services of the firm. Thus, the constructive feedback generated by existing customer is an effective customer service strategy that is used to improve the quality of services delivered by Ritz hotel. The reviews must be taken positively rather than formulating negatively approach as this can maximise the efforts made to improve the quality of goods and services. Various methods and techniques can be used to capture the customer feedback like selected company offers the space to the customer where they can share their experience and according provide rating. Along with that they can contact customer service department and directly address the queries for better handling of the situation (Peppers and Rogers, 2016). Therefore, customer support team specifically dedicated for this purpose to enrich the experience of target group which finally improve the chances of efficiency and effectiveness.

    P7: Demonstrate how customer service strategies create and develop the customer experience in a way that meets the needs of the customer and required business standard

    Customer service strategy are basically formulated to retain the interest of client which shape the internal operations of hospitality industry. The use of innovative technology have bring significant revolution in terms to deliver and respond the needs of customer. By neglecting the use of modern digital marketing technology the organisation can not effective transmit its offering within mass market. This led the enterprises to massively dependent on the innovative technology that build up supreme level of customer's experience in order to attain the predetermined business standard significantly. In case of hospitality sector the business solely rely in delivering the services so to understand the changing demand company need to meet the latest expectation of the customer significantly. Moreover, desirable use of the metrics and tools like google analytics assist the Ritz hotel to driven out data driven decision in order to generate the better result. 

    Certain customer service strategy that help in delivery of better services in order to flourish the operations of business include formulating the emotional connection with customer (Srivastava and Kaul, 2016). This is the significant retention strategy that help to set the unique image of company. With the intensive use of digital media technology has enhanced the ease in maintaining relationship with the existing as well as potential customer. Like, the hotel rather than telecasting the advertisement for whole market can optimise its options on the basis of the likings and income group of people. This is the significant tool to reach out to potential customer and with the help of innovative services the company can engage the potential customer. Along with that there are certain other techniques such as use of analytical tools that give deep insights to the hotel in terms to analyse customer response, engagement rate, bounce rate, number of leads and so on. Illustration of this information in the graphical presentation assist Ritz hotel in terms to better design the strategy to enhance the engagement rate of customer. The internal staff of the hotel highly depend on this tool and accordingly bring changes in their strategy to deliver value to the customer. Unlike traditional media the use of digital media promote two way communication which help respected hotel to gain the result at real time (Zolkiewski and et. al., 2017). As within the home market of Ritz hotel that is London which involve existence of huge competition because most of the local residence prefer travelling and encourage high tourism rate. So the manager of company welcome the constructive feedback as well as suggestion posted by the customer in different digital media tools like website. Along with that on the basis of opinion the hotel promote the significant changes which attract as well as retain the interest of traveller. Meeting the changing requirement of the customer by using innovative technology helps in building the E-CRM which is required to attain the business standard of company.


    From the above report it has been determined that the existence of digital media have transformed the way to deal with customer. As it comprises the use of various tool like website, SEO, email marketing and social media to deliver the value to customer and provide result at real time. The use of effective customer relationship techniques like chatbots and data analytics helps in developing significant strategies by tracking the performance of customer and accommodate the individual requirement effectively. Along with that the company need to focus on the customer relationship strategies to better understand their perspective and carry forwards the long term relationship. Therefore, adequate application of customer service strategy encourages the affirmative response of the people to become loyal customers and successfully participate top attain business standard within stimulated time frame. 

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