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    Impact of branding strategy on customer buying behavior

    Data Analysis Amnd Findings

    Data analysis section is highly significant part of dissertation which clearly presents the findings of study.  Hence, data analysis may be served as a process which is concerned with the assessment of suitable findings. In this, by employing suitable technique according to the type of investigation undertaken researcher can present the fair view of problem. To gain understanding about the level to which branding strategies have an impact on customer buying behavior as well as purchasing decision thematic perception test technique has been used by the scholar.

    In accordance with such technique several themes have been prepared by the researcher on the basis of the responses provided by the customers in relation to each question. Further, views of respondents have been analyzed or evaluated by scholar on the basis of secondary data findings. The rationale behind this, literature review section clearly provides understanding about the views of different authors in relation to the research topic. Hence, by considering secondary data findings searcher has made evaluation of qualitative facts and views of respondents regarding branding in an effectual way.

    Theme 1: Customers make purchase of branded products more frequently


    Views of respondents

    % of respondents




    Very often













    Findings: The above mentioned table presents that out of 30 people, 50% respondents very often makes purchase of branded products.  On the other side, 33% customers of Apple often, whereas 17% people rarely makes focus on purchasing branded products. In contrast to this, respondents which have been selected no one falls in such category who never made purchase of branded products.

    Interpretation: Graphical presentation shows that large number of Apple’s customer prefer to make purchase of branded products. From literature review section, it has been assessed that there are several factors which in turn encourages personnel to make purchase of branded products and services. It includes social, cultural, personal and psychological factors which have high level of impact on customer’s decision making.

    It has been identified from literature review section that social class and status from which individual belongs have great impact on their decision making. Along with this, income level, past experience with the product, lifestyle and culture is the main factors that have high level of impact on customer decision making and their buying behavior. Hence, from assessment and on the basis of secondary findings it has been identified that customers usually make comparison of price with the quality aspect. Besides this,   past experience and status symbol are other major factors that are undertaken by the customers of Apple while taking decision about purchase. Hence, customers who more frequently make   purchase of Apple’s products are highly rich and places more emphasis on reflecting their lifestyles.

    Further, by making evaluation of findings of various scholars it has been determined that usually customers make decision by taking into account specific process. Such process starts with need identification and ends with post-purchase evaluation.  On the basis of this aspect, large number of customers of Apple such as 33% primarily assesses their need and thereafter makes effort in relation to identification of best product by searching information.

    For this purpose, customers usually take suggestions from their friends and family members. Thereafter, by making in-depth evaluation of each and every aspect customers take decision in relation to making purchase of products or services. Further, customers also make evaluation of their purchasing decision in terms of quality, price etc.  Hence, all such aspects have been evaluated by customers who often make purchase of products. From the output of investigation, it has been assessed that large number of customers of Apple makes purchase of product more frequently. On the contrary to it, 17% respondents do not make purchase of branded products more frequently.

    Theme 2: Large number of customers is loyal towards the products offered by Apple


    Views of respondents

    % of respondents












    Findings: Under this analysis, analyst asks question to customer regarding loyalty towards Apple and brand value in market. In this process, actual position of goods and services provided by company. Therefore, according to research, it is determine that 73% consumers have positive attitude and perception towards product features. It represents that organization and its product has effective reputation in the global market that impacts on productivity and profitability level of entity.

    Including this, various approaches and characteristics of mobile is determined that is helpful for long term sustainability of organization worldwide. In addition to this, different ideas are generated for implementing further business activities and effective planning procedure in future trends. Hence, finding out actual performance and accurate position of Apple is obtained through this determinant. It emerges product value and exact brand recognition for  Apple products.

    Interpretation: As per conducting survey, researcher determines that 22 respondents out of 30 are loyal towards Apple products that is good for the organization. However, it is considered that attitude and perception of customers towards mobile company is positive. It is because of varieties of features are determined as effective brand product. Including this, there is different qualitative services provided by company regarding features and implementing tools.

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    Moreover, according to market survey, it is obtained that due to variances in consumer behavior and different tastes, there are high level of loyalty is recognized that is related to productivity and profitability of firm. It impacts on environment of organization for brand recognition and continuously improving service qualities for mobile features. Along with demand at large scale is determined that represents effective market position of Apple globally. Mobile's quality features enhance its good reputation in market and also increases its brand value worldwide.

    Apart from this, remaining 8 respondents out of 30 are not loyal for Apple Company’s brand product due to high cost of goods and services. It is critically evaluated that organization sets high level of price for product service so all customers’ remains unable to afford cost. Therefore, this graph is presented by analysing all angles of company and respondents' views over product features. Hence, it is considered that Apple Company has significant and effective value in global market according to survey recognition. However, actual branding and customer loyalty towards mobile features is determined through this research.

    Theme 3: Lifestyle as well as social and friendship group has high level of influence on customer’s decision making


    Views of respondents

    % of respondents










    Social and friendship group








    Findings: Above mentioned chart presents that 30% respondents said that social and friendship grop has high level of impact on their decision making. In contrast to this, 47% customers of Apple presented that status and lifestyle is one of the main elements that is considered by customers at the time of decision making. On the other side, 23% people entail that eaning and level of disposable income has high level of impact on customers decision making.

    Interpretation and analysis: Thesis prepared from secondary data investigation clearly presents that now significant changes have taken place in the lifestyle or living standard of people. Now, people place emphasis on status aspect while taking decision in relation to the purchasing of products or services. This aspect can be supported from literature review section which clearly entails that now people carry products which reflect their lifestyle and thereby build distinct image in the society. Customers of Apple make focus on purchasing laptop, mobile phones etc. which are offered by it with the aim to reflect their high living standard.

    Findings of Haffar and, 2016 presented in literature review section calerly entails brand symbol helps in  identifying the product of specific business unitn more effectively. In this, logo of Apple enables customer to show their high lifestyle or living standard. Moreover, people who carry phones and other gazettes of Apple are considered as high income group.  This aspect shows that perception level of customers toward Apple is  very high in terms of quality, brand, price etc.

    On the other hand, purchasing power and decision making aspect of customers are also highly influenced from their income level. The reason behind this, disposable income is the major factors that enables business entity to develop highly suitable and competent plan. From the evaluation of secondary data, it has been identified that customers prefer to spend high on luxurious products when their disposable income is high. Hence, it is one of the main reasons due to which large number of people said that they consider income level or aspect while take decision about investing money in mobile phones, laptops etc. Thus, such aspect also has major impact on the decision making aspect of customers. 

    On the other side, social and friendship are other main aspects that have great impact on customers’ decision in relation to purchase. Moreover, now before purchasing products individuals take suggestion from their friends. By analyzing qualitative facts and aspects it have been assessed the if one of the best friends of individual have phone of Apple company then he will also recommend such gazette to others. Besides this, people also make discussion with their family members while including in purchasing of highly expensive products. Thus, it can be stated that recommendations which are provided by the friends and family members have high level of impact on customers decision in relation to purchase. Thus, Apple needs to keep  in mind all such aspects while taking decision about purchase.

     Theme 4:  Brand identity and imager is highly significant for customers


    Views of respondents

    % of respondents












    Interpretation: As per the above analysis, it can be interpreted that brand identity is considered as one of most critical aspect for every business firm. If business firm is not having appropriate brand recognistion then it will impact the overall outcome in diverse manner. By having an improvement in brand recognition the issues can be overcome effectively so that long term sustainability can be advanced. It has been noticed that out of 30 respondents the 25 of them has stated that brand identity and image is significant to consider. It is because it allows attracting customers and leading business to impressive level of success.

    By having an effective understanding of brand image number of customers buys products and services. In addition to this, usually company prefers to sell products from their existing brand name once it attain in success in the market. In this regard, if one product of business organization fails to meet the expectation level of customers then it negatively impacts its brand image or position in the market. in addition to this, branding offers high level of benefit to the business organization in terms of customer loyalty and enhancement of goodwill. Moreover, branding strategy distinguishes one product from another to the significant level.

    On the other side, only 5 of them has stated that brand identity is not one of signioficant factor for organisations. It means awareness about brand image need to be improved so that long term sustainability can be advanced effectively. Along with this, diffrenttiation in logo and tag line is also beneficial to consider. With an assistance of this, key measures can be advanced effectively in order to meet key goals and objectives so that long term sustainability can be advanced. Hence, logo helps customers in identifying the products more effectively and efficiently. Along with this, now customers prefer to purchase products or services from the retailer which maintains high quality of the product. It allows to advance brand recognisation and helps in meeting objectives.

    Theme 5: Quality level or aspect of branded products is very high


    Views of respondents

    % of respondents










    On the basis of above investigation, it can be stated that majority of individuals believe that branded products offer high quality. It means by having an focus on quality of products the issues can be overcome in desired manner. It allows attracting more and more customers and making sure that long term sustainability can be advanced. In addition to this, it can be stated that out of 30 respondents the 26 of them has stated that quality of branded products is high as compared to small businesses and local brands. It means by having an improvement in quality aspects the brand image of business can be advanced effectively.

    Along with this, long term sustainability can be boosted by having advancement in product quality. It has been noticed that if product quality is not appropriate then brand image might get affected in negative manner. In addition to this, customer decision making highly affects repeat purchase and loyalty aspect of customers. By having an effective consideration of product quality the business can also have advancement in the loyalty aspect so that goals and objectives can be accomplished effectively.

    In addition to this, it has been witnessed by me that only four of members has stated that branded companies does not have appropriate quality. According to such kind of individuals there are many brands in the market who do not offer quality products as per their pricing so that long term sustainability can be advanced effectively. Moreover, brand loyalty of the customers is highly influenced from the outcome of post purchase evaluation.

    Theme 6: Very high prices are high charged by Apple for the products or services offered by it


    Views of respondents

    % of respondents




    Very high












    TotalDo you follow purchasing process while taking decision about electronic gazettes?

     Yes () 25

    No () 5




    Findings: The above mentioned table depicts that 47% customers said that very high prices are charged by Apple. On the other side, 23% respondents said that prices charged by Apple are high as compared to others. Further, out of 100%, 20% customers said that competitive prices are charged by Apple for unique or attractive products offered. On the contrary to this, 10% people said that prices which are charged by Apple neither too high nor too lower. Whereas, out of 30 respondents, no one said that prices charged by Apple for electronic products are lower.  

    Interpretation and analysis: In this, by making evaluation of  secondary data it has been assessed that customers usually make comparison of the price with quality aspect. Customers perceive that products which are costly having high quality. Along with this, people also have mindset in relation that it they will carry costly products then it will positively impact their image and lifestyle. Further, when company enjoys high level of brand identity in the market then it charges high prices on the account of goodwill. Hence, Apple is one of the leading brand that is enjoying high market share and customer base in the field of

    Theme 7: Apple is the leading brand which comes in the personnel’s mind first while they take decision about the purchasing of gazettes 


    Views of respondents

    % of respondents




















    Standard Error






    Standard Deviation


    Sample Variance
















    Findings: by analyzing the results of survey, it has been assessed that majority of the  customers such as 43% prefer to  purchase the products offered by Apple. In contrast to this, 23% respondents presnted that Sony comes in their mind first while they make decision about the purchasing of electronic items. Whereas, 20% consider Samsunfg brand and remaining people make  focus on purchasing the products of ITC. Hence, by considering the overall aspects it can be stated that large number of customers place emphasis on purchasing products which are introduced by Apple.  

    Interpretation and analysis: Outcome of primary data investigation presents that Apple brand click in the mind of customers first when they take decision about purchase. Khan and, (2016) clearly stated their views that branding  have major impact on the decision making and purchasing decision of customers. Moreover, brand of Apple  has built its distinct image at marketplace  in terms of social status, income, attributes and advancements.

    Further, different types of customers consider varied aspects while taking decsion about purchase. Moreover, some people prefers to purchase the products  with the motive to reflect their high social status. Apple is the leading brand which has built identity in the category of high income grouop people. This aspect shows that customers who consider Apple brand on top most priority belongs from high income group. Along this, literature review section entailed that Apple and Dell are the  major companies who develop highly attractive or promotional campaign for providing information to the customers about unique offering. Looking to the results of descriptive statistics, it has been founded that median of the data set is derived to 6.5. However, majority of the respondents above median (50%) to 13 supported Apple and replied that Apple is the leading brand that provides the best electronic gazettes to the consumers to satisfy their expectation as per specification.

    Hence, such advertisement aspects entice the decision making aspect of customers to a significant level. For instance: when customers plan to purchase mobile phone then advertisement or promotional plans click in their mind first. This in turn enables them to make comparison of  features of Apple’s mobile phone with other brand. Further, when customers want to take decision about purchasing highly advanced product then Apple  brand comes in their mind on prior basis. Hence, Apple has developed its unique identity in the mind of customers on the basis of all such characteristics.

    On the other hand, price sensitivity is another major aspects that have an impact on customer decision making. Moreover, now due to the availability of large number of companies customers make decision after making comparison of each aspect such as price, features etc. Hence, by making in-depth evaluation of each and every aspect customers select the brand or retailer. It is the main reasons  due to which 23%  customers support Sony. One of the respondents said that Sony offers  high quality products to the customers at affordable  prices. In addition to this, some of the respondents underatke  Samsung, whereas other follows  HTC. The main causes behind this is both Samsung and HTC  offers electronoic products to the customers at  affordable prices. Thus, perception towards the brand, features and  income level are the  major  major that influences brand identity. 

    Theme 8: Advancement or technology differentiates Apple from other brand


    Views of respondents

    % of respondents

    Advancement or




    Customer service














    Standard Error






    Standard Deviation


    Sample Variance
















    Findings: Under this research, analyst compares Apple brand with another electronic gazettes companies that which features create uniqueness of product. In this process, 50% respondents view that Apple has advancement technology that makes its effective position in global market. However, remaining 50% are segregate in two parts that 27% are loyal because of products' high quality features. While 23% are attracted towards organization's customer services. Therefore, accurate reasons are determined behind Apple brand's uniqueness that which characteristics make it more famous and increases its brand and product value. It finds out various substances to be focused for next further years' business activities.

    Interpretation: According to market research for brand value in market, analyst determines quality features that attract consumers at high level. Therefore, researcher asks question to respondents that advancement or technology, manner to dealing with customers and quality of mobile features, which characteristics highly attracted to buyers that enhances brand value in globally. Thus, answers obtained for this question is that 50% are attracted towards advancement and technological features of mobile company. While 27% views that quality features of Apple enhances productivity and profit earning capacity of organization.

    Moreover, it is determined that remaining 23% considered as customer services of Apple increases brand value of firm in market. However,  different ideas and techniques are obtained for creating Apple more effective and provides manner in which organization can maintain and sustain its good reputation in market. It increases customer loyalty towards brand and improving quality services of  features. In addition to this, various features and qualitative goods are obtained for increasing in business and competitive strategies. In addition to this, actual business performance and mobile features qualities are recognized through this research. On behalf of this research, manager of the firm prepares strategy for proper management including planning, organizing and evaluating for creating better business profile and gaining financial and non-monetary development of Apple at high level. It is interrelated with other organizational functions such as production, research and development, production and operation including customer dealing services and so on. Therefore, various determinants are obtained for enlargement and increasing qualitative services of firm. It impacts on overall business activities as well remains effective for long term sustainability of organization in global market.

    As per the founded descriptive statistics, it can be seen that average number of consumers are 10 and majority of the respondents above mean to 15 said that advancement or technology of Apple’s products and services make it distinctive from its competitors. Further, median of the series is computed to 8 and exceeding the median, there are larger participants who favoured the technological advancement as a crucial aspect behind the competitive strengtheness of the Apple Inc. It enable the company to become leader in the industry.

    Theme 9: Customer agree that branding has high impact on the decision-making


    Views of respondents

    % of respondents




    Strongly agree






    Strongly disagree









    Finding: Under this research, analyst recognizes customer views over branding impact on decision-making tool. In accordance to this, different opinions are obtained for making decisions and preparing strategies for further years efficiency. As per market research, it is determined that out of 30 some respondents favor for the tool that represents product value and quality features in market. Therefore, in this research, it is resulted that 10 respondents are strongly agreed that branding and its effective recognition plays crucial role in decision-making and planning procedures. While, 8 selected sample customer view that branding is considered as key element for management and increasing quality features of Apple effectively. In addition to this, out of overall respondents, 7 are disagreed that branding do not affect on organization's effectiveness because of as per view their view, it is analysis that there are some other factors also available that impacts on decision-making.

    Interpretation: It is interpreted from conducting survey that branding impacts in decision-making for enhancing efficiency of Apple. In accordance to this, 33% respondents are strongly favors that branding has effective impact on decision-making. However, it has been represented that organization has developing brand position and sustains attractive position in market for gaining large number of demand and profit to face competition. Moreover, 7 respondents are disagreed that Apple branding is not a determinant for making decisions regarding decision-making and preparing planning for further business activities.

    In addition to this, 3 out of 30 view that Apple does not make decisions on the basis of branding and product value. However, competitive advantage and different tools for making position in market is determined through this research process. Including this, proper market research and effective value of brand is recognized that presents consumer views over qualitative features of mobile for Apple company. It is related to increasing business and competitive strategies. However, customer views are obtained by this research that Apple brand position influences market value and long term sustainability tools for expansion and increasing in qualitative services of firm. Thus, on behalf of this recognition various tools and techniques are determined for company's effectiveness at high level.

    Theme 10: Consumers follow purchasing process while taking decisions about electronic gazettes.


    Views of respondents

    % of respondents










    Finding: In this research, analyst identifies buyer behavior related to their purchasing power that proceeds to make decisions for further business activities. Therefore, it is obtained that 83% of consumers view that they follow purchasing process while take decision for purchasing electronic gazettes. It is interrelated with advertising marketing essential of Apple that presents market position of organization to face competition. However, according to conducting survey, it is recognized that customers look at market value and electronic gazettes position of organization. It includes focusing upon different factors such as technology or advancement, quality features and manner to dealing with customers.

    Interpretation: Researcher analysis buyer behavior related to electronic gazettes market position that presents effectiveness of Apple. As per market survey, it is obtained that customer decides to purchase goods by looking at products' value and demand in market. Including this, it involves varieties of factors for determining place of firm for facing competition. It increases competitive strategy and emerges different tools for sustaining its market value. In addition to this, different strategies are prepared for making place in competitive market. Moreover, it can be analyzed that advertisement techniques which are used by Apple are favorable or not. In this regard, several ideas for generated for enhancing qualitative services and making place in market.

    It is directly linked with recognizing market research and product place to face competition. There are several determinants obtain for presenting advertising tools and customers' view over quality features of organization and its products. Along with, this research is valuable to determine that at which level product is developed and sustained its position even by facing cut throat competition. It generates idea for forecasting future market value of electronic gazettes. It includes different factors that impact on environment of company for management and producing services. Apart from this, analyst views that market position of electronic gezates would be sustained in market or not, this term is generated. Including this, several idea for obtained for increasing and maintaining customer attraction towards goods and services. Therefore, according to research proceed, it is determined that advertisement tools and product implementation method are obtained through this analysis that impacts on future and current trend for marketing. It is determined through this study that customers at high level makes decision for purchasing electronic gazettes according to market value of products.

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